Урок англійської мови у 7 класі на тему "Їжа.Харчування".

Про матеріал

Матеріал уроку містить вправи на узагальнення і систематизацію вивченого матеріалу з теми,сприяє кращому засвоєнню та вмінню використовувати вивчене в усному і писемному мовленні.

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Тема:Узагальнюючий урок з теми”Іжа.Харчування”.


- Навчити використовувати граматичний матеріал Countable/Uncountable та Quantity words на практиці.

- Удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення та діалогічного мовлення з опорою на зразок. Удосконалювати навички вживання тематичної лексики.

- Формувати навички аудіювання і розуміння тексту.

- Розвивати вміння працювати в різних режимах.

Обладнання.ПідручникО.Д.Карп’юк для 7 класу,картки(доповніть речення),картки-діалог,картки та пакети для завдання shop,картки до перегляду відеоматеріалу.

Тип уроку.Узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.

Хід уроку


T. - Good morning. I’m glad to see you. I hope you are fine.



We eat to live, but do not live to eat.

1. T. - Do you understand this proverb? Do you agree that food isn’t a sense of our life, but it is very important for us because people can live without food only twelve days. And most of us eat three times a day. Today we’re going to speak about something we cannot live without. We need it to be healthy, to have much energy, to fight illnesses. We usually have it three times a day. So, what is it? Did you guess?

P: Is it food?

T: Yes, we’re going to talk about food, meals in our country and in the UK. We’ll see what food you like and what food you hate.

- Tell me please, have you had breakfast this morning?

- What food did you eat?

Students’ answers.

T. - Which other kinds of food do you know?

 Students’ answers.


T: Answer my questions, please.

  1. What’s your favourite food?
  2. Where do you go to buy food?
  3. Do you make a shopping list?
  4. What do people do in the kitchen?
  5. Who does cooking in your house?

T: Complete the sentences:

  1. Three meals of the day are…
  2. Three things you eat with are…
  3. Three parts in a meal are…
  4. Two things you find on a restaurant table are…
  5. Two things you put on salad are…
  1. Checking on the hometask

T: Your hometask was to revise some grammar. Can you tell us when we use a lot of / lots of, a few / a little.

  1. Let’s play a game. I say a word. You have to use a few or a little with the word correctly. The team that does it well gets a point. Is it clear? Let’s start.

T: chocolate  P: a little chocolate, etc


  1.  Open your books on page 74 and do exercise 2. Complete the questions using “ a little” or “a few”.
  1. I’ve got a nice cake. Would you like …?
  2. Do you want me to make you … sandwiches?
  3. Do you want … sugar in your tea?
  4. Do you need … more information about this cell phone?
  5. Let me give you … advice.
  6. Would you like … slices of cheese?
  7. Open the window! We need … fresh air here!
  8. You will get … nice presents for your birthday, won’t you?
  9. Would you like … coffee to help you stay awake?
  10. Shall I give you … money to buy some souvenirs?

T. – I can say you’re lucky because most of you had breakfast. But I was nervous this morning and I couldn’t eat anything and now I’m hungry. Look into our fridge. It’s empty. Let’s go shopping and buy some food.


  2. Grammar work.

As you know all nouns divide into two groups: countable and uncountable. Countable nouns are things that you can count and they have a singular and plural form. Uncountable nouns are things that you can’t count and they have only
a singular form.

There is so much food in our shop. Help me please to do shopping.

I have two bags and you must put things from shop shelves into correct bag.
















Thanks for your help!


 Let’s see what we’ve bought:

  • Are there any apples?                            – Yes there are some apples.
  • Is there any milk in our bag?                  - Yes there is some milk in our bag.
  • Are there any pizzas?                            - No, there aren’t any pizzas.
  • Is there any butter?                                - Yes, there’s some butter.


3. Who tells me when we use some and any?

We use some in affirmative sentences and we use any in negative sentences and questions.

There’s some milk on the table.

Are there any tomatoes in the fridge?

There aren’t any sausages.


4. Pairs work. (work with cards)

Complete the dialogue with some and any.

Variant 1

Oliver:  Let’s have _________ lunch.

Hannah: Good idea. Are there ________ pizzas in the fridge?

Oliver: No, there aren’t.

Hannah: What have we got?

Oliver: There’s ________ cheese. And there’s _______ ham.

Hannah: Is there ________ butter?

Oliver: Yes, there is.

Hannah: OK. Let’s have ham and cheese sandwiches.

Oliver: Ah. There’s a problem.

Hannah: What is it?

Oliver: We haven’t got _________ bread. 


Variant 2

Hannah: Is there _________ pasta?

Oliver: Yes, there is.

Hannah: Let’s make ________ tomato sauce for the pasta?

Oliver: We haven’t got _________ tomatoes.

Hannah: Are there ________ mushrooms?

Oliver: No, there aren’t. But there’s ________ money on the table.

Hannah: What for?

Oliver: Let’s go out and buy ________ chips!


Variant 3

Angela:   Is there    _______  coffee?

Barry:     No, there isn’t   _______  coffee , but there is some tea.

Angela:  No, thanks. Is there   _______  hot chocolate?

Barry:     Yes, there is. And there is   _______ toast.

Angela:   Good. And is there  _______ ham?

Barry:      No, there isn’t any ham, but there is  ________ cheese.

Angela:    Can I have a hot chocolate and  ________  toast and cheese, please?

Barry:      OK, there’s  _______  bread on the table. Just help yourself!


Make up and act your own dialogues.


  1. Watching the video


T: What do you know about British food? Can you name any dishes or special foods? Have you ever eaten something typically British?  Did you like it? Let’s revise the names of the meals in Britain.

T: The video you’re going to watch is about children who live in the UK. The first video clip features a boy called Nick, his sister, Molly, and their mother and father. You are going to learn about some of the things people in Britain eat


T: Look at the pictures. Watch, listen, repeat and guess what the words mean.

(cereal, toast, a packed lunch, a takeaway, a supermarket, a Sunday roast, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, dessert, apple crumble, custard)


While watching

  1. Activity 1. T: Now watch and tick the food terms that you see in the video clip about food.


After watching

  1. Writing

T: Do you write a shopping list when you go to the supermarket?

Watch the video and answer the following questions. Watch the video again and check your answers.


  1. Listening
  1. T: Look at the table. Listen and tick what Sally usually has for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then talk about her.


  • Good morning, Sally! I’m making eggs for breakfast. Would you like some?
  • Oh, no, thank you. I usually just have a bowl of cornflakes and a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • Well, that’s not a big breakfast. What’s you have for lunch?
  • Oh, I never have much time for lunch. I usually have an apple and a glass of Coke.
  • That’s all?
  • Yes. But I eat a big meal in the evening. I usually have something like chicken and potatoes with a nice big salad.
  • Oh, well. That’s all right.


Food / Drinks
































chicken and potatoes













  1. What do you usually have for breakfast / lunch / dinner?





I think, during the lesson you got to know some interesting facts about English meals. I hope, you will use this information in your everyday life.


Translate the following proverbs and write your own story using one of them.

Every cook praises his own broth.

Half a loaf is better than nothing.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

To save one’s bacon.





13 березня 2018
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