Урок англійської мови "Музика у моєму житі"

Про матеріал

Тема Музика в моєму житті

Мета - практикувати учнів у читанні та аудіюванні текстів з метою повного

розуміння усієї інформації;

-повторити лексичний матеріал за темою;

- удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання , письма,

аудіювання за темою;

-навчити логічно висловлюватися та реагувати на мовленнєві вислови;

- розвивати пам'ять, здібності самостійно планувати речення;

- виховувати гарний смак у музиці, розширювати кругозір знань з

музики та культури англомовних країн.

Обладнання: екран, DVD програвач, DVD диск, проектор, роздатковий

матеріал, слайд-шоу презентація

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення і систематизації знань

Хід уроку

I Початок уроку

1.1. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

  • Т: Good morning children. I'm glad to see you. I hope you are well and ready for the lesson.
  • We're going to speak about music, it's different styles, it's power, famous singers and your music testes.

1.2.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т: Look at the blackboard - Life without music would be a mistake-

( Friedrich Nietzhe)

  • 1.Do you agree with these words?
  • 2.Where can you here music?
  • 3.Do you go to music school?
  • 4.Can you play any instruments?
  • 5.Have you got Music lessons at school? Do you like them?
  • 6.What is music for you?
  • (Учні висловлюють свої думки. Остання учениця розповідає вірш)

What is music and why is here?

Music is made for the ear.

To be made and played for many of decades,

To be embraced by different cultures and race…

  • 1.3.«Асоціативний кущ» (розвиток творчої уяви учнів)
  • Т: Now think about things which are associated with the word MUSIC(Modern, unique, instrument, cool, success, song, etc.)
  • T : You see that it is impossible to imagine a day without music. We can here music everywhere in the streets, in the shоps on TV or radio.
  • ІІ Основна частина уроку

2.1. Повторення лексичних одиниць ( стилі музики)

  • T : But we are different and have different tastes. We like different kinds of music . Now listen to the examples of styles of music and try to guess what style it is.
  • ( Учні слухають музику і називають стилі)
  • T: What styles of music haven't we mentioned? ( ….)
  • ( Учні називають інші стилі музики)
  • What kind of music do you like best? And your granny ? father?
  • Ask each other questions.
  • (Учні запитують один одного про їх уподобання)

2.2. Гра « З'єднай і прочитай речення» Робота в парах.

T: You'll work in pair/ You'll get an envelope. This for two…. Open the

  • envelope. Your task is to match the different styles of music and their
  • definitions.
  • (Учні складають речення і перевіряють вправу)
  • Classical music-is often played by a big orchestra in the concert hall.
  • Punk-is usually played by young people with brightly colored hair.
  • Jazz comes originally from black American musicians.
  • Country music- is usually played the guitar, banjo and violin.
  • Rap is a music style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.
  • Folk is composed many years ago and sung by people or choirs.
  • Reggae is music from the West Indians, with a strong regular beat.
  • Rock is played with the help of electric instruments and steady rhythm.

2.3. Презентації учнів.

  • T: Two pupils of our form have prepared presentation about their favorite singers and styles of music. Listen to them attentively and be ready to tell what music would you choose and what music would you listen to and why?
  • (Презентація учнів)

2.4. Дискусія. Робота в групах.

  • Т: So, what style do you prefer? I propose you to divide into 2 groups. Who likes the first one and why?
  • (Учні висловлюють свої думки).
  • P1 I like Indian music because it is calm, gentle.
  • P 2 I prefer rock because it sounds loud, modern.
  • (Loud, joyful, gentle violent, happy, sad, peaceful, quiet, depressing, exciting, harsh, soothing, discordant)

2.5. Перегляд відеофільму.

  • Т: English is the language of pop music . Do you like pop music? Do you know anything about British pop? Now we'll watch a video film about very popular band of 60th.Guess what is it?
  • Ch The Beatles.
  • T: Yes, you're right. Watch very attentively and tick the true sentences you here.
  • ( Учні слухають першу частину відео і виконують тест +\-)
  • Т Now continue watching the video film and complete the sentences.

2.6..Аудіювання пісні

  • T: Are you tired? Let's relax and sing song. You have a paper with the words of this song but it is not completed. Use the words in the box and complete it.
  • ( Учні слухають пісню і вставляють слова з таблиці)
  • Troubles wrong place game believe shadow
  • Yesterday, all my 1……….. seemed so far away
  • Now it look as though they're here to stay
  • Oh, I 2………… in yesterday
  • Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
  • There's a …3……… hanging over me
  • Oh, yesterday came suddenly
  • [Chorus:] Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say
  • I said something …4….., now I long for yesterday
  • Yesterday, love was such an easy 5……… to play
  • Now I need a..6……. to hide away
  • Oh, I believe in yesterday

2.7. Інсценізація. діалогу.

  • T: Do you like going to the concert? Now you have possibilities to watch the interview with one of the pop stars. Listen carefully and be ready to fill the table.
  • Name
  • Robby Williams
    • Date and place of birth
  • 1974, England
    • His family
  • Mom and sister Sally
    • His first job
  • Company which sold windows
    • Name of the group he joined
  • Take That
    • Number of singers
  • 5
  • His first solo album

    • 1996 - 4 million copies

    His famous single

    • Angels
    • T: Let's check.

