Урок англійської мови на тему: "The Royal family"

Про матеріал
конспект уроку в 9-му класі на тему: "Британська Королівська Родина", завдання до матеріалів розроблені особисто. На тексти для читання та відео для аудіювання вказано посилання.
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План-конспект уроку


Вчитель:  Мединська А.В.       

Предмет: англійська мова.

Клас: 9-й.

Тема: Велика Британія.

Підтема: Королівська Сім’я Великої Британії.

Тип уроку: комбінований.


Практичні:    а) повт лексичний матеріал по темі «політична система»;

    б) тренувати навички монологічного мовлення по темі;

          в) тренувати навички читання та аудіювання;

    г) вдосконалити граматичні навички по темі    Conditionals.

    Розвиваюча: розвивати память, увагу, мислення, навички синтезу головної інформації.

    Виховна: викликати інтерес до вивчення Британської історії та політичного устрою.

    Освітня: ознайомлення з членами Королівської родини Великої Британії та її представниками сучасного періоду.

Обладнання: ноутбук, мультимедійний проектор, картки, плакат з родинним деревом британської королівської родини.


Хід уроку.


І. Початок уроку.

 1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Good afternoon, my dear pupils. I am glad to see you again. And we are pleased to have so many guests at our lesson.

Today’s topic of  the lesson is in the video we’re going to watch.

So, please, can you guess? Have you recognized anybody? We are going to talk about the representatives of the British Royal Family. So, welcome to the feast of luxury!


2.  Повідомлення теми та мети.

T: Let’s read the objectives of the lesson.


The objectives of the lesson are:

  •                  to develop skills in speaking about the Royal Family;
  •                  to develop skills in listening and reading;
  •                  to practice the Conditional Mood;
    •                  to gain knowledge and interest to the history of the British Royal family and     the political system of the UK.

3. Розминка. Обговорення цитат про Королівську сім’ю.

T: To start our lesson with I suggest reading some quotations by famous people.

I love the Royal Family and every aspect of Britain and what we have achieved in history.

 Adam Peaty

I love the Royal Family. The Queen, she's fabulous.

  Kate Moss

In Britain, many people love the royal family, and other people don't - but either way, we own them, and we have an opinion, and we know a lot about them. It's as though they're our own family.             

Mike Bartlett

 From your point of view having read these quotes how do British people accept their Royal Family? What do they mean?

Sts… The Queen Elizabeth is very popular respected all over the world.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

 3. Введення нової лексики.

T: To be able to discuss the topic we need the revision of the topical vocabulary. Repeat after me.

An heir, to reign, a monarch, charity organizations, royal, a patron, a walkabout, an engagement, a milestone, a throne, to carry out, public, the Commonwealth, an archbishop

T: Thank you.

4. Читання. Дискусія на тему: «Королева Великої Британії Елізабет ІІ-га».

T: The Queen Elizabeth II`s full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. Her royal title is Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

In law, the Queen is the head of the executive, legislature, judiciary, the Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Crown and the head of the Established Church of England.

 In practice, she has little direct power.

I’ll give you tree texts about this splendid woman and you’ll grab just interesting information about the Queen which is well-known to public.

In groups read each abstract about her childhood, duties and interesting facts. You are to choose 4-5 the most important facts from your point of view.


  • The Queen was born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926 at 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, London
  • She   was  the  first  child  of The Duke and Duchess  of  York, who later became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
  • At the time she stood th ird in line of succession to the throne after Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII), and her father, The Duke of York. But it was not expected  that her father  would become King, or that she would become Queen.
  • The Princess was  christened  Elizabeth  Alexandra Mary  in  the  private chapel       at     Buckingham    Palace.   She was named after her mother, while her  two  middle names are  those of her paternal great-grandmother, Queen Alexandra, and paternal grandmother,     Queen  Mary.
  • Princess Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister. She received tuition from her father , as well as  sessions with Henry Marten, the Vice-Provost of Eton. She was also instructed in religion by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Princess Elizabeth also learned French from a number of French and Belgian governesses. It is a skill which has stood The Queen in good stead,  as  she often  has cause to use it when speaking to ambassadors and heads of state from French-speaking countries, and when visiting French-speaking areas of Canada.
  • Princess  Elizabeth  enrolled  as a  Girl Guide when she was eleven, and later became a Sea Ranger.
  • In 1940, at the height of the Blitz, the young Princesses were moved for their safety to Windsor Castle, where they spent most of the war years.

