Урок 'Doing chores' (за підручником English для 7 класу авт. О.Карпюк)

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План-конспект уроку для 7 класу (Unit 2 At home) вміщує етапи уроку та матеріали, з використанням платформи Liveworksheets.
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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови 7кл.              

Тема: Хатня робота

Мета: створити умови для повторення вивченої лексики за темою уроку, для навчальної бесіди та висловлення свого власного ставлення до запропонованої ситуації, практикувати у вживанні вивченого часу ( the Present Perfect Continuous ), сприяти розвитку навичок усної взаємодії та писемного продукування, навичок зорового сприймання та сприймання на слух, розвитку пам’яті, уваги, мовної здогадки, впливати на виховання працелюбності, культури спілкування.


Очікувані результати: здобувачі освіти можуть розказати про свої домашні обов’язки, використовуючи відповідні конструкції, розрізняють особливості вживання Present Perfect Continuous, вміють аналізувати прочитане, використовуючи лексичний та граматичний матеріал уроку.


Ключові компетентності: комунікативність, критичне мислення, соціальна відповідальність.


Обладнання: підручник,  тематична таблиця “Place settings”, тематичні малюнки “Meals”,  лексика на дошці, комп’ютер, аудіо додаток.

План уроку

1. Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

2. Фонетична розминка. Повторення вірша “When mummy is away” p.56

3. Повторення лексики:

  а) гра “Who knows more?” ( how to lay the table, what to serve );

  б) гра “Hurry up”.

4. Бесіда “What can you prepare yourselves?” Гра “Snowball game”.

5. Розгадування загадок.

6. Бесіда про обов­’язки в сім’ї. Усні повідомлення учнів.

7. Гра “What have you been doing?”

8. Повторення the Present Perfect Continuous. Робота в змінних парах. Ех.1р.63

9.. Усні висловлювання учнів “ My attitude to householding duties.”

10. Читання про Алана. Ех.7р.82. Робота в групах.

11. Підсумки уроку, домашнє завдання.

Хід уроку

1 етап. Початок уроку.

       Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you today. I hope you’re all right, aren’t you? Today we’re going on speaking about doing chores as it’s part of our life. We’re reading some short texts, solving some riddles, discussing your own attitude to householding duties and besides we’re playing a lot of games.

I think you’ll agree with me that the busiest person in almost all families is a woman. Don’t you think so? And there is a statement “A woman’s work is never done”. What can you say about it? Is it really true?  T  CL

Warm-up   To begin with, I want you to revise the poem we’ve learned “When mummy is away”. When she isn’t at home we should do her work, shouldn’t we? Ok, listen to the poem and recite it.  All together.

                  Great! You’ve learned it really well!   

II етап. Основна частина уроку.

                Vocabulary  revision  To do all I’ve said at the beginning of our lesson we need to know the                              vocabulary. Let’s revise it, shall we?

Game “ Who knows more”    I suggest you playing the game “Who knows more”. Do you know all the dishes we usually lay on the table? Let’s see. You are to name the thing in the picture “Place settings” and you are to do it in turn. P1         P2        P3       P4

(napkin, plate, bread and butter plate, water glass what is the difference between a wine glass and a glass of wine?  cup and saucer, fork and knife for the fish, fork and knife for the meat, butter knife, fork for dessert, spoon for dessert(or tea spoon), spoon for soup(or table spoon)) Well, there is nothing more in my picture, but any hostess can use other dishes. What else can you name? (kettle, bowl, pan, frying pan, teapot).

     It’s fantastic! You know a lot!

 But let’s go on playing the game and name the meals(in turn too)… It’s wonderful!          

 So, we’re just named the dishes and the meals. But what can we serve:

1) for the first course (soup, borsch, porridge)

2) for the second course (buckwheat, porridge, fish, meat, potatoes, ham, salad…)

3) for the sweet (ice-cream, pies, cake…)

4) as for the drinks?        I’m really impressed. So who knows more? Choose!

Game “Hurry up”

    Let’s be divided into 2 teams. Stand one after another. Every team has got the same list of verbs but in a different order. You are to tick the word I’ll name as quickly as possible, that’s why this game is called “Hurry up”. Ready, let’s start.

            Team A                             Team B

1. to clear the table  1. to fry

2. to chop 2. to bake

3. to mash 3. to clear the table

4. to boil 4. to chop

5. to dry 5. to serve

6. to fry  6. to pour

7. to mix 7. to mash

8. to bake 8. to boil

9. to pour 9. to dry

10. to serve  10. to mix

My list: 1) to mix; 2) to serve; 3) to clear the table; 4) to fry; 5) to mash; 6) to bake; 7) to chop; 8) to dry; 9) to boil; 10) to pour.

Congratulations! You’re winners!

Oral practice    I believe you are ready to share a good recipe for some dish.

     What can you prepare by yourselves?

  I think everybody knows how to make tea. Let’s make a big snowball (playing “Snowball game”) and tell this recipe.

P1        P2        P3        P4 …  

As far as I know each of you has some duties about the house. What are they? What do the other members of your family do?

 T        Cl: P1, P2, P3, P4 … You’re unique! You can make up remarkable reports.

Solving riddles   There are some things which make our everyday  life easier, they help                                                                            Listening              us do chores. They are called the electrical household goods. Solve my    

 riddles. I’ve written you some hints on the blackboard. Be attentive!

1) This machine is used to clean carpets, furniture and floors.

2) We use it to make toasts.

3) When we want our food to remain fresh we put it into this machine.

4) But if we want to warm up the food we set it into this machine.

5) This can be used to wash up.

6) Mothers usually cook meals on it.

7) We like neat and tidy clothes, so we wash it with …

8) This machine is used to iron the clothes.

9) It’s used to mix some cream.


1) v….. c…..r                         5) d……..r

2) t…..r                                                                        6) c....r

3) f….e                         7) w...... ......e

4) m…….. …n                         8)  i..n

9) f... ....r

+           How smart you are!


   Pretend that you are tired. You have been doing one of the householding duties. All the others will try to guess what you have been doing and ask general questions.

   What tense should we use? How is it formed?


The Present Perfect Continuous


 been + ing      Have you been …ing?


Work in pairs     Ex 1 p. 63      Look at the notes and tell each other what they’ve been doing.  . Ask your partner   P1      P2,  P3      P4


       What are your attitudes to doing chores?   P1, P2, P3, P4 …

                                 I  respect  you!

Reading    1) Before-reading task. Look at the picture (p.83) and predict the family members’        duties.

                    2) While-reading task. Now read a short text and say how Alan feels  about  his duties.  Ex 7 p.82-83

                      3) After-reading task. Do part b) p.83

III етап. Кінець уроку

Hometask: https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_language/Have_to/Household_Chores_-_HAVE_TO_im2011918ie


You’ve worked well today, I’m proud of your knowledge but especially I’m glad that you

are helpful in your family and you can do a lot of things properly. Let me give you a piece of

advice: All that you do, do with your might. Things done by halves are never done right. Here are some stickers with compliments for you. You are the best.



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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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