Урок англійської мови " Книжки в нашому житті. Бібліотека", 8 клас

Про матеріал
Матеріал циклу уроків можна використовувати протягом вивчення всієї теми" Книжки та письменники. Бібліотека".Тут представлені різні форми роботи з аудіювання, читання, письма та говоріння. До цього уроку є моя презентація, опублікована 26.12.2023.р.
Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку з англійської мови вчителя Веремчук А.П.

Клас: 8

Тема уроку: «Книжки в нашому житті. Бібліотека».

Мета уроку: 

 поглибити знання учнів про різні жанри книг та їхнє значення для розвитку світогляду людини;

актуалізувати  лексичний матеріал з теми;

повторити та закріпити граматичний матеріал (минулий неозначений час пасивного стану);

удосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, вчити працювати з текстом, вибирати з прочитаного найсуттєвіше;

продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного мовлення; тренувати навички аудіювання;

продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння в говорінні та письмі;

формувати навички групової та парної роботи,

розвивати мовну здогадку, довготривалу та оперативну пам’ять , культуру спілкування;

 сприяти розвитку аналітичного й критичного мислення;

прищеплювати любов до книжок,  відповідальность за доручену справу, вчити навичкам колективізму й толерантності;

стимулювати прагнення до здобуття знань.

розвивати кмітливість і пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.


Обладнання: підручник Несвіт А. 8 клас, презентація теми,

відео “At the Library”, аудіозапис для аудіювання тексту

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань і умінь.




  1. Оргмомент.
    1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


Повідомлення теми та мети уроку:

T: Now read the riddle and guess the theme of our lesson.

We have friends.  They cannot walk, and cannot see,

But they are very good for you and me.

With these friends we sail on ships, and ride on trains

And even fly in airplanes.

These friends show us towns, seas, and lands.

Can you guess who these good friends are?

Pupil: These friends are books. Books are our friends. They are “the treasure house of information”, as the saying goes. It is impossible to become an educated person without books.

Teacher: Right you are. A book is a main source of knowledge. It is impossible to imagine our life without books. They play an important role in educating, upbringing and help us to get useful information. Where can we get books?

Pupil 1: In the bookstores ( bookshops) .

Pupil 2: At the markets.

Pupil 3: Аt the libraries. ( at smb`s home libraries, in the Internet)


Teacher: So the theme of our lesson is "At the library" and   we are going to revise the words you`ve learned earlier and to learn the new ones; to practice in grammar – Past Simple Passive; to improve your reading,writing, listening and speaking skills. So, the subtopic of our lesson is “A trip to the library”.

  1. Фонетична зарядка – Phonetic Drill

T:1. Follow my reading of the poem “ Book Look”

2.Read after me

Since books are friends

They need much care.

When you are reading them

Be good to them and fair.


Use bookmarks, children,

To hold your place

And don`t turn a book

Upon its clear face.


Remember, children, then:

Books are meant to read,

Not cut or colour them,

No really never, indeed!


1.3 Власний учнівський віршований  переклад вірша українською ( за бажанням учнів по домашньому завданню) - You were given the task to write a poetic translation of this poem in Ukrainian. Who has made an attempt? Has anybody tried to compose your own version of this poem? Reproduce it, please.


  1.  Основна частина уроку

1. Warming up

T: Do you like doing crosswords or riddles? Look at the blackboard and guess the words. Read the sentences.

 1. A reference book with maps of the world. (an atlas)

2. A story about the life of a real person. (a biography)

3.We read it at the every lesson. (a book)

4. A piece of writing in a newspaper. (an article)

5. A person who likes to read. (a reader)

6. A book in which you write down the events of each day and your thoughts. (a diary)

7. A children`s story in which magical things happen. (a fairy tale)


2. Робота з прислів’ями - Work with Proverbs.

T. Books give us a lot of information. There are many wise proverbs and quotations about books. Let’s remember and translate  some of them.

- A room without books is a body without soul.

- Choose a book as you choose a friend.

- There is no frigate like a book. – Немає іншого путівника, ніж книга.

- Don’t judge a book by its cover.

- Reading is the best learning.

- There is no friend so faithful as a good book.

- Like author like book.

- Wear the old coat and buy a new book.


What proverb do you like the most?

 3.  Бесіда з теми - Discussion

Discuss the questions:

         Do you like reading books?  What kinds of books do you know? What kind of books do you read most often? ( comedies, adventure books, detectives, mysteries,  dramas, science fiction, novels, legends, fairy tales, myths, humorous stories, biographies, history and war books, theatrical plays)

         Do you have a favourite writer? Who is he/she? What books of this author have you read?

         Do you have many books at home? Have you read all of them?

