Особливою формою STEAM-навчання є інтегровані уроки, які спрямовані на встановлення міжпредметних зв"язків, що сприяють формуванню в учнів цілісного, системного світогляду, актуалізації особистісного ставлення до питань, що розглядаються на уроці. Запропонований матеріал є практико-орієнтованим та доступним для учнів 3 класу, які полюбляють створювати щось нове, застосовуючи знання та вміння отримані за період навчання.
Different Seasons – Different Colours
(Science, Art, Maths, Technology, Reading, English)
Students will:
Have students sit in a big circle and tell them to think of adjectives to describe seasons. Show them a picture of summer and ask to say: “This season is beautiful (hot, sunny, bright etc.) Students have to describe all the seasons using as many adjectives as they can.
Tell students they will create a Season Cinquain. (A cinquain is a short, five-line poem with own rules:
On the first line write a name of a season.
On the second line write two adjectives to describe the season.
On the third line write three verbs to show what you can do during the season.
On the fourth line write another adjective.
On the fifth line write a description of the season in just three words)
Beautiful, rainy
Play, watch, enjoy
I love this season
Show students the example at the beginning of the activity. Tell students they will be creating their own collage. Pass out materials. Each student will need one large sheet of paper and a set of different shapes of different colours to create one season to include in the collage. Help students if necessary. After students complete the basic forms, have them add details such as trunks, these details can be added with crayons or markers. When students’ collages are completed, have them place on the board.
When students have finished their work, have a poster presentation. For the presentation, divide the class into two groups. To begin, one half of the class will be the presenters, while the other half will be the audience. The audience should ask the presenters questions about their poster. After sufficient time, have the two groups switch roles.
Ask students to create other geometric trees in different seasons.