Урок-гра з англійської мови для 3кл. на тему:" Culinary Game "

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Розважально-пізнавальна гра “ Culinary Game " для учнів 3класів

Мета:Повторити і закріпити вивчений матеріал

Повторити конструкції "Would you like…? I would like…, I like…, I don't like…"

Учити складати зв'язне висловлювання англійською мовою.

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Розважально-пізнавальна гра “ Culinary Game ” для учнів 3класів

Мета:Повторити і закріпити  вивчений матеріал

          Повторити конструкції "Would you like…? I would like…, I like…, I don’t like…"

          Учити складати зв’язне висловлювання англійською мовою.

                                                                   Хід гри

1. Організаційний момент

 T:Good morning, dear friends!

  I’m glad to see you, too! Sit down, please. How are you?

 We are fine, thank you. And how are you?

 I’m OK, thank you! That is good, because today we have an unusual lesson. Today we are going to have a competition

 Well, let’s start our lesson.

Презентація команд

The first name is APPLES.
The second is CARROTS

Task 1: T:How many ‘tasty’words do you know?

 Кожна команда записує назви продуктів харчування (за 1 хв).


Task 2:T: Fill in the words.

English cuisine       a, n ,r ,k , g,  e,  d, e,  f,  i,  p, a,  u, a,  s, g,  e, t .

English bre...kfast is usually varied. For breakfast En…lish people may have po…ridge or cornflakes with mil... or cream and su…ar  and ...ggs, marmala…e with buttered toast and t...a or cof...ee. For a change they can have a boiled eg… 

For lunch they may have f...sh and chi...s, or cold meat  with fried potatoes and s…lad and then a fr…it dessert.

For supper they may have an ...melet or sau...ages, or sometimes e…gs, bread and ch..ese, a glass of juice or hot chocolate and frui…  .


T:Do you know table manners? (Конкурс капітанів)

You should eat with your fork and spoon

You shouldn’t talk while you are eating.

You can eat your cake with a spoon.

You can eat chips with your fingers.

You should keep your napkin on the table near your plate.

The knife goes on the right of your plate.


Task 4

T:Take your table mats and guess what it is.

Написи на серветках:

1. It is green and long. (Сucumber)

2. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. (Banana)

3. It is big and round, green outside and red inside. (Watermelon)

4. It is white outside and yellow inside. (Egg)

5. It is white and sweet. All children like it. We usually put it into tea. (Sugar)

6. It is red and round. We make salad from it. (Tomato)

7. It is white. Little children usually drink it. (Milk)

8 We usually have it for dinner. (Soup)

9. It is white, sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all the children like it very much. (Ice-cream)

10. Little old uncle, dressed in brown. Take off his coat... How tears run down! (Onion)

11. They don't eat me alone,But cannot eat without me. What am I? (Salt)

12. It has very many shirts. It is white and round. (Cabbage)

13. It has the name of a vitamin. (Carrot)

14. Its name is its colour. (Orange)

15. It is brown outside and white inside. It is a vegetable. (Potato)

16. You smile when you name it. The mouse likes it very much. (Cheese)

Task 5

T:Read the names of fruits:

Melno                      (lemon)
Pleap                       (apple)
Abnana                    (banana)
Imki                         (milk)               
Ajm                         (jam)
Sifh                         (fish)

Task 6

T: Write the missing letters:

m .. lk , ch .. se , sw .. t , ca ..ot, ca ..age, bu …er ,co… ee, dr …nk ,me .. t, t … a, f … sh .

Task 7

T: Name the colours of food:

milk             (white)                       cucumber     (green)
bread           (white, brown)           salt              (white)
lemon           (yellow)                    pop-corn      (white)
apple            (green, red, yellow)   carrot           (orange)
coffee           (blаck)                      orange         (orange)
banana         (yellow)                     sugar            (white)
meat            (red)                           cheese         (white, yellow)

Task 8

T: Now we’ll check our knowledge. Complete the dialogue and act it out .

Customer: Excuse me!

Shop-assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I’d like hello_html_m2d17e0ea.jpg

Shop-assistant: Anything else?

Customer: Yes, I’d also like hello_html_m2d76d59.jpg and hello_html_37582976.jpg

Shop-assistant: Here you are! Is that all?

Customer: No, I also need hello_html_634a2468.jpg

Shop-assistant: OK, that’s £18, 45 altogether.
















6 серпня 2018
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