         What books should be kept in every home? (I think encyclopedias and favourite fiction books)

         What role do books and libraries play in our life? (As for me, they educate and entertain us) ( They give us knowledge) ( We can get new experience).

         Do you know what an e-book is? (As far as I know, it`s a book that we read in the Internet)

         What is an audiobook? (It`s a book we listen to in the Internet but not read)

         Why do we read books? (As far as I consider we read for information, for fun, to spend some time)

         Do you think people will read paper books in the future? (I think they will.)

         Will there be libraries in the future? ( To my mind,  they will be in future.)


4. Reading

Робота з текстом 1 “A trip to the library”. (Ex.3 p.70)

а) словникова робота  - Vocabulary work: Before reading the text let`s learn the new words from it. Read them after me and write them down into your vocabulary.

               to exclaim- вигукувати;

               the Reading Room – читальна зала

the Multimedia Hall – мультимедійна зала

               to sing up for the library – записатися до бібліотеки;

               a registration desk - стіл реєстрації

               fiction - художня література;

               non-fiction -документальна література;

               Interlibrary Exchange -міжбібліотечний обмін;

*  The Book Borrowing Department – відділ видачі книг у  тимчасове користування, відділ абонементу

б) читання тексту (scanning) Read the text aloud.

в) етап перевірки розуміння прочитаного (слайд) -

 Read and tick the statements T(True) or F(False)

               The girls decided to go to the cinema.

               Anika didn’t like going to the library.

  • Library is the place where you can meet new friends.

               In the Reading Room people can work on the computers.

               The librarian showed a good collection of modern and classical music.

               You can sign up at the Multimedia Hall.

               Molly helped Anika to choose a book.

               The girls went home very happy.

г) робота в парах ( Ex.4 p.71) – Pair work

д) письмова робота – Writing:

Complete the sentences and write a short story 

               Library is a house of... (reading)

               You can find interesting.... (books, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries)

               People can work in the ... and... (the Reading Room … the Multimedia Hall)

               Every library has a collection of... (books, atlases, encyclopedias, reference books, newspapers, magazines, novel, poems and music)

               The librarian can sign up... and help you to ... (for the Book Borrowing Department (=library) … to choose a book)

               If there isn’t the book you are looking for... you can...( to read at home … ask a librarian for advice)

Text 2:  Reading  - Робота з текстом 2

1. Pre – Reading Activities. Answer the questions.

1) What kind of books can you find at the library? (Detective books, adventure books, thrillers, science fiction, fairy-tales, humorous stories, poems, novels, myths, legends, books about war, dramas etc)

2) Do you know the origin of the word “Library”? If not, listen and read the text to know the answer to it.

2. While – Reading Activities.  Listen to my reading of the text and follow it ,   then say if the libraries are an ancient human invention. Then read the text, please.


The word “library” comes from the Latin word “liber”, meaning “book”.

   This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

   Libraries appeared in ancient time in Egypt, Greece and Rome.

   The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

   Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities, and there are libraries in schools, universities, colleges.

   The largest and the best known libraries in the world are: The British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington, The  New York Public Library, Library and Archives of Canada.    Central Scientific Library is the largest Ukrainian one in Kyiv.   It was founded in 1919 as the Ukrainian National Library. Today the Central Scientific Library in Kyiv has got 10,000,000 books, and contains the richest collection of old Ukrainian books. Libraries are a real wealth of any country.


3. Post – Reading Activities:

3.1 Answer the teacher`s questions:

1. What does the word “library” mean? – ( It means “ book” in Latin.)

2.  When and where did libraries appear? – (They appeared in Egypt, Greece and Rome.)

3. Why do people go to the library? - ( To read, listen, search, relax, learn and think)

4. What are the largest and best known libraries in the world? – (   The largest and the best known libraries in the world are: The British National Library in London, the Library of Congress in Washington, The  New York Public Library, Library and Archives of Canada.)

5. What is the name of the largest library in Ukraine? – ( Central Scientific Library is the largest one Ukraine in Kyiv.)

3.2  Make up the plan and retell the text



5. Усна взаємодія на основі впр 5, с 72 –  Library rules


1) T. I see you like reading books. Many of you like going to the library. Do you remember library rules? Let’s name them. (ex 5, p.72) Read and translate the rules.

1. Return the books in time.

2. Keep the books clean and tidy.

3. Use book marks.

4. Don’t make drawings on the margins.

5. Don’t make dog ears.

6. Don’t tear the pages.

7. Don’t colour the pictures in the books.

8. Don’t cut out the pictures.

9. Don’t lose books.


2)T:  What other rules can you add?

Ps: - Mobile phones must be switched to 'silent' mode.

-         Drinks (hot or cold) can be brought in to the library but only if they are in a sealed, spill-proof container such as a sports bottle, travel mug or keep cup.

-         Do not eat while reading, and make sure your hands are clean.

