Бахмутська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №7
Бахмутської міської ради Донецької області
Конспект уроку
з англійської мови у 1 класі
за підручником “Quick Minds”
(by Herbert Puchta)
з теми
вчитель англійської мови
вищої кваліфікаційної категорії
Косяк Наталя Миколаївна
2019 рік
Form: 1
Date: 12.12.2018
Topic: Free Time. Toys.
Basic competences:
Language competence: Pupils identify and name the toys and letters, ask and answer simple questions.
Social and civic competences: Pupils work together (in groups) to greet each other, to ask and answer about their favourite toys.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship: Pupils draw a picture (figure) of a snowman.
New language: What`s your favourite toy? –My favourite toy is…
Recycled language: names of toys, colours and letters A, B, C, D, F, H, P, T, R
CD, Flashcards (toys, letters), magnetic letters, Pupil`s Books, Activity Books, coloured pencils, dolls, maracas, mirrors, paper snowmen for drawing
Type of the lesson: A lesson of getting and consolidation of knowledge.
The expected result:
By the end of the lesson the pupils identify the names of toys and letters A, B, C ,D, F, H, P, T, R, can ask simple questions How are you?, What`s your favourite toy? and answer about their favourite toys. They make a project (snowman)
The sequence of the lesson
I. The beginning of the lesson
Warm-up (5 min)
Morning circle
II. The Main Part (25min)
Pre-teach favourite by asking individual pupils which their favourite toy is.
Listen and match (CD 64) - Pupil`s Book, page 37
CD Track 64
Woman: Hello! How are you?
Girl: I`m fine, thanks.
Woman: What`s your favourite toy?
Girl: My favourite toy`s my bike.
Woman: Hello! How are you?
Boy: I`m fine, thanks.
Woman: What`s your favourite toy?
Boy: My favourite toy`s my train.
Man: Hello! How are you?
Girl: I`m fine, thanks.
Man: What`s your favourite toy?
Girl: My favourite toy`s my ball.
Man: Hello! How are you?
Boy: I`m fine, thanks.
Man: What`s your favourite toy?
Boy: My favourite toy`s my kite.
Key: 1 bike, 2 train, 3 ball, 4 kite
Ask and answer.
Pupil1: What`s your favourite toy?
Pupil 2: My favourite toy is …
Look and say. What letter is it?
Play the game
Activity Book, page 35
Trace the lines and say.
Make your own picture (snowman) - Project
III. Summing- up
Reflection (3-5 min)
What have you done today?
Do you like our lesson? If the answer is Yes, encourage them to clap their hands for their work.