МЕТА: розвивати уміння читати і розуміти автентичні тексти, розглядаючи їх як джерело різноманітної інформації і як засіб оволодіння нею; навчати висловлювати свою думку, використовуючи алгоритмічну схему.
Hello, pupils. How are you today?
Teacher: Let`s organize a class speech contest to revise the words on the topic “shops” you have learned at home.
Pupils : bakery, butcher`s, outfitter`s, department store, mall, salesman, cashier, price, cash-desk, market, haberdashery ,stationary,etc.
Teacher: OK. Let`s go on. Tell me, please, what do we buy at baker`s? (greengrocer`s, confectioner`s, butcher`s, etc)
Teacher: ask your partner where he went yesterday and what he bought there.
The teacher walks around in the classroom and takes while the learners are doing pair work.
Teacher: we usually do the shopping at the supermarkets and malls. Can you tell me the other way of buying things.
Pupils: sometimes we buy something on the Internet
Teacher: You are right. Shopping online is very popular nowadays.
Do you or your parent`s buy anything online?
What kind of shopping is better? To decide this, let`s read the text GOING TO THE SHOPS? And find out ups and downs buying online and buying in the shops.
ups |
downs |
Shopping online |
Going to the shop |
1 . sometimes it is more expensive. 2. You spend a lot of time choosing
Teacher: of course, there are more reasons why people do the shopping online or at the local shops. Think it over and express you opinion in some sentences using the scheme:
I prefer………….
That`s why……….
Fist of all, ………..
Besides, ………………….
And of cource,…….
I am sure……………..
Pupils do the task.
Teacher: give me your copybooks and write down your home task. Ask your parents about going to the shops and shopping online. Then write down your mum`s or your dad`s opinion with their reasons using the same scheme.
Any questions? No questions. See you.