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The Queen’s Duties

  • In law, the Queen is the head of the executive, legislative, judicial powers.
  • She is  the Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Crown
  • The Queen is the head of the Established Church of England. In practice, she has little direct power.
  • Among Queen Elizabeth’s many duties are the regular visits she makes to foreign countries, and especially those of the Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her.
  • She also started the tradition of the “walkabout”, an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.
  •  She is now president of the Save the Children Fund.
  • She is also the Chancellor of the University of London
  • And she carries out many public engagements.
  • The Queen  is a patron of more than 600 charities.
  • She is a Patron of  che Royal Pigeon Racing Association-. One of the Queen's birds is called Sandring- ham Lightning.             

Interesting facts

  •         An animal lover since childhood, The  Queen takes  a  keen  and  highly knowledgeable interest in horses. As an owner and breeder of thoroughbreds, she often visits other race meetings to watch her horses run, an.d also frequently attends equestrian events.
  •                  Other interests include walking in the countryside with her Labradors, which were bred at San­ dringham.
  •                 A'lesser known interest is Scottish country dancing. Each year during her stay at Balmoral Castle, The Queen gives dances known as Gillies Balls, for neighbours, estate and Castle staff and members of the  local  community.
  •                The Queen is the only person in Britain who can drive without a licence or a registration number on her car.  And she doesn't have a passport.
  •             To formally greet the Queen men should perform a neck bow (from the head only) while  women do a small curtsy. On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is 'Your Majesty' and subsequently 'Ma'am'.
  •               The Queen usually spends her actual birthday privately, but the occasion is marked publicly by gun salutes in central London at midday.
  •              On her official birthday, Her Majesty is  joined by other members  of the Royal Family at  the  spectacular Trooping the Colour paradewhich moves between Bucki ngham Palace, The Mall and Horseguards Parade.
  •               Queen Elizabeth II is the fortieth monarch since William the Conqueror.
  •               She has visited Australia 15 times, Canada 23 times, Jamaica 6 times and  New Zealand IO times.
  •              The Queen has launched 23 ships and       met five  astronauts  at     Buckingham Palace.
  •              She first  flew  in  an aeroplane  in  July 1945.
  •             The Queen has sat through 91sta.ce banquets  and  posed  for 139  official· portraits.
  •            Technically The Queen still owns the  sturgeons, whales and dolphins in the waters around the UK which are recognised as 'Fishes Royal'.
  •            The Queen introduced   a new breed of  dog  known as the "dorgi"
  •           The Qu een has nine Royal thrones -one at the House of Lords, two at Westminster Abbey, and six in the throne room at Buckingham Palace.
  •          There have.been six Archbishops of Canterbury during the Queen's reign.
  •          The Queen is 5 ft 4 in. or 160 cm tall.

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That’ll do!! Read them, take photos and send to our group in viber so that everybody could have it.

T: That’ll do! The first group read about her childhood.


Next group read about her duties.


T: Today the Queen is not only the head of the state but also an important symbol of the national unity. She is one of the richest people. But in fact her role is ceremonial. She has a legislative power a little, a part of executive one. She signs bills, gives speeches which are written by ministers. In practice the Queen Elizabeth II has no actual power: they say, the monarch reigns but doesn’t rule.

The last one group read about the interesting facts you’ve chosen.


Well done!!! Thank you!


T: The Queen is the first British monarch to have celebrated  a Platinum Wedding  Anniversary.  Next text to read is about her marriage and is titled “The Royal Romance”. Read it and do the exercise below.

A Royal Romance The Queen isthe first British  monarch to have  celebrated  a  Diamond Wedding  Anniversary. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip first met in 1934:

 The engagement between Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten RN was announced on the 9th July, 1947. Prince Philip was born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. Hejoined the Royal Navy in 1939 and after the war, in February 1947, became a naturalised British subject. Prince Philip was required to choose a surname in order to contin ue his career in the Royal Navy, and adopted Mountbat ten,  the  name  of his mother's British relatives.  He was  created "Duke of Edinburgh" by King George VI on marriage.

 The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh were married in Westminster Abbey on the 20th November, 1947 at ll.30 am with 2000 invited guests. Around 10,000 telegrams of congratulations were received at Buckingham Palace and the Royal couple received over 2,500 wedding presents from well-wishers around the world.

 Although he was The Queen's husband, The Duke of Edinburgh was not crowned  or  anointed  at the Coronation ceremony in 1953. He was  the  first   subject  to  pay  Homage to Her Majesty.

 Prince   Philip has  accompanied the Queen on all her Commonwealth tours  and state visits, as well as on public engagements in all parts of the UK. The first of these was the Coronation tour of the Commonwealth from November 1953 to May 1954.

