Topic/Tема: “ Hutsul Embroidery is the unique phenomenon in the artistic culture of the Ukraine people”.
поглибити знання студентів під час вивчення теми “ Hutsul Embroidery is the unique phenomenon in the artistic culture of the Ukraine people ”;
засвоїти особливості традиційної гуцульської вишивки, її регіональні та локальні характеристики;
навчити вживати лексико-граматичні одиниці на задану тему, вести аргументовану бесіду(дебати) з теми ;
вдосконалювати навички роботи із текстом для читання;
вдосконалювати навички аудіювання;
тренувати вміння застосовувати граматичні навички вживаючи
розвивати комунікативну компетенцію студентів на базі соціокультурних та соціолінгвістичних знань, умінь та навичок;
розвивати мовленнєві здібності та особливий творчий потенціал студентів шляхом створення на занятті атмосфери сприятливого психологічного клімату;
розширити уявлення студентів про гуцульську вишивку;
розвивати навички вести бесіду, логічне мислення та творчу уяву студентів;
розвивати почуття мови, вміння вислуховувати співбесідника;
розвивати критичне мислення та уміння проводити відбір головної інформації;
розвивати творчі здібності, зацікавленість до предмету;
формувати навички дослідницької діяльності, публічних виступів, уміння самостійної роботи з літературою та інтернет-ресурсами.
виховувати глибоке розуміння та любов до регіональних, національних традицій;
виховувати потяг до саморозвитку;
виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань та культуру спілкування, заохочувати до вивчення нового, створювати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
виховувати вміння прислухатися до думки інших, працювати однією командою для досягнення успіху кожного співучасника творчого процесу;
виховувати формування в студентів свідомого ставлення до здобуття власних знань, як до найбільшої цінності;
виховувати засади духовності, моралі, поведінки, гідні ідеалам молодих митців.
Тип заняття: тренування у спілкуванні (подальше формування і вдосконалення мовленнєвих навиків)
Матеріально-технічне забезпечення:
роздатковий матеріал (Student’s card)
презентація в програмі Microsoft Power Point
дидактичний матеріал (текст, кросворд)
Методи та прийоми проведення заняття : словесні (пояснення), наочні,
практичні (тренувальні вправи)
робота в групах
Міжпредметні зв’язки: українська мова, робота в матеріалі, історія та теорія орнаменту, історія мистецтв, композиція, культурологія, етнографія, історія гуцульського народного мистецтва, етика та естетика.
Література : 1. Евчук О. В., Доценко І. В. Англійська мова. Довідник, тестові завдання. - Кам'янець-Подільський: ФОП Сисин О. В., 2013.-572 с., ст. 311-317.
2. Барановська Т. В. Програма англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навчальний посібник.- Київ: ТОВ «ВП Логос – М», 2012. ст. 202.
3. Hutsul Folk Art. Навчальний посібник.- Косів : КІПДМ, 2013, ст. 8.
Хід заняття
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення.
1. Greeting. Привітання. Організація групи до заняття.
Teacher: Good morning dear students. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today?
2. Presentation of the topic and task. Повідомлення теми та мети
Today we’ll speak about the Hutsul embroidery. The topic of our today’s lesson is “Hutsul Embroidery is the unique phenomenon in the artistic culture of the Ukraine people”.
Our aims today are
to develop language skills through reading, listening , speaking and writing;
to speak about Hutsul embroidery: its characteristic features, techniques, ornaments, composition, patterns;
practice new words and word combinations in speaking;
to read the text “The history of Hutsul embroidery”.
By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to express your opinions about Hutsul embroidery, develop some speaking, reading, listening skills, to use Gerund.
3. Student’s goals at the lesson are:
Teacher: Your tasks at the lesson are:
4. Expecting results.
Teacher: Each lesson provides you with some knowledge. I want you to complete these sentences.
Expecting results:
5. Warm-up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Мовна зарядка
Мета: активізація лексичних одиниць по темі.
T: Read and translate
Манера виховання, виконувати, набір, гроно винограду, техніка мережки, техніка виколювання, вишивка хрестиком, вишивання низзю, шовкова нитка, гладь, рушник, викроювання, рукав, комір, манжети, скатертина.
Main part of the lesson
IІ. Основна частина заняття.
Мета: активізація лексичних одиниць по темі.
T: Let’s remember the words and find them in this table.
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Keys : embroidery, fabric, thread, pattern, cross stitch, beads, sew, shirt, linen, needle.
