Урок "Do you need a book? Books in our life"

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A book is a dream that you hold in your hand

                     ( Neil Gaiman)

Great books help you understand and they help you feel understood

                       (John Green)



There is no friend as loyal as a book

            (Ernest Hemingway)

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Тема: Do you need a book?Books in our life


практична:  удосконалювати вимову учнів; практикувати учнів в усному мовленні; ознайомити учнів з новим лексичним матеріалом теми ; тренувати учнів у вживанні нової лексики на рівні понадфразової єдності ; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні;

освітня: розширювати та збагачувати знання учнів з теми «Do you need a book ?», розширювати світогляд учнів ;

розвивальна:  розвивати логічне мислення, фонематичний слух учнів; формувати пізнавальний інтерес до навчання, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки іноземною мовою;

виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до читання, до вивчення іноземної мови.

Хід уроку.

1) Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Good morning children. I’m very glad to see you today at our lesson. I hope you are ready for the lesson.I am sure we’ll have wonderful minutes of communication.

And now I want you to define the topic of the lesson. What shall we talk about? Look at the blackboard, please. You see some quotations read them and guess the topic of the lesson .

A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. (Neil  Gaiman)

Great books help you understand, and they help you feel  underatood. (John Green)

There is no friend as loyal as a book. (Ernest Hemingway)

Yes, it is «Books in our life» .We are going to discuss literature genres, listen to a text  and read a text to get more information about books.


2) Warming up. (питання в корзинці)

1. Do you like to read books?

2. How much time do you spend on reading?

3. Do you have any books by English or American writers

4. Do you often go to the library?

5. What is your favorite writer?

6. Do you like to recite poems?

7. What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books, newspapers or magazines?

8. How old were you when you began reading?

9. Do you collect books?

10. How many books do you have at home?

11. Is reading important in our life?

12. What is your favorite story?

13. Who is your favorite character?

14. What is your favorite genre?

15. Where is your favourite place to read?

16. What was the last book that you read?


3) Основна частина уроку

Have a look at the screen.

1) Complete the sentences

1. Books are                                       a) a source of wisdom.

2. A good book is                               b) a body without a soul.

3. A room without books is               c) as you choose a friend

4. The more you read,                       d) a tree without leaves.

5. Life without books is                   e) a great thing as long as you know

                                                          how to use them. 

6. Choose a book                              f) the more you know



1 – E; 2 – A; 3 – B; 4 – F, 5- D, 6- C


4) Speaking


Look at the screen again. Help these writers

find their books.


  1.                       Charlotte Bronte                      a) King Lear
  2.                       Daniel Defoe                            b) Three Men in a boat
  3.                       Rudyard Kipling                      c) The Last Leaf
  4.                       Jonathan Swift                         d) The Jungle Book
  5.                       William Shakespeare               e) Sherlock Holmes
  6.                       Conan Doyle                            f) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  7.                       Jerome K.Jerome                     g) Gulliver’s Travels
  8.                       Lewis Carroll                            h) Robinson Crusoe
  9.                       Mark Twain                              i) Jane Eyre
  10.                  O.Henry                                    j) Alice in Wonderland      


5) What is your favourite book?


6) What do you know about these writers and their books?

  1.                       What was the name of Tom Sawyer’s younger brother? (Sid)
  2.                       Who is the author of the poem “Six Serving Men”? (R.Kipling)
  3.                       What was Robinson Crusoe friend’s name? (Friday)
  4.                       Where  was R.Kipling born? (India)
  5.                       What is William Shakespeare’s native town? (Stratford-on-Avon)
  6.                       Who said these words: “To be or not to be”? (Hamlet)


7) Робота з цитатами.


A lot of famous people thought about the importance of books. Now I will give you some quotations but the words in them are given in the wrong order try to arrange them correctly.


  1.              A roman philosopher Cicero said:

Without/ A room/ a body/ is/ books/a soul/ like/ without.

  1.              An American president Thomas Jefferson said:

Reading/ live/ i/ without/ cannot/

  1.              Sir Richard Steel said:

Is/ what exercise/ Reading/ to the body/ to the mind/is

  1.              An English philosopher Francis Bacon said:


  1.              A Scottish writer Andrew Lang said:

Can/of country/a great deal/in books/cover/you



  1.              A room without books is like a body without soul.
  2.              I cannot live without reading.
  3.              Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
  4.              Reading makes a full man.
  5.              You can cover a great deal of country in books.


8) QR Codes on the blackboard.


And now you can see the QR Codes on the blackboard. With the help of your mobile phones and the Internet you need guess what the genres of the books are there. Come, please, with your phone.












9) Now tell us about some famous writers.                  ДОСКА

Photos are on the blackboard.

Впр 6 стор 119


10) Now let’s watch the dialogue «At the Library»


L. Good morning.

P. Good morning

L. What can I help you today?

P. I want something to read.

L. OK. Let’s see. There are many different books. Here you can see historical and fiction books. And there you can see fairy-tales and non-fiction books. What would you like to read?