 The Coronation took place in Westminster Abbey  on 2 June 1953. It was a solemn ceremony conducted by Dr Geoffrey Fisher,    Archbishop of Canterbury.


 The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh have four children: Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (b. 1948),  Princess  Anne, The Princess Royal (b. 1950), Prince Andrew, The Duke of York (b. 1960), and Prince· Edward, The Earl of Wessex (b. 1964).

 The Queen and The  Duke of Edinburgh have eight grandchildren - Peter PhiIiip s (b. 1977), Zara Phillips (b. 1981) Prince William (b. 1982), Prince Harry (b. 1984), Princess Beatrice (b. 1988), Princess Eugenie (b. 1990), Lady Louise Windsor (b. 2003) and James, Viscount Severns (b. 2007). She has two great-grandchildren Savannah (b. 2011) and Isla (b. 2012).


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Complete the sentences using the words in the box

Monarch, engagement, announced, Royal couple, Homage to Her Majesty,   accompanied, Commonwealth, solemn ceremony, Archbishop

  1. The Queen isthe first British  _______ to have  celebrated  a  Diamond Wedding  Anniversary.
  2. The _________ between Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten RN was _________ on the 9th July, 1947.
  3. Around 10,000 telegrams of congratulations were received at Buckingham Palace and the ____________ received over 2,500 wedding presents from well-wishers around the world.
  4. He was  the  first   subject  to  pay  ____________.
  5. Prince   Philip has   _________ the Queen on all her ___________ tours  and state visits, as well as on public engagements in all parts of the UK.
  6. It was a _____________ conducted by Dr Geoffrey Fisher,    ___________ of Canterbury.


5. Аудіювання. Перегляд відеоролику «Who will come to the british throne next?”

T: Children, now I suggest getting acquaintance with all the members of the royal family. While watching the video try to find the answers to such questions:

  • Who is the first in the line of succession after the Queen?
  • How many children does the Queen have?
  • Who is the second in the line the younger sister or the eldest son?
  • What rules have changed in the definition of the heir places?
  • How many grandchildren does the Queen have?
  • Who are the eldest grandchildren of the Queen?
  • Does she have any great-grandchildren?
  • Whom the rules of succession have changed among the great-grandchildren for?
  • Is the husband of the Queen her heir as well?


T: Well done, children!! Good job!

6.Релаксація. Відеоролик про весілля королівських родин.

T: Now after such a hard work watch the video about the royal weddings just for pleasure.

7. Перевірка дом. завдання.  Монологічне мовлення. Зміни в життях членів королівської родини. 10 years challenge

T: In recent months we’ve had a new popular flash mob in the social nets which is called 10 years challenge. We’ve decided to accomplish it but with a little upgrade. The Queen and her family have celebrated many milestones over the past ten years. Spectacular weddings, royal babies, significant anniversaries – they, and royal fans, have witnessed it all.

I’ve found the photos of the royals and you, as your home-assignment, had to find the information about the changes in their lives. See how the royals have changed over ten years. Let’s start!

 Kate, Meghan, Wlliam, Harry, Camilla, Prince Charles, Prince Philip, the Queen.

Thanks a lot! It has been very interesting!

  1. Граматика. Повторення The Conditional Mood.

T: Next step of our lesson is grammar but with such a great topic of the lesson it can’t be boring.

Who will tell me where do we use Conditional II?

How does it formed?


Pay attention that the verb “to be” sometimes has the form “were” instead of “was”.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

T: I’ll prove you that grammar can also be romantic. As Conditional II is used for desirable events while doing your next hometask dream a little. Imagine you’re one or another member of the Royal Family and complete the sentences.

  • If I were the Queen I would…
  • If I were Prince Philip I would…
  • If I were Prince Charles I would…
  • If I were the Duchess of Cornwoll I would…
  • If I were Prince William I would…
  • If I were the Duchess of Cambridge I would…
  • If I were Prince Harry I would…
  • If I were the Duchess of Sussex I would…
  • If I were Princess Ann I would…
  • If I were Prince Andrew I would…
  • If I were Prince Edward I would…
  1.  Підсумки.

T: Our lesson is coming to its end. You’ve worked perfectly! Thank you!

What have you remembered the best?


  1.  Відеоролик для гарного настрою.

T: To finish our lesson in a good mood I suggest watching the video “Lighter Side of the Queen Elizabeth II

Thank you for the lesson!!!


  • English Learner’s Digest, #8, Fpril, 2013
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEuAr7zi9Vw
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