Урок англійської Тема: «Музика для будь-якого віку»

Про матеріал
Тема: «Музика для будь-якого віку» Мета: Практична: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми, вчити учнів вживати ЛО в усному мовленні; формувати навички діалогічного мовлення за темою; Розвиваюча: Розвивати мовленнєві здібності учнів, інтонаційний слух; мовну здогадку, готовність до іншомовного спілкування, слухову, зорову пам'ять; Виховна: Виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, толерантне ставлення до думки співрозмовника, культуру спілкування; Освітня: Розширювати кругозір учнів. Тип уроку: урок-гра «Брейн-ринг» Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, проектор, ноутбук, картинки, роздатковий матеріал.
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Тема: «Музика для будь-якого віку»



Повторити й активізувати  лексику теми, вчити учнів вживати ЛО в усному мовленні; формувати навички діалогічного мовлення за темою;


Розвивати мовленнєві здібності учнів, інтонаційний слух; мовну здогадку, готовність до іншомовного спілкування, слухову, зорову пам'ять;


Виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, толерантне ставлення до думки співрозмовника, культуру спілкування;


Розширювати кругозір учнів.

Тип уроку: урок-гра «Брейн-ринг»

Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, проектор, ноутбук, картинки, роздатковий матеріал.

                                                         Хід уроку

Ι. Introduction

T: Good morning my pupils. How are you?

Ps: We’re fine, thank you.

T: Let’s start our lesson. I think it will be interesting, joyful and relaxing.

Look at the blackboard and say what unites these pictures? You’re right it’s music.

We are going to play game ,to speak about music, its impact on you, your preferences in music.


T: Let’s see if you are keen on music. So look at the ABC and try to say a noun or a verb associated with the topic on the lesson.


A – accordion, anthem, aria;

B – band, bandura, bass;

C – cello, clip, clarnet, composer;

D – duet, drum;

E – ear, earphones, ensemble;

F – fiddle, flute, folk;

G – guitar;

H – harp, hit, hip-hop;

I – instrument;

J – jazz;

K – keyboards, kobza;

L – lira;

M – melody, music;

N – note;

O – opera, orchestra;

P – piano, pop;

Q – quartette;

R – rap, reggae, rock, rehearsal;

 S – saxophone, sonata, symphony;

T – trio, trumpet, tune;

U – unison;

V – viol, viola, violin;

W – waltz;

X – xylophone;

Y – yodel;

Z – Zither.

ΙΙΙ. Speaking and listening

T: So, you like the music, don’t you? What music do you like listening? Brainstorm some adjectives that come to your mind when you listen to the music you like.

Ps: gentle, joyful, touchy, passionate, soft, sweet, romantic, sentimental, breathtaking, melodious.

T: And what kind music irritates you?

Ps: violent, loud, boring complicated, annoying, sad, monotonous, scary, thoughtless.

T: Music also divides into different styles. Can you name them?

Ps: jazz, hip-hop, rock’n’roll, rock, rap, blues, pop, dance, techno, trance, folk, chamber, instrumental, symphonic, classical.

T: I see you know many styles of music. And now listen to six pieces of music and try to guess them.

( Pupils listen to folk, jazz, rock’n’roll, classical, trance, rap music and guess its style. They also characterize each style.)

P1: Folk music is a kind of music of working or country people of a particular nation or area, developed over many years and of which the original songwriter or composer is not usually known.

P2: Jazz is characterized by a strong beat and some free playing of each musician, it was originated by black Americans.

P3:Rock’n’roll is a style of music that was popular in 1950s but is still played now, which has a strong loud beat, repeats a few simple phrases and is usually played on electrical instruments. It was first made popular by Bill Halley and Elvis Presley.

P4: Classical music is the one written with serious artistic intentions and having an attraction that lasts over a long period of time.

P5: Trance is a style of electronic dance music.

P6: Rap music is a type of pop music in which the words of a song are spoken in time with music, with a steady beat.

ΙV. Listening and matching

T: Listen to the true facts about the origin of modern music styles and do the following tasks.


EX.1-2 page 76

T: You’ll work in  groups.

1. Match the words from each column to make style of music.

  1. Heavy                               a) blues
  2. Techno                             b) roll
  3. Hard                                 c) western
  4. Rock’n                              d) pop
  5. Rhythm and                    e) metal
  6. Country                            f) rock

Keys: 1-e; 2-d; 3-f; 4-b; 5-a; 6-c;

2. Match styles of music to famous composers and performers.

1. Classical                                    a) Chopin                              e) Mozart

2. Hip-Hop                                     b) Elvis Presley                    f) Public Enemy

3. Reggae                                       c) Bob Marley                     g) Rolling Stones

4. Rock’n’roll                                 d) Iron Maiden                   h) Mendel'son

5. Heavy metal

     Keys: 1-a,e,h; 2-f; 3-c; 4-b,g; 5-d;

3. Match the musicians to the instruments.

1. Jimmy Hendrix                          a) violin

2. Ringo Starr                                 b) harmonica

3. Bob Dylan                                  c) drums

4. Vanessa Mae                             d) guitar

5. Louis Armstrong                         e) trumpet

Keys: 1-d; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a; 5-e;

V.Listening and relaxing

Pre-listening activity

T: Let’s plunge into the atmosphere of music. You’ll listen to a piece of music. Relax and use your imagination. (Music by Chopin sounds.)

While-listening activity

While listening you are to write down the words/phrases which come to your mind or try to draw a  picture.

Post-listening activity

T: What have you imagined while listening to the music?

(Pupils read the words/phrases they have written and describe the pictures they’ve drawn.)

VΙ. Speaking

T:  And now let’s speak about your preferences in music. You have to prepare project work about your favorite singer or band. Are you ready? (Pupils present heir project works.)

VΙΙ. Role-play “Our guest”.

T:  Let’s imagine that famous American singer Rihanna came to Batsmany


P1: Hello! We are glad to meet you.

P2: Hello!

P1: Have you ever been to Ukraine?

P2: No, it’s my first visit to Ukraine.

P1: How do you find our country?

P2: Oh! Ukraine is very beautiful country, especially Chernivtsy.

P1: Would you like to perform one of your songs?

P2: With pleasure.

T: And now look at the screen and read what famous people think about music. Pick up a quotation to go as an epigraph of our today’s lesson.

  1. Music is well said to be the speech of angels.

Thomas Carlyle

  1. Music is the universal language of mankind.

Henry Longfellow

  1. Without music life would be an error.


  1. Where there’s music can be no evil.


VΙΙΙ. Summing-up

T: Today we’re talked about music and its representatives. You have demonstrated your talents and knowledge on the topic. I believe that you’re enjoyed listening to music because it makes our life more colourful and efficient and can be called the universal language of mankind.






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