-         Conversations on mobile phones must be held outside the library or forbitten.

-         Keep silence! Don't make noise in the library. Speak quietly.

6.  Граматика – повторення пасивного стану. Grammar Work : Past Simple Passive


 +  third form of the verb ( the first form + - ed) – for regular verbs


e.g. The library was closed yesterday.



 +  third form of the verb (Past Participle) – for irregular verbs


e.g. The book was written by Robert Burns.



7. Робота в групах . Гра: « Знайди письменника»

Game “Find the writer”. Match the  writer and the title of his/her book

 Make up sentences using Past Simple Passive Voice.

For example, “Robinson Crusoe” was written by Daniel Defoe.



I group

Начало формы1. Daniel Defoe                            a) “Hamlet”

Конец формы2. Robert Louis Stevenson            b) “The adventure of Sherlock Holmes”

3. Arthur Conan Doyle                  c) “The little prince”

4. Mark Twain                              d) “Harry Potter”

5. Joann Rowling                          e) “Treasure Island”

6. William Shakespeare                f) “Robinson Crusoe”

7. Antoine Saint Exupery           g) “The adventure of Tom Sawyer”



II group

1. Alexander Dumas                 a) “The Jungle Book”

2. Jonathan Swift                      b) “Oliver Twist”

3. Rudyard Kipling                   c) “Winnie-the-Pooh”

4. Pamela Travers                     d) “Mary Poppins”

5. Lewis Carroll                        e) “Gulliver’s travels”

6. Charles Dickens                    f) “The three musketeers”

7. A. Milne                                g) “Alice in Wonderland”




8. Складання діалогів. Making up the dialogues

1) T: Let`s check up your homework. You were asked to make up the dialogue.   Match the phrases to get a conversation at the library and then act out the dialogue in pairs: one pupil is a librarian, another one is a student.


1. Hello! We've just moved into this district and I'd like to borrow books from your library.

a. Please fill in this form. Write your name and address.

2. No, not yet.

b. ten days. If you need some books for a longer period you can renew them.

You can do it to by telephone. You needn't specially come to the library for that.

3. How many books can I borrow at a time?

с Three fiction books and four non-fiction

4. How long can I keep the book?

d. Good. Have you got a library card?

5. Thank you. Do you have any books on the American Civil War? I am interested in that period of American history.

e. Look through the catalogues. Our library is rich and Г sure you'll find the books you need.

6. Thank you.




2)Make up your own dialogue between a librarian and a pupil ( картинка в бібліотеці)

T:Do you like reading? Make up your own dialogues in pairs.


Pupil 1: Do you like reading?

Pupil 2: Of course, I do.

Pupil 1: What kind of books do you like?

Pupil 2: I like reading historical novels because I am interested in history and books help me to learn more about historical events and famous people. And what books do you prefer?

Pupil 1: I like reading poetry. I am fond of poetry and I want to write good poems myself.

Pupil 2: Who is your favourite author?

Pupil 1: I like poems by Robert Burns and Rudyard Kipling. And yours?

Pupil 2: My favourite author is Joanne Rowling.

9.   Робота над ситуацією - Role Playing

T: Imagine one of you is a journalist. What questions you `d like to  ask to one of  the pupils?The other one is to answer your questions.

-         What services does your school library offer? ( We may take books to read at home, use reference books and encyclopedias)

-         Does your school library have a good collection of books?

-         How often do you visit your school library?

-         What would you like to change in your school library?(There are no computers in our library. I`d like to surf the Internet  at the library. There are few periodicals there. I`d like to have a good variety of newspapers and magazines at the library. )

10. Аудіювання – Listening Comprehension

 Listen to the dialogue and say if the following statements are true or false.

-  Hi, Boris! Can you help me?

-  Sure. What is it?

-I need to write a report for our History lesson. I know you are interested in history. Can you advise me where to find some material for the report?

-  Have you tried our school library? They have a good collection of books on different subjects. Just search for what you need in the catalogue.

-  I'm sorry but I rarely go to the library and I don't know where the catalogue is and how to use it.

-  Don't worry. Our librarians are very helpful. Just ask them and they will help you find anything you need. By the way, the reading hall has a good reference section, too. I often use it. It's not big, but there are very good encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries there.

-  Is there anything else I can use?

-  Well, I guess periodicals - newspapers and magazines. This section is at the far end of the reading hall.

-  Thanks a lot, Boris. I will go to the library right away.

-  OK. I was glad to help you.

Are the statements true or false?

        There are lots of books on different subjects in the school library.

        One can search for the necessary books in the catalogue.

         Boris rarely goes to the library and doesn't know how to use the catalogue.

        There is no reading hall in the school library.

        The library reference section is huge.

         There are encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries in the library reference section.

