Урок до теми одяг та магазини

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Матеріал до дистанційного уроку для 7 класу по темі одяг та покупки. має багато різноманітних завдань для онлайн уроку.
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Group 3

Lesson plan template

Class: 7

Level:A1+(12-13 years old)

Topic: Clothes. Shops. Markets.

Overview :

a) At the lesson:  Greeting: How are you today? warm-up Random wheel Wardwall (4), Reviewing the vocabulary and speaking practice Live worksheets (4 min), watch the video and repeat the names of different kinds of shops using Powtoon (5 min) then do the tasks use Live worksheets (3 min), Listening listen to a dialogue and choose the right variant (3 min), gramma and writing (Video of the rules Some/Any  and tasks Live worksheets ) (5 min) reading (10 min),  reflection (4 min)

b) After the lesson: do a project “Make a shopping list”


Practical: to review the vocabulary on the topic “Clothes”; to summarize and systematize the material of the topic, to do the tasks, to improve grammar skills of the topic “Some/An.” to introduce some new phrases on the topic; to practice speaking, writing and reading skills on the topic “Shops and Markets”;

Educational: to expand students’ erudition, to deepen knowledge of the topic, to form communicative and social competencies of students, and to widen pupils’ knowledge about shopping.

Developmental: to develop creative, to develop skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, to teach learners to analyze and make conclusions, to develop speech, memory and thinking skills of pupils;

Cultural: to cultivate the respect of children to each other, the ability to listen.

 Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • name different kinds of shops.
  • to ask and answer what they can buy and where;
  • to tell about the famous markets in London

Digital literacy:  Develop digital literacy skills through online research, information evaluation, and effective communication using digital tools, critical thinking

     Autonomy: Foster autonomous learning by encouraging students to explore their own shopping preferences, conduct independent research, and take ownership of their learning process.

Materials: presentation “Clothes. Shops. Markets.”, CD records, paper cards, Youtube videos.

Timing: 45 minutes


  1. Greeting
  1. Good morning, dear students and our guests! I am very glad to see you! Speak: How are you today?

Warm-up : https://wordwall.net/uk/resource/57845253

  1. Reviewing the vocabulary and speaking practice.


 Speaking https://wbd.ms/share/v2/aHR0cHM6Ly93aGl0ZWJvYXJkLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vYXBpL3YxLjAvd2hpdGVib2FyZHMvcmVkZWVtLzgxOTkyZTYxNjI5NjRhNWQ4ZTQzMmViMzEzMWQ5YjkzX0JCQTcxNzYyLTEyRTAtNDJFMS1CMzI0LTVCMTMxRjQyNEUzRF85NDMyZWQyNi1iNDlkLTRiMGQtYmQ1MS0xZWUxMWUxNWZkYWE=

         Watch the video and repeat vocabulary “Shops”


         do tasks:


Watch the dialogue and do the task: https://clipchamp.com/watch/V1TS4oqTgIS


Grammar task (Some/any)




Before reading task.




Listen and read the text and then tell where can you buy:

  • Meat & fish
  • Clothes
  • Souvenirs
  • Antique furniture
  • Fruit & vegetable

             Watch these 2 videos and say which market is it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w91FmvgsB2I&t=1s


While reading task.

Read again and answer the questions

  1.       Which market offers more choices to visitors?
  2.       Where can you buy products from other countries?
  3.       Where can you eat food prepared at the time you are there?
  4.       What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
  5.       Which market would you like to go to? Why? 

            After reading activity.

Imagine you are at one of these markets. Describe this seem to your partner. What can you see, smell, feel? What are the people doing?

Name of the market

What can you see?

What can you smell?

How can you feel?

What are the people doing?






Listen to some pupils.


What did you like the best at the lesson?

What was the most difficult?










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