Урок "At the Airport. Meeting and Greeting People".

Про матеріал

Урок підготовлено відповідно до авторської програми факультативного курсу з англійської мови “Social English Studies” ( “Навчання ситуативного спілкування” ) для учнів 6 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, укладеної за новим Державним стандартом ( I семестр), спрямований на навчання усного діалогічного мовлення в тематичних рамках.

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Lesson 1. At the Airport

Meeting and Greeting People


Тема:  В аеропорту.

Підтема:  Знайомство та перша зустріч.

Мета :

1. Освітня: ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою теми, активізувати ії.

2. Практична: оволодіти знаннями про особливості спілкування при першій зустрічі, знайомстві, вміти представитись, уточнити інформацію.

3. Розвиваюча: сприяти формуванню вмінь і навичок добирати ресурси відповідно до ситуації мовлення, розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, техніку читання та аудіювання.

4. Виховна: виховувати повагу до розмовної мови різних країн.

Обладнання: дошка, ноутбук, телевізор, картки з діалогами.

Хід заняття :

  1.               Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
  1.                Привітання.

T: Hello!

Ps: Hello!

T: Well, look who’s here. It’s …

P1: Max

P2: Nastya

P3: Ira

T: Pleased to meet you!

  1.                Повідомлення теми та мети.

T: Hi! Hello! Morning! What’s up! How are you! We know so many phrases (expressions). And at today’s lesson you’ll learn how to use your vocabulary for meeting and greeting people. By the end of the lesson you will be ready to speak with the strangers or unknown people.

  1.                Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
  1.               T: Dear pupils, are you ready to listen to and sing the song “Good morning”?

Ps: Yes, we do.

Диск Lesson 1.  The Song “Good Morning” Kiboomu kids songs. Karaoke/ Good morning. Songs for children with Lyrics.

Good morning, (good morning)

How are you? (Just Fine)

Howdee, how do you do,

Hello, good day!

Good morning, (good morning)

How are you? (How are you?)

It’s so nice to have you

Here with me today.

Good morning, (good morning)

How are you? (Just Fine)

Howdee, how do you do,                                                              

Hello, good day!                                                              

  1.               T: Tell me please, when do we use the greeting “Good morning”? At what time?

P1: In the morning, till 12 o’clock.

T: You are right. ” Good afternoon”?

P2: From 12 till 18 o’clock.

T: Very good. And in the evening we can say to each other…

P3: “Good evening”.

  1.               Основна частина уроку.
  1.               Подання діалогу для прослуховування.
  1.               Pre-Listening. Етап підготовки.

Бесіда з учнями за малюнком.

T: Look at the picture. Whom do you see in the picture? Where are they? What are they? What are they doing? Why do you think so?


2 ) Listening . Етап прослуховування.

T: I want you to listen to the following dialogue and then act it out.                                                         

 Read and translate the dialogue in turn. Are these people familiar or not? What were they speaking about?

Диск Lesson 1 Діалог “English in 20 minutes a day” p.1 Getting to know you.:

1) - How do you do? I’m Hilary Raisbeck.

- And I’m David Kennett. How do you do?

2) - Good morning, my name’s Yang Chong.

- Pleased to meet , Yang Chong.

3) - Hello, I’m Anna Polsky.

- How do you do? My name’s Harold Brown.

4) - Excuse me, are you Dr Brown? - Yes, I am.

- I’m Sharon Ward. Nice to meet you.

3) Post-Listening Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння діалогу.

T: Let’s make up dialogues according to the speech situation. Imagine ourselves at the airport. How shall we meet a stranger?


  1.               Подання лексичного матеріалу.

T: You have to know that greetings in English are divided into two groups: formal and informal. If you know the person, you can tell him or her:

-Hi! Hello!                                                                      Привіт!

-Hey!                                                                               Гей!

-What’s up?                                                                    Як справи?

-What’s new?                                                                 Що новенького?