         The periodical section has various magazines and newspapers.

11. Робота з текстом :Читання мовчки – Reading (Scanning)

11.1. T: Read the text“At the Library”  to yourselves and choose the right variant


We like reading. There are a lot of books in our country. But we can’t buy all the books which we like, that’s why we go to the library. Libraries are very important in the life of people.

It is the library. You can go there if you want to take out a book and read it at home or if you want to read the books at the library.

What is the library? It is a big, light room. There are many bookcases and bookshelves with a lot of books on them.

You can see novels, poems, plays, books on history, geography, and arts at the library. Adventure books are very popular. You can see a reading room on the right with many tables and chairs where you can read books, newspapers, and magazines. You can find millions of books by the greatest writers and poets well-known all over the world.

Pupils go to the library to read books, to look through some new magazines and to prepare for their reports. The librarian helps the pupils to find the books they need. Many teachers go to the school library, too. Sometimes the teachers prepare for the lessons at the school library.

I think it is difficult to live without books.


11.2. Post-reading activity:



II. Find true and false statements

1. You can go to the library if you want to buy a book. (F)

2. Pupils go to the libraries to spend their free time. (F)

3. Adventure books are not very popular. (F)

4. Sometimes the teachers prepare for the lessons at the school library. (T)



12. Робота з лексикою – Lexical Work /  Work in groups

Group 1.

Match the words with their definitions


a) is a place where you can read books and newspapers

b) is a story of love, adventure, mystery with happier events than  those of real life

c)is a person who works with books in the library

d) is a place where you can borrow books

e) are the books written for adults

1. a library  2. a  librarian

 3. a reading room 

4. a teenagers romance  

5. grown – up books

Read the sentences.


Key: 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5e





13. Усна взаємодія  - Aural interaction with pupils

T: Let`s speak about the kinds of literature we read

         What genres of literature do you know?

         What kinds of books do you like to read?

(Comedies, adventure books, detective stories, mystery, science fiction, drama, novels, legends, myths, fairy tales, humorous stories, history books, biographies, plays)

         Who is your favourite literary character? Why?

         So why do we read books? (Samples : P1: To my mind we read books because reading develops our language and enriches our vocabulary. It teaches to express our thoughts and understand what others are talking and writing about. The book develops our thinking and expends the horizons of our worldview. The book also stimulates the imagination and learns about other countries and life in them. While reading we learn something new, useful and interesting.) (P2: When we read books we develop the imagination, enrich our vocabulary ang gain new knowledge. Reading entertain us, allows to discover new words and to experience adventures, teaches us empathy and develops critical thinking.)


  1. Заключна частина уроку – Сonclusion

T. We worked hard today and did a lot of exercises. It’s time to have the test. Try to choose the right variant, the only one is right.

 Good luck, your time is limited to 1 minute.


1. A room or building containing books that you can read there or borrow:

a) a theatre;

b) a school;

c) a library. +

2. A story for children in which magical things happen:

a) a fairy-tale; +

b) a poem;

c) a novel.

3. “Romeo and Juliet” was written by:

a) Ch. Dickens;

b) Mark Twain;

c) W. Shakespeare. +

4. A story about real person:

a) a cookery book;

b) a review;

c) a biography. +

5. Choose a book as you choose:

a) a friend; +

b) a brother;

c) a school.

6. You use this book to translate some words:

a) a biography;

b) a dictionary; +

c) a diary.

7. Someone who writes books, stories, plays, novels:

a) a writer; +

b) a librarian;

c) a teacher.

8. A shop that sells books:

a) a book store; +

b) a booklet;

c) a book-mark.

9. A person who helps you to choose a book at the library:

a) a librarian; +

b) a friend;

c) a teacher.

10. Multimedia Hall is:

a) відділ художньої літератури;

b) мультимедійна зала; +

c) читальна зала.

11. It’s a system of cards which give you information about book:

a) a reference book;

b) a catalogue; +

c) a diary.

T: So, why do people read books?

P1: To my mind because reading develops our language and enriches our vocabulary.

P2:  It teaches us to express thoughts, develops our critical thinking and stimulates our imagination.

P3:  Reading expands the horison of our worldview.

P4: It also stimulates our imagination and learns something new, useful and interesting.

P5: While reading we can get new knowledge and new experience.


T: As a conclusion of our lesson I may say: The more you read , the more you know. Am I write?

And what is your conclusion to our lesson?

Pupil: A good book is a source of wisdom.

T: How clever of you!

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку  - Summing up the lesson

Dear friends! Thank you for your brilliant work today.

– Your marks are ...


  1. Домашнє завдання.  - Homework.

Your homework will be to write 10 sentences about your favourite book and its author.









Середня оцінка розробки
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Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
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    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
28 грудня 2023
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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