Урок для 5 класу з англійської мови

Про матеріал
Урок за темою "Where I live". Для проведення уроку використала відеоролік, наочності, роздатковий матеріал. Є індивідуальна робота і робота в групах
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Тема. Where I live

Мета: закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми; повторити назви кімнат та меблів; повторити прийменники місця; удосконалювати граматичні навички;

удосконалювати мовленнєві навички,  навички  аудіювання.

виховувати у дітей старанність та наполегливість, прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови. сприяти вихованню взаємодопомоги та дружби,

Тип уроку: урок повторення і закріплення вивченого матеріалу.

Обладнання: картки, малюнки, наочний матеріал, технічні засоби навчання, таблиці із словами, граматичні структури.



І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


Good day! I’m glad to see you! Let`s begin our lesson.

2. Warm up

So and now I want you to warm up. Stand up and repeat after me

It’s time to think

It’s time to speak

It’s time to show

Ready! Steady! Go!

Are you ready for the English lesson?

So and now I have my Magic bag. Your task is come to me, close your eyes, choose one thing and try to guess what is it. Who wants?

So we have…. How do you think what the theme of our lesson is? You are right, today we are going to speak about our houses and the aim of ous lesson is … (слайд 2)

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Повторення і закріплення ЛО теми

Not only people have houses. Animals have their houses too. Where do different animals live? (слайд 3)

- Birds live in nests.

-          Foxes live in holes.

-          Crocodiles live in water.

-          Mice live under the floor.

-          Bats live in caves.

Not only crocodiles live in  water? What animals live in  water?

And we continue. Now, dear children I want you to listen to my sentences. I’ll describe different rooms and you must guess them


1. This room is not very large. People take off their coats, hats, boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror there. ( a hall).

2. This room is not very large. We take a shower or have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there. (a bathroom).

3. There are beds in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this room. (a bedroom).

4. There is a TV, some chairs and a sofa in this room. Some people have a fireplace there. We can see some flowers on the walls. There is often carpet on the floor. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch television, listen to music. (a living room).

5. Our mothers usually spend a lot of time there. We have a fridge, a sink, a table, a cupboard in this room. (a kitchen).

6. People have breakfast, lunch, and dinner or drink tea in this room. There is a big table and some chairs there. (dining room)

Task 2

On your desks you have got cards with sentences. Look at them, please. Read all the sentences. Now, look at the screen. You can see a picture of living room. Now take your pens or pencils and circle the correct preposition.

1. There are photos next to/on the wall.

2. There is a plant behind /under the sofa.

3. There is a Christmas tree next to/on the window.

4. There are some lamps on/under the bedside cabinets.

5. There is a table in front of/ behind the sofa

6. There are many presents on/under the Christmas tree.

2) Speaking (group work)

Project work “My room”. Проєктна робота «Моя кімната».

T: Now you will make your own room. You must take the furniture, arrange it in your room and then describe it using phrases. 



T: Let's watch a cartoon and then we'll do the writing task. Pepa Pig “Daddy looses his glasses”

  • 1.The glasses aren't _______ the TV.
  • 2.The glasses aren't _______ the bedroom.
  • 3.The glasses aren't _______ the pillow.
  • 4.The glasses are ______ the armchair.
  • 5.The glasses aren't ________ the bathroom.
  • 6.Daddy pig was sitting _______ the glasses.

ІІІ.Заключна частина уроку

  1.     Підведення підсумків уроку

Thank you for you working. All of you are really good today and you will get good marks.


  1.     Домашнє завдання

Draw your room and tell about it









30 листопада 2023
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