Урок англійської мови у 7 класі "Рецепт улюбленої страви"

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Розробка уроку містить посилання на відео, англійські прислів'я, власні рецепти страв.
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Урок англійської мови у 7 класі на тему « Рецепт улюбленої страви.»

Мета: закріпити знання вивченої лексики з теми; тренувати учнів в сприйнятті тексту на слух; розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, читання вслух та мовчки; виховувати повагу до харчових традицій країни виучуваної мови, любов до національної української кухні.

Обладнвння; підручник англійської мови для 7 класу О. Карп’юк, англійські прислів’я про їжу, віідео рецептів, проєкти  учнів.

Хід уроку:

  1. Good morning! I am glad to see you. Let’s guess the topic of our lesson. You’ll have some riddles:
  • A sweet red fruit, bears like them very much. (raspberry)
  • A round white thing, a product from a hen.(egg)
  • A white product, mice like it.(cheese)
  • A cold milk product children like to eat.(ice – cream)
  • A baked product with meat, cabbage or any fruit or jam.(pie)
  • A long violet vegetable.(egg – plant)
  • A sweet red spring fruit.(strawberry)

Take first letters of each word and name the topic of our lesson. It’s “Recipes!”

  1. Now watch a video about preparation of any dish and try to name all ingredients, using in the recipe(a video without sound)


Try to check the ingredients watching video with sound.

3.  Look at some English proverbs, read them and find Ukrainian equivalents.

- The appetite comes with eating.(Апетит приходить під час їжі)

- Man does not live by bread alone.(Не хлібом єдиним живе людина)

- All bread is not baked in one oven.(Не весь хліб з однієї печі)

- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(Їж яблуко в день і лікар тобі не знадобиться)

- Tastes differ.(Смаки різні)

4. Listening.

- Pre – listening task.

Answer the questions:

1. Do you like cooking?

2. Who cooks in your family?

3. What is your favourite dish?

4. Can you cook it by yourself?


Fill in the gaps with missing words:

1. For crepes we need … milk.

2. Mix eggs with … .

3. The … should be homogeneus.

4. Add ½ of the ladle to a … .

5. You can also make stuffing from … , chicken, cheese, liver.

Post – reading activity:

- Do you know other Ukrainian dishes?

- What is your favourite one?

- Do you know the recipe?

5. Your task was to do a project with the recipe of your favourite dish.

Present your works.

(The recipes of varenyky with cherries, French salad, holubtsi, borshch, nalysnyky, salad with smoked chicken, pies with meat)


Ingredients: sour milk, an egg, some soda, flour.

Take a cup of sour milk, add a half of a tea spoon soda, mix. Put some flour into a bowl, pour sour milk with soda, add an egg, mix everything. Take a little dough, round it, then roll out it with rolling pin, put some feeling(cherries with sugar) and do a dumpling. Boil in water. Add some butter.

French salad

Ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, eggs, sausage, canned peas, cucumbers, mayonnaise.

Boil some potatoes, carrots and eggs. Peel them and cut into small pieces. Put everything into a bowl, add chopped cucumbers and sausage, canned peas and mayonnaise. Mix everything.


Ingredients: cabbage, minced meat, rice, onion, carrot, ketchup, oil, butter.

Put cabbage into boiling water to be soft. Boil rice. Fry onions with oil. Put boiling rice, minced meat and fried onions into a bowl. Add some salt and black pepper. Mix everything. Put some mixture on a cabbage leaf and do a roll. Put rolls into a pan, add  some grated carrots, ketchup and butter. Then stew them.


Ingredients: potatoes, cabbage, beetroot, carrot, onion, oil, tomato.

Do meat broth, add chopped potatoes. Put grated beetroot, carrot and chopped onions into a frying pan with some oil, add some water, sugar and lemon juice and stew, add tomato. Put chopped cabbage into a pan with broth, add some salt. Then put there stewed products from a frying pan. Boil. Serve with sour milk.


Ingredients: eggs, salt, sugar, flour, butter, curds.

Break eggs into a bowl, add some salt sugar and melting butter. Mix everything. Pour some milk and mix. Dough has to be as sour cream. Then put some butter on a frying pan, pour a half of a ladle dough and fry, turn on the other side. Mix curds with sugar and egg, add some vanilla. Put some mixture on a pancake and do a roll.

Salad with smoked chicken

Ingredients: smoked chicken, mushrooms, onions, eggs, cucumbers, mayonnaise.

Fry mushrooms with onions in a frying pan. Boil eggs and peel them. Cut smoked chicken and put it onto a plate, add mayonnaise. Then put frying mushrooms with onions, mayonnaise. Cut cucumbers and put on a plate, mayonnaise. Put grated eggs on the top.

Pies with meat

Ingredients: flour, milk, salt, sugar, oil, yeast, minced meat.

Pour warm milk into a bowl, add some salt and sugar. Put some yeast, flour and mi[. Wait for some time. Then add some more flour and mix dough. Take a little dough, roll it with rolling pin. Mix minced meat with salt and black pepper. Hut some mixture on rolling dough, make a pie. Bake them into an oven.

Thank you for your recipes. Your projects  are very tasty.

What dishes would you like to try? Why?

6. Thank you very much for your work. Try to cook any dish from presented recipes and bring your photos at the next lesson.

7. Good – bye.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Суржан Вікторія
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Хвостенко Валентина Григорівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі