Урок англійської мови для 9 класу шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов на тему "Фразеологічні одиниці"

Про матеріал

Урок розкриває суть поняття "фразеологічна одиниця" для учнів 9 класів. З такого уроку можна почати цикл ознайомлюючих занять з теми, використати матеріали для роботи з обдарованими дітьми.

Перегляд файлу

Макаренко Л.Ф.

План-конспект уроку для 9 класу


Тема:   «Фразеологізми англійської мови»

Мета:  навчальна: практикувати вміння говоріння; використовувати вивчений лексичний матеріал як в усному, так і в писемному мовленні;

розвивальна: розвивати в учнів вміння спостереження,   аналізу, порівняння та узагальнення;

виховна: виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до мови та повагу до культури англомовних країн.

Обладнання: роздаткові картки iз завданнями.


І. Організація класу та мовна підготовка

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to discuss one of the most interesting and amazing topics of the English language – phraseologisms, or idioms. As we know, phraseological unit / set expression / idiom is a group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word. So, let’s read the sentences and try to find phraseologisms among all of the words. Please, take the cards with the tasks.

  1. It was four o'clock in the morning and London was as silent as the grave. (абсолютно тихий)
  2. In theory, good schools will grow and prosper and bad schools will go to the wall. (зазнати невдачі)
  3. If you want to be a successful politician, you can't afford to have too many skeletons in your cupboard. (серйозний секрет)
  4. Even when they go out in the evening, they just talk shop all the time. (говорити про роботу в неробочий час)
  5. For the second year running Ireland took the wooden spoon in the Rugby tournament. (посідати останнє місце)

ІІ.  Основний етап

T: Excellent. You’ve coped with this task wonderfully! At home you were supposed to learn some idioms for today. Let’s check up your homework assignment. Match the words/phrases, then use them to complete the sentences below. It is a written task, so you have 6 minutes to do it. Use your cards again, please.

 as different as

in a blue moon




in the clouds

have one's head

chalk and cheese



  1. You would never know they are twins. They are …

 (as different as chalk and cheese)

  1. My sister lives in Alaska, so I only get to see her …

(once in a blue moon)

  1. I heard that Tom was … his job yesterday.

(dismissed from)

  1. Jane is a daydreamer. She always …

 (have her head in the clouds)

  1. When I was at school, we had to learn passages from Shakespeare …

(by heart)

T: Complete the sentences with the words given below. Explain the meaning of the idioms.

  • birds;
  • butterflies;
  • bull;
  • lion;
  • crocodile.
  1. Ben was so nervous he had _________ in his stomach before he gave his speech. (butterflies)
  2. If I go into town to visit Mark, I might as well kill two _______ with one stone and do some shopping on the way home. (birds)
  3. I don't want to tell Liz the truth but I suppose it's time to take the ______ by the horns and get it over with. (bull)
  4. I'm sure Jean wasn't really upset; those were just ______ tears. (crocodile)
  5. Peter has done most of the work, so he should get the ________'s share of the money. (lion)

T: All right. I think it’s very interesting for you to become acquainted with the world of English phraseologisms. Let’s move on. Now we will try to remember the vocabulary on the topic “Food”. Your task is to fill in the gaps with the correct word from the list below and then explain the meaning of each expression.

  • Beans, cake, soup, potato, nutshell, tea.
    1. I thought it would be really difficult to cook that Thai recipe, but in the end it was a piece of … (=easy – cake)
    2. The children had a nap this afternoon so now they are full of … (=energetic – beans)
    3. I didn't go to see the film with Alex because it didn't sound like my cup of … (= to one's taste – tea)
    4. It is very simple. It a … all have to do is call them and see what they want. (=simply put – nutshell)
    5. A labour relation is a bit of a hot … in our office at the moment. (=controversial – potato)
    6. Whenever she opens her mouth, she seems to land right in the …(= in trouble – soup)

T: As for me, it’s time to have a little rest. Let’s read two short dialogues and find out why there are jokes.

I. Bob: Why are the baby strawberries crying?

Alex: Because their parents are in a jam!

*Be in a jam = to be in a difficult situation.

II. There is a holiday dinner in the house of Miss Shilly. She says to Mr. Ivanov (her Russian fellow): Help yourself to lemonade!  He answers: Why I need to help myself and all the more to lemonade? I don’t need any help!

*Help yourself = to take smth from the table (food, drink)

T: And now try to make in pairs the similar jokes containing following idioms. If you wish, use your own phraseologisms. If you have some difficulties, just make sentences.

be as right as rain (to feel well)

be as cool as a cucumber (to be very calm and relaxed, especially in a difficult situation) 

put your hand in your pocket (to give money to charity organizations that collect money to give to poor people, ill people etc.)

 your salad days (the time when you were young and had little experience of life)

 Show a leg! (something that you say in order to tell someone to get out of bed) 

ІІІ. Завершуючий етап


T: So our lesson is coming to the end. I hope you will remember all the information about English phraseology and the rules of its use.

Please, put down your home task for the next time.

  1. Translate the sentences into English using phraseologisms.
  • Джесіка грає другорядну роль у роботі цієї фірми.
  • Любов за розрахунком не завжди покращує життя.
  • Оце така справа – машина не заводиться, а я маю виходити за 5 хв.
  • Команда Бена виграла матч. Тренер був надзвичайно щасливий.
  • Деякі з воєнних сцен – явище не з приємних, треба бути дуже сильним, щоб дивитися їх.
  • Йому б краще впевнитися, що він робить усе правильно, якщо він ще хоче тут працювати.

2) Write a short composition on the topic “Why it is important to use set expressions in our everyday conversations”. Use as many phraseologisms as possible but at the same time make sure that all the idioms are necessary and don’t overload the text.

T: Thank you for your good work today. The result of this is your knowledge and successful answers during the lesson. It was a real pleasure to work with you.


21 квітня 2018
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