Урок англійської мови у 3 класі "Fruit and vegetables "

Про матеріал
-to introduce new grammar, to introduce a new rhyme, to review the vocabulary, to practise using the indefinite article, to develop students` listening and speaking skills; -by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name the vocabulary words, write the article a (an) in the blanks of the rhyme, say the rhyme
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Unit 4. Lesson 53. Fruit and vegetables (Овочі та фрукти).


Objectives: to introduce new grammar, to introduce a new rhyme, to review the vocabulary, to practise using the indefinite article, to develop students` listening and speaking skills

Vocabulary: Fruit and vegetables


Materials: PB Audio, Handouts 1 and 2, ‘Food and drinks’ Bingo cards, ‘Hello’ ‘Articles 1’, ‘Articles 2’, ‘Vegetables’ and ‘Goodbye’ songs video

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name the vocabulary words, write the article a (an) in the blanks of the rhyme, say the rhyme




  1. Sing ‘Hello’ song along with your students.
  2. Play ‘Vegetables’ video and encourage students to repeat.




1. Ex. 1, p. 79. Play the Audio and ask pupils to listen and point to the pictures. Then say the names of the vegetables in random and ask them to point to the appropriate pictures.

2. Ex. 2, p. 79. Get your pupils to listen and read the names of fruits and vegetables. Then draw their attention to the articles and explain how to use the article a (an).

Do a physical exercise



1. Play ‘Articles 1’ song video and encourage students to sing along with the speaker.

2. Give out Handouts 1 cards and ask students to copy the text into their exercise books and to fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the articte.

3. Ex. 3, p. 79. Divide the class into groups of 4. Give out materials from Handouts 2 file. Each group receives a set of 4 paper stripes with the mixed lines of the rhyme written on them. Ask pupils to try to put the lines of the rhyme in the correct order. Give one minute for this task. Then ask each group to read their rhyme. Finally play the Audio. Suggest a few students to come up to the front of the class and to tell the rhyme.




  1. Play ‘Food and drinks’ Bingo with your students.
  2. Sing ‘Goodbye’ song along with pupils.








11 серпня 2021
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