Відкритий урок по темі: "Пам'ятки Лондона"
Розробила вчитель англійської мови Казарян І.Б.
Освітні: - зформувати у учнів вміння знаходити потрібну інформацію при роботі з текстом і виконанні завдань до нього; при перегляді відеоматеріалів з даної теми; - удосконалювати навички перекладу з англійської мови на українську;
Розвиваючі: - розвивати творчі здібності; - удосконалювати мовні здібності; - сприяти розвитку пізнавального мислення.
Виховні: - виховувати культуру поведінки при фронтальній, парної, групової роботи; - виховувати інтерес до культури англомовних країн;
Оснащення уроку:
комп'ютер, мультимедійний проектор, дидактичний матеріал: роздаткові картки із завданням, , сканворд для лексичної розминки.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Хід уроку:
1. Вітання (1 мин)
Good morning my dear children . The theme of our lesson is the
Sights of London. You have already learnt about London. Today we will remember interesting places and talk about one of the palaces .
2.Лексична розминка. (5 мин)
Find words and places of interest in London:
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F |
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Keys:, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square , MOMI, Big Ben, Queen, Thames, Tower, Shakespeare, Hyde Park, London Zoo.
Учні виконують завдання на індивідуальних картках, а потім промовляють слова, знайдені в завданні, звіряючи один з одним.
Keys:, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square , MOMI, Big Ben, Queen, Thames, Tower, Shakespeare, Hyde Park, London Zoo.
Учні виконують завдання на індивідуальних картках, а потім промовляють слова, знайдені в завданні, звіряючи один з одним.
3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.(5 мин)
На індивідуальних картках пропозиції з пройденого матеріалу. Текст діти читали і перекладали будинку, і тепер їм пропонується виконати завдання з даного тексту.
Last century there was a very interesting museum in London. It was called the Museum of the Moving Image. Everyone enjoyed their visit to MOMI. In MOMI the history and magic of cinema and TV was explained. There were hundreds of clips from films and TV programmes. Visitors took an active part. You could act in a Hollywood Western, select a film to watch, or even draw your own cartoon film. During your visit you could also meet characters from the past. Visitors could ask any questions about the time in history from which the characters came. It was both interesting and good fun.
Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):
1. MOMI is a Natural History Museum (F).
2. In MOMI you can learn more about the history and magic of theatre.(F)
3. During your visit to MOMI you will meet characters from the past.(T)
4. In MOMI you can draw your own cartoon film.(T)
3. Физкультминутка (3мин)
Clap your hands
Clap your hands ― one, two, three
Rub your hands ― one, two, three.
(виконуються дії, описувані в віршику
Rub your hands just like me.
Clap your hands just like me.
Tap your knees ― one, two, three.
Roll your hands ― one, two, three.
Tap your knees just like me.
Roll your hands just like me.
Shake your hips ― one, two, three.
Shake your hands ― one, two, three.
Shake your hips just like me.
Shake your hands just like me.
Stamp your feet ― one, two, three.
Stamp your feet just like me.
4. Введення нового матеріалу
Перегляд відеофрагменту про Лондоні. Презентація Лондон. Карта Лондона. (10 хв)
After watching the film, read the text and learn more about Buckingham Palace. Do the task that follow.(15 хв)
As you probably know, this is where Queen Elizabeth II lives much of her time. In fact, she also spends a lot of time at Windsor Castle and three other palaces where she goes for the summer holiday, Christmas and Easter. When the Queen is in London, you can see the Union Jack above the palace.
Buckingham Palace is enormous. There are 600 rooms, 78 bathrooms, a cinema, a swimming pool and even a post office. There is also a beautiful park with a lake around the palace. About 450 people work at the Palace. They are servants, cleaners, footmen, gardeners and security men. Two people look after the 300 clocks.
When the Queen is on holiday in the summer the palace opens to the public. You can visit the Grand Hall, the State Dining Room, the Music Room and the Silk Tapestry Room.
You can also visit the Throne Room. It is interesting but a bit disappointing. There isn’t a huge gold throne in the middle of it, like you might expect. There are just two chairs with the Queen’s initials (ER – Elizabeth Regina) and Prince Philip’s initial (P) inscribed. You can’t even sit on them!
1. Where does Queen Elizabeth II live much of her time?
- Windsor Castle
- Buckingham Palace
- Kensington Palace
2. What can you see above the palace when Queen is in London?
- The Union Jack
- The emblem of the UK
- The Grand Union Flag
3. How many rooms are there in Buckingham Palace?
- 500
- 600
- 700
4. Where do Prince William and prince Harry live?
- Clarence House
- Kensington Palace
- Buckingham Palace
5. When does the Palace open to public?
- Spring
- Autumn
- Summer
5.Закріплення пройденого матеріалу
Учитель роздає учням для роботи в парах розрізані картки, які необхідно скласти в правильному порядку і прочитати невеликі діалоги.
Put sentences in the right order, and then read the dialogues in pairs.
1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Buckingham Palace?
2. Oh, it’s very easy. Go straight ahead and you will see it.
3. Thank you very much.
4. You are welcome.
1. What are you going to do on Sunday?
2. I don’t know yet.
3. Have you ever been to Madame Tussaud’s museum?
4. No, I have never been there.
5. Let’s go then, it’s worth seeing.
1. Have you ever been to any interesting place in London?
2. Of course, I have. I went to Trafalgar Square last month.
3. Did you? I’ve not been there. Is it worth visiting?
4. Yes, sure.
6 Рефлексія. (5 хв)
Учні записують в зошити свої пропозиції про побачене на уроці за допомогою питань, записаних на дошці.
Look at the blackboard and write sentences in your exercise-books.
- What places of interest would you like to visit?
- What can you see above Buckingham Palace?
- What have you learnt at the lesson?
- What was the most interesting for you?
- What was the most difficult?
7.Подведеніе підсумків, домашнє завдання. (2 хв)
Write a short story about one of the places of London. See you later, goodbye.