Урок англійської мови у 8 класі «У бібліотеці. Улюблені літературні герої та літературні жанри»

Про матеріал
Мета:  продовжувати формувати фонетичні та лексичні навички, вдосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції та навички аудіювання,;  Закріпити навички вживання пасивного стану на письмі  Розвивати мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів, прищеплювати зацікавлення літературою письменників Англії. Сприяти загальнокультурному розвитку учнів.  Виховувати інтерес до читання, розвивати кругозір, художній смак, сприяти збагаченню мови
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План-конспект уроку 

англійської мови

у 8 класі на тему:

«У бібліотеці. Улюблені літературні герої та літературні жанри»







вчитель англійської мови

Кріль Марина Володимирівна













Тема: У бібліотеці. Улюблені літературні герої та літературні жанри


  • продовжувати формувати фонетичні та лексичні навички, вдосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції  та навички аудіювання,;
  • Закріпити навички вживання пасивного стану на письмі
  • Розвивати мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів, прищеплювати зацікавлення літературою письменників Англії. Сприяти загальнокультурному розвитку учнів.
  • Виховувати інтерес до читання, розвивати кругозір, художній смак, сприяти збагаченню мови

Тип: Урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок

Обладнання: зошити, підручник, словники, карточки з граматичними та лексичними завданнями, відеозапис для аудіювання.


I. Introduction

1. Greeting.

2. Reporting the aims and the subject of the lesson.

Good morning, pupils ! I’m glad to see you today.

Look around and you’ll easily guess the topic of the lesson. It is dedicated to books which are the sources of knowledge and information.

Today we are going to talk about the role of books in the people’s life, and about people who write books. We want to listen to your opinions about reading, about your favourite books, and their authors.

You’ll also make up dialogues, repeat the Passive Voice and watch the fragments of films. I hope you will be active. Enjoy every minute of our lesson.  The epigraph of our lesson today is …


Book is the mirror of life

T: How do you understand this epigraph? Explain, please.


3. Warming-up

 1) T: First of all, I’d like you to revise you knowledge about books and their authors. Have a look at the plot. I’ll read you the short stories about one of these writers. Match the stories with their authors. OK. Who is this?

  • He was English. Hew s born in 1564. He was a dramatist, a poet and an actor. He died 1616.
  • She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976.
  • He was born in 1859. He was a writer of detective stories. The main character of his stories is Sherlock Holmes.
  • He was fond of Scottish folk stories and ballads. He is a considered to be a founder of the historical novel.

4. Vocabulary practice

Find out the words in the puzzle and write them all. (Card №1)

4. Home task


II. The main part of the lesson

1.  Listening Comprehension

a) Pre-listening activity.

  • Do you like to go to the library?
  • How often do you go there?
  • Who chooses books for you at the library?
  • What kind of books do you like to read?


b) Listening comprehension

T: And now I’d like you to listen to unusual conversation at the library. Let’s look at the screen. (2 times)



        c) Post-listening activity

Put the sentences in the correct order according to this film. (Card №2)

  1. The Cookie Monster asked one box of cookies. (3)
  2. The Monster asked a book about rhymes.(4)
  3. The librarian got angry. (6)
  4. The Cookie Monster came to the library.(1)
  5. The Cookie Monster asked a Picture Book. (5)
  6. The Monster asked a book about “Little Red Riding Hood”(2)
  7. The Cookie Monster asked a glass of milk. (8)
  8. The Cookie Monster asked a book about cookies. (7)

2. Rules. The Passive Voice. (Pres. S., Past S.)

T: You have learnt about Passive Voice. What do you know about it? What can you tell me?

Work with tables “Find the mistake”

  1. Breakfast is cook by our mother.
  2. The new rule are explained to us at the English lesson.
  3. The story is write by Shevchenko.
  4. This sports centre are visited by lots of people.
  5. This sports games is often played at P.E. lessons.
  6. The boxer are knocked down.


3. Writing.

T: Take your exercise-books, write down the date and start to work.

Say  who are the authors of the books using Past Simple Passive

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Rudyard Kipling

Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

W. Shakespeare

Harry Potter

Daniel Defoe

Romeo and Juliet

Lewis Carrol

Alice in Wonderland



Mark Twain


4. Reading

- Ex. 1, p. 164


5. Speaking.

T: Each pupil has  a card with the title of the book  or the name of the writer. You should “find each other” and then talk with your partner as in the example.

- Who wrote the novel … .

- … did.

- When did he write it?

- In … .

- Have you already read this book?

- Yes, I have( No, I haven`t).


Arthur Conan Doyle

J.K. Rowling

William Shakespeare

Jonathan Swift

Robert Louis Stevenson

Daniel Defoe


The adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Romeo and Juliet                      


The Gulliver`s Travels


The Treasure Island


Robinson Crusoe









III. Summarizing

1. Homework

-So! Open your day-books and write down your homework  for Friday.

Make up a project about you favourite book


2. Summary

Today we have got a lot of information about books and now we have to sum up the results of the lesson. Match English phrases with its Ukrainian equivalents.

  (Card №3)

1 Love stories

b) книги про мандрівку

2 Historical novel

c) детективні оповідання

3 Travel books

d) наукова фантастика

4 Detective stories

e) історичні романи

5 Science fiction

f) любовні історії

6 Novels of everyday life

g) романи про повсякденне життя

7 Psychological drama

h) пригодницькі оповідання

8 Adventure stories

a) психологічна драма



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