Урок англійської мови "Domestic animals" (для 1го класу НУШ)

Про матеріал

Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson learners will be able to

  • name domestic animals,
  • compare animals (using adjectives “big”, “small”),
  • describe animals (using the structure “This is a…”).
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Lesson plan



Grade: 1 

Unit: Domestic animals   

Lesson time: 30 minutes + 15 minute extension

Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson learners will be able to

  • name domestic animals,
  • compare animals (using adjectives “big”, “small”),
  • describe animals (using the structure “This is a…”).

Concept: use of the adjective before the noun, use of the structure “This is a…”

Recycled language: greetings, a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a goose, a hen, a horse, red, blue, green, white, black, yellow + new words “big”, “small”.

Language support resources: cards “Word circle” (Appendix 1), poster “Domestic animals”, cards “Domestic animals”

Preparation: prepare the instructions carefully


Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language



3 mins

  1. Greeting
  2. Work with the poster “Domestic animals” (teacher points to the picture, learners name the words in chorus)



a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a goose, a hen, a horse

Whole class



10 mins

1.Teacher says: “Let’s play a game!”

2.Teacher divides the class into pairs – one learners is “one” and the other learner is “two” (move the learners as necessary)

3.Teacher gives pupils the cards “Word circle” and proposes the learners “one” to put the indicator on the picture , the learners “two” to try to put the English word and the Ukrainian translation under it.

4.Teacher monitors extensively

5. Teacher changes the learner’s roles and checks instructions for “ones” and “twos”

6.Teacher gives instructions to continue until the stop signal is given.




greetings, a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a goose, a hen, a horse

Whole class in pairs

Consolidation activity

10 mins

1. Teacher gives pupils cards “Domestic animals”. Pupils work in pairs (the division on pairs is the same)

2. Teacher explains 2 new words (adjectives “big”, “small” )

3.Learners in pairs divide cards into two groups

- big animals

- small animals

4.Teacher monitors extensively

5.Teacher asks several pairs to stand up.

6.Learners name the word combination (for example “a small hen”)

7.Teacher asks the class “Is that right?” Class says “Yes!” / “No!”



greetings, a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a goose, a hen, a horse, big, small

Whole class in pairs

Closing activity

7 mins

1.Teacher proposes pupils to describe animals from the poster

2.Teacher demonstrates “This is a dog. This is a small dog. This is a black dog”

3.Teacher points to the picture, learners try to describe one by one.

4.Teacher points to the watch and says “It’s time to finish. Thank you, class. Goodbye”

5.Class stands up and says “Goodbye”



a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a goose, a hen, a horse, big, small, red, blue, green, white, black, yellow

Whole class

Extension activity

15 mins

Playing the game “Board bash” (using the letters). Teacher divides the class into two teams. Learners point the letter, which the teacher said.




Letters A-M

Whole class in two teams











Appendix 1


Card “Word circle”



3 липня 2018
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