Тема: Моя Батьківщина
Урок 1
Тема: Моя Батьківщина
Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, мультимедійна презентація, дидактичний матеріал з теми.
Хід уроку
I Introduction
So, let’s start our lesson. I hope you’ll be creative and active during our today’s lesson.
I want to begin with, I want to draw your attention on the statements on the blackboard (на дощці напис англійською мовою)
“He who loves not his land, can love nothing”
This wonderful words belongs to the great poet G.G. Byron. His love to his land was deep. He couldn’t imagine his life without his Motherland.
I think these Byron’s word can be the motto of our lesson. The topic of our lesson is “My native land - Poltava”. It is devoted to our little Motherland – Poltava Region.
The problem of the lesson is to provide that our region is really one of the most important cities in Ukraine.
II Main body
1)Warm up
2) Presentation new words
Cossack Cross-козацький хрест
Emblem- (мовна здогадка)
Belt - пояс
Shield - щит
Coat of arms- герб
Red-horseshoe – червона підкова
Sheaf of wheat – сніп пшениці
Golden bow- золотий лук
Golden gate with 3 towers – золоті ворота з трьома вежами
a)reading the text
My native land is Poltava. It’s regional centre, located on the right bank of the Vorskla river, 333 km from Kyiv.350,000 people live in the it. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in our country. Poltava and it’s region is also connected with the name of M.V. Gogol, who wrote its places in his stories. Now it is machine – building, metal-working, food and light industries are well devoted. Poltava has 25 districts, 1783 villages. Coat of arms of Poltavs’ka Oblast’ – a shield into four parts raspberry diamonds, silver fess wavy azure belt. The flag of region is a Cossack cross (yellow) on the blue background. The most famous place are “Corps Garden”(Korpusnui Sad), “The White Arbor”(Bila Altanka), the monument Ivan Kotliarevskyi, Mykola Gogol. There are many churches, cathedrals (Assumption Cathedral, the Cross-exulting Monastery, The Temple of Faith, Hope and Love ). The most famous are The museum of Poltava, the Art Gallery.
It’s a students’ town. Here can we see some higher schools, for example, the State Teacher Training University, the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, the University of Consumers’ Goods Cooperation, the State Agricultural Academy, the National Technical University and other.
Every year many tourists visit our native land. They can stay at the comfortable hotels such as “Gallery”, “Palazzo”, “Ukraine”, “Kyiv”.
b)post-reading activity
- Give answers.
1.What is your native city?
2. Where is it situated?
3.How many people do live in it?
4.What can you say about modern Poltava?
5. What is the most famous places do you know?
6. Have you ever been in the theatre of Gogol?
7.How many districts are there?
8. What is the largest river of the region?
4) Grammar
Вчитель пояснює правила і вживання особових займенників в англійській мові.
Для закріплення учні виконують вправи.
I / We / He / She / It / They
1.______ is reading a book. (Sam)
2. ______ is green. (The tree)
3. ______ are on the wall (The pictures)
4. ______ are running. (The elephants)
5. ______ are watching TV. (My sisters)
6. ______ is in the garden. (The flower)
7. ______ is riding his bike. (Ron)
8. ______ are dirty. (Anna`s dresses)
9. ______ has a brother. (Rana)
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on the hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, tree, stop!
Stand still!
5) Writing
my sister - ____
his sister - ____
his dog - ____
his dogs - ____
his Granny - ____
his mother - ____
his bike - ____
his bikes - ____
his brother - ____
his plane - ____
III Sum up
Вивчити нові слова, і перекласти подані речення.
Полтава - мальовниче місто. Вона розташована в центральній частині України. Проживає понад 350 тисяч людей. Це промисловий центр. На територіє області багато річок, озер. Окрасою міста є Корпусний Сад та Біла Альтанка.
2.Sum up
Let’ draw the conclusion of our lesson. Answer my question, please. Why are you proud of our region?
Your work is wonderful today. Thanks a lot of our today’s lesson. It has come to the end. Good – bye. See you next time.