Урок " Books in our life" для 5-6 классов.

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Разработка урока по чтению для 5-6 классов по теме 'Books in our life"

Objectives: to improve students' reading, speaking, writing and listening skills; to improve students' skills in retelling, commenting,etc; to expand students' vocabulary; to enrich students' knowledge about ENGLISH lITERATURE.

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  BOOKS IN OUR LIFE  (READING  LESSON)      5-6 form                           




- to improve students’ reading, speaking and listening skills;

- to expand students’ vocabulary;

- to develop students’ logical  thinking.



 P R O C E D U R E                        



T: Today we are going to have a reading lesson. Look at the poster and read the slogan of the lesson.


“Life without books is as a tree without leaves”  Do you agree?


P1 : I think life without books looks as poor and unhappy as a tree without leaves”



T: All over the world people love reading.  DO YOU LOVE READING BOOKS?

Give some opinions on reading books using the phrases

                 I am keen on…

                I am fond of …

               I am interested in…  


P1:-I am fond of reading books because I can become a part of adventure.


P2:- …. , I can visit a far away country, travel into space or learn the secrets of underwater life.


P3:- …., I can travel into the past with the main characters of the book.


P4:- …, Books are full of many things

              That I would like to know

               Books are full of greatest men      

               That lived long, long ago.



 1)Discuss where you can find books you need.

T: Masha, where do you usually take your books?



                                            - 2 -

P1: I usually buy them at the bookstore. I love such stores. You can spend hours there. I enjoy looking at the books’ covers and titles.


T: And what about you, Alina?

P2: I borrow them from the library. Our school librarian can always help you find the book you are looking for.


T: Libraries are very important in the life of all people. Why?

 P2: ( about libraries)

We need many books for study and pleasure. But we can’t buy them all. And libraries can help us. We can take books we need from the libraries.


Our school library is a busy place. The librarian helps us to choose books for reading and for study. Our pupils like different kinds of books. Some children like adventure stories or historical novels. Others like books on travel.

As for me I like fairy-tale.


T:And what about you, Danil?  Where do you get your books?

P3:  I borrow them.

T: From the library?


P3: No, from my friend. He has got a good collection of comic books and science fiction. You can find lots of interesting fairy tales in his home library, too .


2) Word game. (Write down word map)


Give the  definition of  a“fairy tale”.


                   ………  a tale about fairies and magicians

                   ………. a story about unusual adventures and travels of characters

                    ………a story with fantasy characters and usually magic


So, a fairy tale is an exciting children’s  story in which magical things happen.


What fantasy characters of fairy tales do you know?


                                                  ………….. fairies

                                                   …………. elves

                                                    ………… giants

                                                    ………… goblins

                                                    ………… trolls

                                                    ………… mermaids

                                                    ………… dwarves 


                                            -  3 -

Can you name other characters of fairy tales?                                                    

                          …… animals

                           …… kings and queens

                           …… prince and princess



 T: Last year we read and discussed many fairy tales of  English and American authors.  Look at the pictures and name the writers and then say  what books are written by these writers.


Lewis Carroll  -  Alice in Wonderland”

Rudyard Kipling –“The Jungle Book”

Alan Milne – “Winnie-the-Pooh”

James Barrie – “Peter Pan”

Frank Baum – “The Wizard of Oz”


T: Do you know any more English and American writers and poets and their books?

Mark Twain (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”) Beatrix Potter, Donald Bisset,

J. R. Tolkien, Roald Dalh…


T: Children, you were to find out some interesting information  about the life and  works of some English writers and prepare a short report on the following topic.

 (Prepare your presentation of the book you have recently read. Give the title of the book and its author; tell what kind of book it is, when and where the events take place, who the main characters are. Give a short description of the events of the book)



4). Pupils’  reports


P1: I am Beatrix Potter. I wrote a very interesting book for children about a rabbit and his friends. Would you like to know how I did it?


