Урок “About Myself, My Friends, My Family. Appearance. Character Traits”

Про матеріал
Урок узагальнення знань у 7 класі спеціалізованих та загальноосвітніх шкіл з елементами розповіді про себе, друзів та свою родину.
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НВК  “Ерудит”

Солом’янський район


Вчитель англійської мови вищої категорії

Кривошея С.В

Урок англійської мови у 7 класі

Тема: “About Myself, My Friends, My Family.

Appearance. Character Traits”























General:   to practise topical vocabulary

                  to provide a useful context to practise topical vocabulary

                  to practse saying about person’s appearance

                  to practise saying about person’s character traits

                  to correct students’ knowledge of the theme

                  to provide a useful context to practice topical vocabulary


Specific:   to teach students to say about appearance and character traits    

                  to develop speaking/writing/reading/listening skills

                  to check out students’ language abilities

                  to develop students’ creative competence

                  to educate students’ competence in person’s appearance and   

                     character traits through the theme  


Materials: a printed text “Debora”

                   a  spoken text “Flora”

                   lexical tasks


                   a projector

                   a screen 

                   Photo File



Motto:     Things are not always what they seem.










                             Lesson Structure

I.  Organizing class.


II. Reporting the aims and the subjects of the lesson.

           The theme of our lesson is “Appearance. Character Traits”. Today at the lesson we’ll practise saying, writing, listening and reading skills through the Photo File and Presentation.

            When we speak about smb’s character we can characterize a person as: serious, generous, polite…  Name other positive features.

             Or on the contrary: sneaky, cheeky, upset… Name other negative features.


III. Warming up.

         A. Reading motto of the lesson.

         B. Reviewing topical vocabulary.

              Students fill in the table (Task 1. See Presentation). Then they exchange their notes with their partners. The partners make stories.


IV. Checking home task.

       Friend’s appearance. (Any type of project is possible)


V. Pre-reading activity. Writing.

        Students are asked to complete sentences using topical vocabulary (Task 2. See Presentation)


VI.While-reading activity.

      Students are given a printed text “Debora” (See Appendix).


VII. Post-reading activity.

            A. Students are asked to fill in the table about appearance and character traits of Debora. (Task 3. See Presentation). 

            B. Students say about Debora, using the table.


VIII. Listening activity.

          Students listen to a description of any person from Photo File.

          She is twenty. She has dark wavy hair and brown eyes. Her nose is straight and pointed, her lips are thin. She wears her hair long. She is a good student. She is helpful and sympathetic to people around her. Crosswords are her hobby. She likes wearing blouses, pullovers, skirts and jeans. As for the colours, she prefers blue and black.

           Look at her now. She is smiling. She is happy. Her name is...(Flora)


IX*. Practising  asking about a person. (Eva)

         A student is asked to come up to the Photo File, choose any person and keeps her/his name secret. To find out the name of the person students,  should ask only General Questions.

           Is it a man?

           Is it a girl?

           Does she wear her hair long (short, in braids, cut)?

           Does she wear jeans (skirt, breeches)?

           Does she like a blue (white, green) colour?  Etc.

X. Home assignment.

                     1. Tell about appearance and character traits of your 



XI. Summarizing.

          Thank you. You’ve done a great work. I see you pay attention to you own appearance and do you best to be neat and tidy, disciplined and serious, try to be better, be generous to people around you, be happy with life.  “Be yourself and you’ll feel at home anywhere”.

          Your marks are…

           The lesson is over.
















 This is DEBORA. She is 10. She isn’t at school now. That’s why she wears breeches, a blouse and trainers with white socks.

   She is a fair haired girl and wears her hair shoulder-long. She isn’t very tall. She has an oval face and hazel laughing eyes. She has a lovely fresh complexion, but her teeth are uneven. Everybody says she takes after her mother in appearance and after her grandfather in character.

   What friends like best about her is that she is full of tricks and jokes. She likes making fun and telling jokes. Just like her grandfather does! Owing to her good memory she knows a great deal of jokes. As she says, “I like to see people laughing and smiling”. Her  friends say, ”She is never boring.”

   But Debora says that she sometimes gets annoyed. She finds it difficult to wait for anything or anybody. And she hates people who are always late.

   She does well at school. Her favourite lessons are drama and music. She herself can play the guitar. She wants to be an actress and star in musicals. She is really very artistic! Besides she is optimistic, imaginative, creative  and, of course, humorous.

   Her parents think she is too energetic. Whenever she starts making fun she makes too much noise.

   She is good at making and carrying out different plans. Look at her now. She is practicing a new fun. She invites you to follow her. Will you?





17 листопада 2021
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