Мета: формування навичок дослідницької діяльності, умінь самостійної роботи з літературою та інтернет-ресурсами.
T: One of your home tasks was to find out the information about Hutsul embroidery. You were divided into groups. Listen attentively, write down some important information and be ready to ask additional questions. At the end we’ll find out the unique phenomenon of the Hutsul embroidery.
G 1 : The characteristic feature of Hutsul embroidery XIX – XX centuries – is polychrome, juicy, rich, full of wonderful strength of decorative sound. It reflects all the colors of the spectral range. The dominant red color in different nuances of sounding – from the darkest to the intense orange-golden hue. In relation to its sounding introduced yellow, green, blue, black colors. Embroidery of Verkhovyna area is dominated by purple-violet colors, embroidery of Yavoriv, Richky, Brustoriv is dominated by blue and green. There are the most famous allocated centers of Hutsul embroidery embroidery, especially Verkhovyna, Krivorivnya, Kosiv, Brustoriv, Kosmach, Yavoriv, Krasnoyilova, Vyzhnytsya, Putila, Yasinia, Yaremche, Rakhiv, Bogdan, Kosiv meadow. Along with the dominant technique of embroidery there were also distributing cross covering, grid, lace, curly seam.
G 2 : Richness of Hutsul embroidery is demonstrated even in a variety of technical performance. Volodymyr Shukhevychin his fundamental work “Hutsulschyna” shows 12 Hutsul embroidery techniques: nyzynka of two kinds of feather stitch, network, obmitka, pigtail, stitch “back needle” (“stick”) shtapivka (“grid”) covering (“sosnivka” ), (“cross”), bilateral feather stitch (“braided cord”, “with network-circus”).
A common technique of embroidery – nyzynka (the low embroidery). Probably none of all embroidery techniques over the years has not experienced such a complex process of crystallization of artistic and stylistic canons as the low.
This technique inherent high artistic and technical skill. The old embroidery motifs circuit always performed with black thread, and the scheme, pattern and background – in color. Local art feature Hutsul embroidery – is in a polychromatic and ornamental decision.
G 3 : An outstanding feature is its Hutsul embroidery geometric pattern. It includes simple motifs and complex shaped elements, motifs – complexes. This are rhomb, half rhomb, differently combined horizontally or vertically.
Apart from rhomb, there are widespread in traditional geometric patterns Hutsul embroidery which are square, triangle, circle, sideways-like figure, crosses, teeth, hair, meander, network and so on. These basic geometric shapes create different combinations of tape composition. These motifs are known in the art of the Eastern Slavs in the X – XIII centuries already.
One of them is a geometrization of plant and other forms of visual and a transformation of geometric motifs into images of people, animals, birds, plants and more.
In Hutsul embroidery preserved geometrical anthropomorphic, zoomorphic motifs. They can be seen on women’s outerwear embroidery: on serdaks, keptarys, housings and googls.
G 4: A typical composition Hutsul embroidery is different in width tape strips, a report of which consists of one, two or more motifs. They are strictly symmetrical, according to the ornamental mesh created with complex vertical, horizontal, oblique, lines and curves that establish appropriate fancy rhythms.
The following light ribbon embroidery compositions are placed for stitching clothes in separate parts: serdaks’ sleeves, casings, manta rays, trouser leg bottom, sides, socks, kapchurs.
Monumental sounding is out by two or three-row composition in winder pattern and sleeves of women’s and men’s shirts.
Hutsul area is characterized by the square rosette and composition with numerous variations of contour frame. Considered kinds of embroideries reveal a complex system of ornamentation, characteristic of a particular technique, material and purpose.
One of the characteristics of folk art decor is a combination of form and function of clothing. The composition patterns is subordinated cut of shirts and at the same time – the harmony of the whole thing. Expressive lines of cut are a kind of decoration, which support the overall sound seamstress of the shirt.
Peculiarities of distinctive features of the sharpest embroidery can be traced to embroidery shirts of individual centers. All kosmat patterns have geometric structure. Craftswomen developed their patterns so much that they created a specific style of embroidery of Kosmat. The geometric structure is stable kosmat’s ornament artistic tradition that goes back in centuries.
Мета: розвиток навичок сприйняття на слух.
Pre-listening: розбір незнайомих слів та фраз
Teacher: Before listening mind some unknown words.
to shape
to offer
to be distinguished by
to have in common
The decoration of rushnyks (towels) occupies a special place in the art of embroidery. The custom of offering one’s guests bread and salt on embroidered towels is an old tradition in Ukraine and is a symbol of abundance and hospitality. The rushnyk decorates the inside of house and is an essential part of many rites and festivities.