    2.8. Reading

    T: Now you'll work in groups. Read the text about concert of the famous group and put the parts of the text in correct order and match the paragraphs with the title given below.

    • 1.After his performance was finished, many people stayed even longer to get autographs and pictures. I must say, this was a great way to spend a Friday night, and I greatly enjoyed listening to his music live.
    • 2.On Friday night I had the great pleasure of attending a performance by Joel Plaskett-and what a concert it was! Attended by a few hundred exited people it was a very enthusiastic concert and a ton of fun. The concert started at half past 9, and ended around 11.
    • 3.The audience really loved the concert. Lots of people in the crowd were real fans and they knew the words and they sang alone to nearly every song.
    • 4.When Joel walked out on stage with the rest of his band, it was awesome. They all seemed to really get into the music and the performance; they made it fantastic and interacted with the audience. He was making many comments before, after and during his songs.
    • 5.Around 9.15 a few others and I went over to the concert stand to find a good place to watch the concert from. Many people were crowded in front of the stage to watch.
    • a. Audience reaction
    • d. General information
    • c. End of the concert
    • d. start of the concert
    • e. The performance

    2.9. Виконання граматичної вправи.

    • T When was the last time you were at a concert? Did you buy the tickets?
    • Let's do grammar exercises. Complete the sentences with the words in correct form of the verbs.
    • If I bought a ticket, I……( to go) to the concert.
    • If I …. ( to go) to the concert, I……( to see) my favourite singer.
    • If I….. ( to see )my favourite singer, I ….( to be) very happy.
    • If I ……….. ( to be) very happy, I ……..( to buy) one more ticket.

    2.10. Кросворд.

    • I
  • N
  • S
  • T
  • R
  • U
  • M
  • E
  • N
  • T
    • H
  • A
  • A
  • C
  • O
  • N
  • C
  • E
  • R
  • T
    • D
  • M
  • U
  • S
  • I
  • C
  • E
  • T
  • A
  • K
    • I
  • A
  • D
  • O
  • K
  • F
  • L
  • U
  • T
  • E
    • P
  • T
  • I
  • U
  • L
  • I
  • L
  • H
  • S
  • T
    • S
  • R
  • E
  • N
  • U
  • D
  • O
  • S
  • K
  • I
    • B
  • A
  • N
  • D
  • H
  • D
  • E
  • O
  • T
  • C
    • A
  • P
  • C
  • L
  • A
  • L
  • Q
  • N
  • W
  • K
    • S
  • J
  • E
  • P
  • R
  • E
  • G
  • G
  • A
  • E
    • S
  • A
  • X
  • O
  • P
  • H
  • O
  • N
  • E
  • T
    • 3.Закінчення уроку
    • 3.1.Підведення підсумків. Виставлення оцінок.
    • 3.2.Домашнє завдання.
    • T: Your home task for the next time is to write a letter to me about your favorite group or singer. Find interesting information about them in Internet. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Перегляд файлу

  Тема   Музика в моєму житті

Мета - практикувати учнів у читанні та аудіюванні текстів з метою повного

              розуміння усієї     інформації;

             -повторити лексичний матеріал за темою;

             - удосконалювати  навички усного мовлення, читання , письма, 

              аудіювання за темою;

              -навчити логічно висловлюватися та реагувати на мовленнєві вислови;

              - розвивати пам'ять, здібності самостійно планувати речення;

              - виховувати гарний смак у музиці, розширювати кругозір знань з

               музики та  культури  англомовних країн.

 Обладнання: екран, DVD програвач,  DVD диск, проектор, роздатковий

                матеріал, слайд-шоу презентація

 Тип уроку: урок узагальнення і  систематизації знань

                                                        Хід уроку

I  Початок уроку  

 1.1. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Good morning children.  I’m glad to see you. I hope you are well and ready for the lesson.   

We’re going to speak about music, it’s different styles, it’s power, famous singers and your music testes.

1.2.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

             Т:  Look at the blackboard  - Life without music would be a mistake- 

                                                                                                               ( Friedrich Nietzhe)

  1. Do you agree with these words? 
  2. Where can you here music?
  3. Do you go to music school?
  4. Can you play any instruments?
  5. Have you got Music lessons at school? Do you like them?
  6. What is music for you?

(Учні висловлюють свої думки. Остання учениця розповідає вірш)


What is music and why is here?

Music is made for the ear.

To be made and played for many of decades,

To be embraced by different cultures and race…

  1.        «Асоціативний кущ» (розвиток творчої уяви учнів)

Т: Now think about things which are associated with the word MUSIC(Modern, unique,  instrument, cool, success, song, etc.)


T : You see that it is impossible to imagine a day without music.  We can here music everywhere in the streets, in the shоps on TV or radio.


ІІ Основна частина уроку

2.1. Повторення лексичних одиниць ( стилі музики)

T : But we are different and have different tastes. We like different kinds of music . Now listen to the examples of styles of music and try to guess what style it is.