P. Maybe ...I would like to read this one.

L. OK. Do you have your library card?

P. Of course.

L. Wait, please. What form are you in ?  What is your surname...?

P. Thank you very much. Have a great day!

L. Thank you for visiting our library!



11) Reading впр 5 стор 117 + вірш


12) It's time to revise the words which are associated with the topic of оur lesson.


S1: Someone who writes books, stories, plays, novels. (a writer, an author)

S2: A long written story, usually about characters and events that are not real. (a novel)

S3: Someone who writes plays. (a playwriter)

S4: A room or building containing books that you can read there or borrow. (a library)

S5: A piece of paper that you put in a book so that you can find the page you want. (a book-mark)

S6: A shop that sells books. (a bookstore)

S7: The activity of looking and understanding wrtten words. (reading)

S8: Someone who writes poem. (a poet)

S9: A story for children in which magic things happen. (а fairy-tale)

S10: A piece of writing that is written in short lines, especially using words that rhyme (a poem)

S11: A set of printed pages, fastened together in a cover so that you can read then. (a book)


13) Listening Comprehension


Now you will listen to the text.

Try to understand it and say if the statements are true or false.

W. Shakespeare

W. Shakespeare was the greatest English writer. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than himself. A few years later he moved to London, where he worked as an actor and a playwright.

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets. His most famous plays are the four great tragedies – Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet and King Lear. He also wrote several historical plays. But not all of his plays were serious. He also wrote comedies. Shakespeare died in Stratford-upon-Avon on April 23, 1616, but his plays are still very popular today. They have been translated into several different languages, and many of them have been made into films, both in English and other languages.


Do you think these statements are true or false?

1. W. Shakespeare was born in 1654 in London.

2. His most famous plays are the four great tragedies.

3. He did not write comedies.

4. His plays have been translated into several different languages.

5. Shakespeare's plays are still very popular today.

14) Summarizing

      Today we have got a lot of information about books and now we have to sum up the results of the lesson. I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books and enjoy them. Your marks are ...

15) Hometask

       Your hometask will be to write a composition “Books in my life”

       Thank you for your work at the lesson. See you!








Do you like to read books?


Do you often go to the library?


How much time do you spend on reading?


What is your favorite writer?


Do you have any books by English or American writers


Do you like to recite poems?

What kind of reading do you prefer: books, newspapers or magazines?


How old were you when you began reading?


Do you collect books?


How many books do you have at home?


Is reading important in our life?


What is your favourite story?


Who is your favourite character?


What is your favourite genre?


Where is your favourite place to read?


What was the last book that you read?



L. Good morning.

P. Good morning

L. What can I help you today?

P. I want something to read.

L. OK. Let’s see. There are many different books. Here you can see historical and fiction books. And there you can see fairy-tales and non-fiction books. What would you like to read?

P. Maybe ...I would like to read this one.

L. OK. Do you have your library card?

P. Of course.

L. Wait, please. What form are you in ?  What is your surname...?

P. Thank you very much. Have a great day!

L. Thank you for visiting our library!





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Комунальний заклад «Тернівська загальноосвітня

школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 7 Тернівської міської ради Дніпропетровської області»







Розробка відкритого уроку

з англійської мови

в 8-Б класі на тему:

«Do you need a book?Books in our life»



                                     вчитель англійської мови

                   Яковлєва Т. В.






Тернівка, 2018

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Do you need a book? Books in our life

Номер слайду 2

1. Books are 2. A good book is 3. A room without books is 4. The more you read, 5. Life without books is 6. Choose a book a) a source of wisdom. b) a body without a soul. c) as you choose a friend d) a tree without leaves. e) a great thing as long as you know how to use them. f) the more you know.

Номер слайду 3

Charlotte Bronte a) King Lear Daniel Defoe b) Three Men in a Boat Rudyard Kipling c) The Last Leaf Jonathan Swift d) The Jungle Book William Shakespeare e) Sherlock Holmes Conan Doyle f) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Jerome K. Jerome g) Gulliver’s Travels Lewis Carroll h) Robinson Crusoe Mark Twain i) Jane Eyre O. Henry j) Alice in Wonderland

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

What do you know about these writers and their books? 1. What was the name of Tom Sawyer’s younger brother? 2. Who is the author of the poem “Six Serving Men”? 3. What was Robinson Crusoe friend’s name? 4. Where was R.Kipling born? 5. What is William Shakespeare’s native town? 6. Who said these words: “To be or not to be”?

Номер слайду 6

A roman philosopher Cicero said: Without/ A room/ a body/ is/ books/a soul/ like/ without. An American president Thomas Jefferson said: Reading/ live/ i/ without/ cannot/ Sir Richard Steel said: Is/ what exercise/ Reading/ to the body/ to the mind/is An English philosopher Francis Bacon said: a/makes/man/full/Reading A Scottish writer Andrew Lang said: Can/of country/a great deal/in books/cover/you

20 листопада 2018
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