One summer at the end of August, one of my young friends became ill. It was a boy named Noel. I came home and started to write letters to him. I wrote about Peter Rabbit and his tricks


Noel liked my letters and showed them to all his friends. They liked the stories, too. So I decided to make these letters into a book.


In 1900 I published my first book. I also drew pictures for this book. The title of the book was “The tale of Peter Rabbit”.


                                           -  4  -

T: Well, now we’ll watch an interesting cartoon about Peter Rabbit. Be attentive and try to understand the plot of this tale.

( video from You Tube)

T: Is everything clear? Then

Answer the questions: 1. How many children are there in Mrs. Push’s family?

                                     2. What are their names?

                                     3. What does Peter do in the kitchengarden?

                                     4. Does Mr. McGregor catch Peter?

                                     5. Does the little rabbit come home in his clothes or without them?

                                     6. Does Peter feel himself well?

                                     7. What does his mother do?

                                     8. What does this tale teach children?


T:  Now  give me a brief summary of the content (the plot)

P2:     The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Сказка о Питере Кролике»)

This story is about a naughty rabbit. His name is Peter Push. He lives with his mother Mrs. Push and three little sisters. The little rabbits have got no father because he was killed by Mr. McGregor. Everybody is afraid of Mr. McGregor but not Peter Push.


This little rabbit is very curious. He wants to know what is in the garden of Mr. McGregor. So Peter goes to the garden and eats many cabbages and carrots. Soon Mr. McGregor sees Peter Push, runs after him and nearly catches Peter. Little Rabbit loses his shoes and his jacket but runs away from Mr. McGregor. Peter comes home without his clothes. . And his mother punishes him.

This tale teaches children to obey their parents and be very careful all the time.




P5: Donald Bisset was a British actor. He also wrote stories for children which he illustrated himself. His stories have been translated into 16 languages. Bisset described his stories for children as “modern fairy tales”.


5). Listening

  The Useful DragonПолезный Дракон»)

Once upon a time there lived a dragon whose name was Komodo.. He could breathe fire. All the people who lived near were afraid of him. The dragon had six feet. He wore three pairs of shoes and every shoe creaked. So whenever the dragon went the people were sure to know. They could always hear him walking.


One day he met a girl who wasn’t afraid of him.

“Why are you so angry? she asked. “Why do you breathe fire when you see anybody?”

“I never thought about it. Shall I stop?” said Komodo.

“Yes, please, said the little girl whose name was Susie.

“All right”, said Komodo, “I’ll try”.

                                        -  5  -

They said good-bye to each other and Susie went home. It was beginning to get dark. But the lamplighter  Charlie was still in bed. It was dark in the streets and the people were afraid of darkness.


Then the girl had an idea! She ran to the cave where the dragon lived. She took him to the town. He breathed fire on each lamp and lit it. Now the people were not afraid of darkness and of the dragon. They could see he was a friendly animal. 


Post-listening tasks


T:  a) Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the wrong sentences.


1. The Dragon had four feet in the boots. (six feet in the shoes)

2. The Dragon could breathe fire.

3. The Dragon lived in a block of flats. (in the cave)

4. Nobody was afraid of the Dragon. (all the people were afraid of him)

5. The little girl liked the Dragon.

6. The Dragon became useful.


T:  b) Retell the story as if you were a little girl ( the Dragon). Use the clues below.


to breathe a fire

to have six feet in creaked shoes

to be dark in the streets

to have an idea

to run to a cave

to become useful



T: The lesson is coming to an end. You’ve worked hard. It’s time to fill in your self-evaluation cards.

Self-evaluation card


My participation was   poor/  good/ very good/ great

My behaviour was  bad/ good/ very good

I was good at:_____________________________________



I need to work at:___________________________________



For my work I deserve a mark:  1  2  3  4  5   6  7   8  9   10  11  12




Martjukhina Alla
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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
10 вересня 2018
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