( Учні слухають музику і називають стилі)


T: What styles of music haven’t we mentioned? (   ….)

                   ( Учні називають інші стилі музики)

     What kind of music do you like best? And your granny ? father?

     Ask each other questions.

                   (Учні запитують один одного про їх уподобання)

2.2.  Гра « З’єднай і прочитай речення» Робота в парах.

T: You’ll work in pair/ You’ll  get an envelope. This for two…. Open the

           envelope. Your task is to match the different styles of music and  their  


                   (Учні складають речення і  перевіряють вправу)


Classical music-is often played by a big orchestra in the concert hall.

Punk-is usually played by young people with brightly colored hair.

Jazz comes originally from black American musicians.

Country music- is usually played the guitar, banjo and violin.

Rap is a music style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

Folk is composed many years ago and sung by people or choirs.

Reggae is music from the West Indians, with a strong regular beat.

Rock is played with the help of electric instruments and steady rhythm.


2.3.  Презентації учнів.

T: Two pupils of our form have prepared presentation about their favorite singers and styles of music. Listen to them attentively   and be ready to tell what music would you choose and what music would you listen to and why?

(Презентація учнів)


2.4. Дискусія. Робота в групах.

Т: So, what  style do you prefer? I propose you to divide into 2 groups. Who likes the first one and why?

(Учні висловлюють свої думки).

P1 I like Indian music because it is calm, gentle.

P 2 I prefer rock because it sounds loud, modern.

(Loud, joyful, gentle violent, happy, sad, peaceful, quiet, depressing, exciting, harsh, soothing, discordant)


2.5.  Перегляд відеофільму.

Т: English is the language of pop music . Do you like pop music? Do you know anything about British pop? Now we’ll watch a video film  about very popular band of 60th.Guess what is it?

Ch The Beatles.

T:  Yes, you’re right.  Watch very attentively and  tick  the true sentences you here.

( Учні слухають першу частину відео і виконують тест +\-)

Т Now continue watching  the video film  and complete the sentences.


2.6..Аудіювання  пісні

T:  Are you tired? Let’s relax and sing song. You have a paper with the words of this song but it is not completed. Use the words in the box and complete it.

( Учні слухають пісню і вставляють слова  з таблиці)

Troubles wrong place game believe   shadow


Yesterday, all my 1……….. seemed so far away

Now it look as though they're here to stay

Oh, I 2………… in yesterday

 Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be

There's a …3……… hanging over me

Oh, yesterday came suddenly

 [Chorus:] Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say

I said something …4….., now I long for yesterday

Yesterday, love was such an easy 5……… to play

Now I need a..6……. to hide away

Oh, I believe in yesterday


 2.7.  Інсценізація. діалогу.

T: Do you like going to the concert? Now you have possibilities to watch the interview with one of the pop stars. Listen carefully and be ready to fill the table.


Robby  Williams

Date and place of birth

1974, England

His family

Mom and sister Sally

His first job

Company which sold windows

Name of the group he joined

Take That

Number of singers


His first  solo album

1996 - 4 million copies

His famous single


T:  Let’s check.


2.8. Reading

 T:  Now you’ll work in groups. Read the text about concert of the famous group and put the parts of the text in correct order and match the paragraphs with the title given below.

  1. After his performance was finished, many people stayed even longer to get autographs and pictures.  I must say, this was a great way to spend a Friday night, and I greatly enjoyed listening to his music live.
  2. On Friday night I had the great pleasure of attending a performance by Joel Plaskett-and what a concert it was! Attended by a few hundred exited people it was a very enthusiastic concert and a ton of fun.  The concert started at half past 9, and ended around 11.
  3. The audience really loved the concert. Lots of people in the crowd were real fans and they knew the words and they sang alone to nearly every song.
  4. When Joel walked out   on stage with the rest of his band, it was awesome. They all seemed to really get into the music and the performance; they made it fantastic and interacted with the audience. He was making many comments before, after and during his songs.
  5. Around 9.15 a few others and I went over to the concert stand to find a good place to watch the concert from.  Many people were crowded in front of the stage to watch.

a. Audience reaction

d. General information

c. End of the concert

d. start of the concert

e. The performance


2.9.  Виконання граматичної вправи.

T When was the last time you were at a concert? Did you buy the tickets?

Let’s do grammar exercises. Complete the sentences with the words in correct form of the verbs.


If I  bought  a ticket, I……( to go)  to the concert.

If I …. ( to go) to the concert, I……( to see) my favourite singer.

If I….. ( to see )my favourite singer, I ….( to be) very  happy.

If I ……….. ( to be) very happy, I  ……..( to buy) one more ticket.



2.10. Кросворд.






































































































  1. Закінчення уроку
    1.        Підведення підсумків.  Виставлення оцінок.
    2.        Домашнє завдання.

T: Your home task for the next time is to write a letter to me about your favorite group or singer. Find interesting information   about them in Internet. The lesson is over. Good-bye.















Кагарлицький НВК « ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів – ліцей»




Music in my life


Урок англійської мови у 8 класі






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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 квітня 2018
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