Урок "Christmas shopping".Покупки на Різдво у 6 класі

Про матеріал
Урок англійської мови з елементами проєктної діяльності у 6 класі. Учні виконують завдання і отримують символи Різдва, працюють над плакатом про покупки на Різдво.
Перегляд файлу

Grade 6

Урок з елементами проєктної діяльності

Тема: Christmas shopping. Покупки на Різдво.

Мета: вчитись говорити про покупки, описувати покупки на Різдво, формувати навички сприймання на слух, cприяти формуванню навичок усного продукування, формувати навички усної взаємодії, розвивати навички роботи в парі та групі. Сприяти розвитку пам'яті, уваги, логічного мислення, спостережливості. Виховувати економного покупця.

Target language: shopping

Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to talk about shopping and describe important Christmas shoppings.

Assumed knowledge of learners:  Concept: shopping

Recycled language: clothes, colours, presents

Language support resources:      Realia: Chistmas ball, card, Christmas bell, stocking, hat,

                                                           Christmas tree, lights, star, candle, present

                                                           Flashcards: Chistmas ball, card, Christmas bell, stocking,

                                                           hat, Christmas tree, lights, star, candle, present

Book: Prepare 2. Joanna Kosta.

Stages of the lesson and timing

Teaching procedures and teacher’s language

Learner activities and language


Starter/ warmer

5 mins

  1. Teacher greets the learners by saying, “Good morning, class”. Learners respond, “Good morning”
  2. Repeat the tongue twister

Santa’s sleigh slides sideways on slushy snow.

  1. Teacher spells the word “SHOPPING”. Students try to guess the word. Do you like shopping?
  2. What holiday are we going to have soon, on 25th December? It’s Christmas. Do you like shopping at Christmas?

Today at the lesson for every exercise done correctly, we are going to have one element of Christmas. ( Christmas ball, stocking, card, Christmas bell, hat, Christmas tree, lights, star, candle, present). Teacher needs to bring these real objects to the class to show the students.

Free Christmas Black And White Images, Download Free ...

  1. Now, let’s read a poem and answer “What presents for Christmas did he buy?”


Today I went shopping downtown at the mall,

for Christmas-day presents for family and all.

I purchased a sweater, some brand-new CDs,

a gift box with crackers and spreadable cheese,

a scooter, computer, and video games,

a skateboard with decals of dragons and flames,

a board game with legions of troops to command,

a poster and shirt of my favorite band.

Tomorrow I’ve got to go back to the mall

to get some more presents for family and all,

despite that my savings is practically shot,

I can’t bear to part with the ones I just bought!


 — Kenn Nesbitt

You did the exercise correctly, so we have the first Christmas element – Christmas bell.

  1. Let’s have a quiz. You have guess the word. This activity can be done in teams.


You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – Christmas tree.



How are you?

Whole class

Presentation activity

  1.    mins

1. Students read the text in the book on page about shopping. After reading students answer the question ‘’What kinds of shops do you know?” ( charity shops, supermarkets,

You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – stocking.

2.Circle activity. Students stand in a circle and pass the box with questions. When the music is played students pass the box. When the music stops one student (who has got a box) opens the box, takes the question from the box and answers the question.

  • Do you like Christmas shopping?
  • When do you start to shop for Christmas?
  • Who do you buy Christmas for?
  • Do you shop online for Christmas presents?
  • Do you prefer to buy cheap or expensive presents?
  • Do you use bags for presents or wrap them in paper?
  • Do you buy Christmas presents on Black Friday?
  • What was the best Christmas present for you?
  • What was the worst Christmas present for you?

You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – Christmas ball.

3.Students work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.

You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – Christmas star.

4.Students listen to the text and complete the text with the missing words.



You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – lights.

5.Students need to complete the sentences in a written form.

1.During the Christmas season shops are open…

2.People want to buy the right presents…

3.There are Christmas decorations in the…

4.Hamleys is a great…

5. Hamley has got … full of toys.

6.FAO Schwarz is situated in…

7.In the weeks before Christmas people like sending Christmas cards…

People usually buy boxes of Christmas cards from…

You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – candle.












Chistmas ball

 card Christmas bell


hat                                                       Christmas tree



candle present





































Whole class



























In pairs

TPR activity

5 mins

A song “Christmas Exercise Dance”. Students need to listen to the song and do the activities.


You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – present.


Whole class

Consolidation activity

10 mins

  1. Project “Christmas shopping’’. Students in groups make a poster about Christmas shopping. They can draw or write something on the paper and then each group of students needs to present a story about Christmas shopping.

You did the exercise correctly, so we have the next Christmas element – Christmas hat.

(Students can bring their Christmas hats and wear them at the lesson.) It’s time for Christmas celebration, we’ve collected all the elements of Christmas.



In groups






Closing activity

  1.        mins
  1. Teacher asks which part of the lesson was the most interesting for students.
  2. At home students write a story about their Christmas shopping.

Class stands up and says, “Goodbye”.


Whole class








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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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