-Long time no see!                                                         Давно не бачились!

-I haven’t seen you for ages!                                   Сто років не бачились!

T: Seeing the same person again and again the same day you can say:

-Are you following me?

If the person says “no” you can say (as a joke):

-Good, cause I’m following you!  

T: Speaking with an unknown person it will be correctly to say:


Ласкаво просимо!

-How do you do?

Добрий день!

-How are you?

Як справи?

-Nice to meet you!

Радий познайомитись!

-Good morning (afternoon, evening)!

Доброго ранку (дня,вечора)!

-Mr. Kennett, it has been a long time, nice to see you.

Містер Кеннетт, пройшло багато часу з нашої останньої зустрічі, радий Вас бачити.

-What is your name?

Як Вас звати?

-Where do you come from?

Звідки Ви походити?

-Where are you from?

Звідки Ви?



3. T: Let’s have a rest. Listen to the song  “Where are you from?”

Диск Lesson 1.  Пісня English on Tour with the ABC-s Unit 1-1.

4. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.

T: Work in pairs. Make up your dialogues between imaginary persons using the new words and phrases.

I’ll give each group a set of cards. These cards are a role card and a clue card. Rehearse the situations.

Come to the front and act out your scene, will you?

1). A: Please, meet Dr Brown at the airport.

B: You are  Dr Brown.

2). A: You are at the office. Meet your business partner.

B:  You  are Yang Chong.  You are a business partner.

3). A: Meet your best friend at the station.

B: You are the best friend. You haven’t seen for ages.

Examples ( Учні розігрують діалоги ):

1). – Good morning! Excuse me, are you Dr Brown?

     – Yes, I’m Dr Brown. Nice to meet you!

     – Welcome!

2). – Nice to meet you!

     – Good morning. I am Yang Chong.

     – I’m Dr Black. Where are you from?

  • I’m from China.

3). – Hello! Long time no see!

     – Hi! I haven’t seen you for ages!

     – How are you?

     – I’m fine, thanks.

4). – How do you do? I’m Bob Black.

     – Nice to meet you! My name is Willy White.

T: Good job! OK. The conversation has the end & the beginning. We have learned how to begin it. But what words and expressions help us finish? Write down the next.

Saying “Good-bye”


До побачення!

-See you later.


-Thank you for coming.

Дякую, що завітав.

- Keep in touch

Тримай мене в курсі справ

-I shall be missing you.

Я буду сумувати за тобою.

-Take care of yourself.

Бережи себе.

-My best regards to everybody at home.

Передавай привіт всім домашнім.

T: At last, use the suitable gestures. For example, you can wave your hand and say “Bye-bye”. Listen to the dialogue.

Paul:  Hello. How are you?

Don:  Fine, thank you. How are you?

Paul:  Fine, thanks. (bus sound-effect) Oh, excuse me, here’s my bus. Good-bye.

Don:  Good-bye.

(Dialogs for Everyday Use, p.3)

5.T: Let’s play the game “Running dictation”. Let’s divide into pairs. One student is a writer and this student remains sitting. The other one is a runner and this student runs around the class and tries to find the sentence. This student memorizes as much as he/she can and then returns to the writer to dictate what he/she has memorized. You have 3 minutes.

A Dog in the Bus

A lady with a dog came to a bus stop. She took her dog in the bus with her. When the conductor came, she said, “Do you mind if my dog sits on the seat?” – “I don’t mind,” answered the conductor, “ If your dog doesn’t put his paws on the seat.”

(Б. С. Островський “English optional course” 8/9, ст. 9.)

3. Заключна частина уроку.

1). T: Put down your homework. Make up a dialogue on the theme of our lesson.

2). T: Today we spoke about meeting and greeting people. What will you say at the first meeting with unknown people? What will you say to them by the end of the meeting?

Beautiful work. You are on your way. Great.

I wave “Bye-bye”. That will do for today. The lesson is over. You may have a rest.