Урок англійської мови з теми "Ann's day" за підр. А.Несвіт

Про матеріал

Конспект розроблений за підр. А. Несвіт. Містить цікаві ігри та завдання, які допомоуть вам не лише цікаво організувати роботу на уроці, але й допомогуть зацікавити ваших учнів.

Перегляд файлу

Topic: Ann’s morning

Objectives: repeating previously taught vocabulary;

  repeating language chunck “What’s the time?”

  developing reading skills;

  developing speaking skills;

  developing writing skills;

  creating a friendly atmosphere.





Good morning children. (Let’s shake hands” song)



Today we continue speaking about time and at our today’s lesson we’ll talk about Ann’s daily routine. Also, in the end of our lesson we’ll be able to talk about our own day.

Warming up


“I spy” game

The teacher posts paper clocks with times filled in around the room. Students play I Spy and must find each clock, recording the time on their record sheet.



Ex. 1 p. 106

Pre – reading activity

The teacher asks pupils to remember the translation of some phrases.

Прокидатись о 7 годині.

Снідати о 7.30

Йти до школи о 8 годині.


Children read and translate the text.

The pupil reading the sentence has to draw the time on the board.

After – reading activity

Ex. 2 p. 106

Pupils have to choose, point and say the right variant.


The teacher gives pupils worksheets and asks to look and write down the time, given at each picture.

Physical activity

“Baby shark” song


Ex. 4p. 107

The teacher writes several sentences on the board. Pupils read them and answer the questions given in the book.

e.g. Ann comes home at 2.30

She has dinner at 2.45

She does her homework in the evening.

She doesn’t clean the house every day.


Ex. 5 p. 107

The teacher divides the class into 4 teams. Each team gets a sheet of paper. The task is to draw a story about one’s day. They can draw a picture and write the sentences under it. Then make one question to each team.

Home task

To write a short story about your own day.


The teacher asks pupils for feedback.

E.g. What did we do today?

What games did we play?

Whose story was the most interesting?


До підручника
Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
16 квітня 2018
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