Ryshnyky are used during the wedding ceremony. When matchmakers came to arrange a marriage and the young girl agree to it , she handed them with rushnyk which they tied over their right shoulders. A traditional wedding bread (korovai) is decorated with rushnyk. In the church, the rushnyk spread on the floor for the couple to stand on it.
Over the centuries, each region has acquired its own peculiar pattern on the rushnyks. Flower patterns are most common in the central Ukraine.
Rushnyks of Kyiv region are distinguished by the compactness of their patterns. The small rushnyks of the Podol area have its own peculiar patterns: small ornamental roses, bouquets, fairy tale birds and figures are embroidered on them in bright colours – red, dark blue, green and yellow.
Today the rushnyks are playing an increasingly greater role in Ukrainian customs. The skilled craftsmen are introducing state symbols and emblems into the pattern, along with important dates in history, proverbs and saying. Special rushnyks are embroidered to mark the anniversaries of Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and other leading figures of the culture of Ukrainian people.
After-listening: виконання завдання та обговорення почутого
Listen and put ‘T’ for the true statements and ‘F’ for the false ones.
1. The decoration of rushnyks occupies a special place in the art of carpet-making.
2. A rushnyk is a symbol of abundance and hospitality.
3. Rushnyky are not use for wedding ceremony.
4. All regions of Ukraine have the same pattern on the rushnyks.
5. The patter is compact in Kyiv rushnyks.
6. Craftsmen introduce state symbols and emblems into the pattern of rushnyks.
7. Embroidery is a new form of folk art and has no olden traditions.
Answer for the following questions?
1. Why does the decoration of rushnyks occupy a special place in the art of embroidery?
2. What for is rushnyk use for wedding?
3. Why has each region acquire its own peculiar pattern on the rushnyk?
Мета: повторення та тренування граматичного матеріалу.
Євчук О.В., Доценко І. В. ст. 327-333
Teacher: We are going to repeat the Gerund and practice its.
Форма герундія |
Активний стан Active
Пасивний стан Passive |
V+ing writing |
being V3 being written |
having V3 having written |
having been V3 having been written |
Grammar practice
Teacher: Open the brackets using the Gerund.
1. The machine needs (to clean).
2. I am quite serious in (to say) that I don't want to go abroad.
3. He seemed sorry for (to be) inattentive to his child.
4. She confessed to (to forget) to send the letter.
5. The old man could not stand (to tell) what he should do.
6. Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance).
7. The Bronze Horseman is worth (to see).
8. After thoroughly (to examine) the student, the professor gave him a satisfactory mark.
9. After thoroughly (to examine) by the examination commission, the student was given a satisfactory mark.
10. She accused him of (to steal) her purse.
11. She reproached me for (not to write) to her.
12. This job is not worth (to take).
13. After (to look) through and (to mark) the students' papers, the teacher handed them back.
14. After (to look) through and (to mark), the papers were handed back to the students.
15. These clothes want (to wash).
16. David was very glad of (to find) his aunt.
17. Excuse me for (to break) your beautiful vase.
18. You never mentioned (to be) to Greece.
19. She was proud of (to award) the cup of a champion.
20.1 don't remember ever (to meet) your sister.
21.1 don't remember (to ask) this question by anybody.
22. The cat was punished for (to break) the cup.
23. The cat was afraid of (to punish) and hid itself under the sofa.
Мета: розвивати комунікативну компетенцію, мовленнєві здібності та особливий творчий потенціал студентів.
T .: You are going to divide into two groups. Each group need to choose one person for being a guide and the rest members of group will be the foreign tourists.
You are a guide. Foreign tourists visit our museum. You are speaking about the development of embroidery in Ukraine, especially about the Hutsul embroidery.
III. Заключна частина заняття. Summing up the lesson
Our lesson is coming to the end. We have learnt a lot of information about Hutsul embroidery.
Could you summarize what we have done during the lesson?
Look at the blackboard and say: have we achieved all of our goals? What are they?
As for me, I think our lesson was very interesting with your help. You have worked today greatly. We have done lots of things at the lesson.
To sum up say what you like best in our lesson.
Take a microphone. Say some words and pass it to your friend.
Teacher: Thank you and your marks are…
Teacher: And now the lesson comes to the end and it’s time to say
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