Урок-конференція на тему: "Екологічні проблеми"

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Урок-конференція: "Екологічні проблеми" розробленийдля узагальнення вивченого матеріалу по темі: "Екологія"
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          Procedure of the lesson



Aim. The topic we are going to discuss is one of the most actual problems in the world – it’s the protection of the nature, keeping our environment clear and safe. It’s important to increase our knowledge of environmental needs. If we can be active participants in the protection and rebuilding of our environment we can help our planet to survive and keep it healthy for future generations. Everybody on the Earth must think of saving our planet before it’s too late. The pupils of the 9th form understand the problem of environmental protection and they have worked on projects and today they present them.

Warming-up. Poem

The fish in the sea   are dying

From the pollution we create

We’ve got to stop polluting

Before it’s too late.

Our planet is in trouble

It gets worse every day

We have to help our planet

In every possible way.

In the woods and forests

They’re cutting down the trees

We’ve got to save forests 

Everyone agrees.

The hole in ozone layer

Is getting bigger every day

We’ve got to stop air pollution

We have to find a way.

And now, please, answer to my question: What is the main idea of this poem?

Main Part

Project Presentation

Let’s open our school conference and discuss the some of the main ecological problems and the results of man’s working. (7 pupils present their works)

Speaking: Mind-map

Pupils tell one of their ideas how to help our planet (pupils decorate tree).

Ozone quiz

How “green” are you? Are you mother Earth’s child a real danger it? Do this quiz, then add up your score and listen to the analysis.

  1. Chemicals called CFCs have been destroying the ozone layer. What are they?

a) Chlorofluorocarbons;

b) Hydrocarbons;

c) Monosodium glutamates.

  2. How big is the hole in the ozone layer?

a) The same size as the UK;

b) The same size as the USA;

c) The same size as Africa.

3. How long do the CFCs stay in the atmosphere?

a) A year;

b) Ten years;

c) 100 years.

4. What damages the ozone layer most?

a) Burning the rainforest;

b) Acid rains;

c) Pollution of the sea.

5. Every year burning rainforest destroy areas the same size as_

a) London;

b) Wales;

c) Austria.

6. Which of this food can help the world’s ecology?

a) Eggs;

b) Cheese;

c) Brazil nuts.

7. In 1945, an atomic bomb destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima and killed many people. In 1986, there was a nuclear accident in Chornobyl, Ukraine, which is_

a) Equal to the Hiroshima bomb;

b) Equal to the 10 Hiroshima bomb;

c) Equal to the 2000 Hiroshima bomb.

8. Which of these is not ozone friendly?

a) The washing machine;

b) The refrigerator;

c) The microwave oven.

1. a - 1, b - 0, c - 0.             5. a – 0, b – 0, c – 1.

2. a - 0, b - 1, c - 0.             6. a – 1, b – 1, c – 3.

3. a - 0, b - 0, c - 1.             7. a – 0, b - 0, c – 1.

4. a - 1, b - 0, c - 0.             8. a – 0, b – 0, c – 1.

- 8 – 10: Congratulation! You are ozone friendly! You are care about your world very much.

- 5 – 7: You know a lot about the environment, but there is even more to learn.

- 0 – 4: You are danger to the environment. Try to learn and care more about the world you live in.

 Put the following sentences in the right order to make a dialogue.

Gwyneth. Why are you saving those old plastic bags? Just throw them away.

Tom. Oh, it is. One plastic bag reused is one less thrown away. And that’s got to be good for the environment.

Gwyneth. It’s hardly worth the effort, surely.

Tom. No, I can’t do that. I’m saving them to reuse them.

Gwyneth. My, my, you are environmentally conscious.

Tom.  And why not?  We’ve all got a responsibility to protect the environment.

Compare the words with their definitions

  • Pollution                      
  • Ozone hole
  • Acid rain
  • Garbage
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Environment
  • Protect
  • Pollutants
  • Hole in ozone layer which allow ultraviolet radiation to come and influence on people.
  • Nature contamination
  • Things that people have used and throw everywhere
  • Increasing greenhouse gases.
  • People, who throw litter everywhere.
  • Chemical rain that kills plants.
  • Surrounding nature.
  • To save something



The End of the Lesson


I Level. Read the text and complete the sentences in your copybooks.

We live in a beautiful planet – Earth. There are a lot of mountains, hills, rivers, seas, oceans, forests, deserts, and green fields on it. The Earth is full of wonders and rich in different animals and plants. There are six continents on our planet: Africa, North and South Americas, Eurasia, Antarctica. Our planet is very big. When it is day in one country in the east, it is night in another country in the west.  People live in different countries on five continents and many islands. They speak different languages. Our country is Ukraine. It is in Europe. People who live in Ukraine speak Ukrainian language.

  1. We live_.
  2. There are a lot of_ on it.
  3. The Earth is full of_.
  4. There are_.
  5. When it is day in one country_.
  6. People live_.
  7. They speak_.
  8. Our country is_.

II Level: Fill the blanks with one suitable word from the box given below.

Man, months, discovered, wars, evolved, only, appear, information, riches, Earth, ago, known, extinction, huge, system.

Planet Earth is 4.600 million years old. If we pretend that our planet is like a person, we can compare the Earth with a man of 46 of age. Nothing is_(1) about the first 7 years of this person’s life, and very little_(2) can be found about his youth. What we know for sure is that not_ (3) the age of 42 the Earth began to flower.

Dinosaurs and the great reptiles didn’t_ (4) until one year ago, when the planet was  45. Mammals were arrived only eight_ (5) ago. In the middle of the last week man-like apes_ (6) into ape - like men. And only last weekend the ice age enveloped the_ (7).

Modern_ (8) has been around for only four hours. During the last hour Man_  (9) agriculture. The industrial revolution began only a minute_ (10). During the 60 seconds of biological time. Man has made a_ (11) rubbish dump out of Paradise. Man has caused the_ (12) of 500 species of animals, robbed the planet of its mineral_ (13), and now stands at the brink of a war to end all_ (14) which will destroy this oasis of life in the solar_ (15).

III Level: Choose 2 of the quotations and comment them.

  1. I am the Earth. You are the Earth. The Earth is dying. You and I are murders. Ymber Delecto.
  2. For 200 years we’ve been conquering Nature. Now we’re beating it to death. Tom McMillan.
  3. Thanks God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth. Henry David Thoureay.
  4. Don’t blow it – good planets are hard to find. Quoted in Time.
  5. To live is so starting it leaves little time for anything else. Emily Dickinson.



The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,

The silver moon that’s sailing by,

The rain and dew, and snowflakes white,

The flowers sweet and stars of night!

The songs of birds, wind whispering,

The autumn leaves, the bugs of spring –

Such lovely things to hear and see.

Belong to you, belong to me.

Remember, please, that Earth and Nature are our riches. Let save this beauty for our future generation. We’ll be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe. Nature has its rights, and it’s the duty of a man to respect and defend these rights. Are you agree with me? Have you widened your outlook? Do you think it’s possible to change the situation?  





Тема. Екологічні проблеми людства

Мета: систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, вчити представляти проектну роботу, практикувати учнів у зв’язаних висловлюваннях за темою, вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, розширювати та поглиблювати знання учнів;

розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси, розвивати мислення, увагу, пам’ять, культуру спілкування;

 виховувати бережливе ставлення до природи та її багатств,почуття відповідальності, а також загальну культуру учнів.

Обладнання: проектні роботи, ілюстрація, журнали та посібник.


 Камінська-Клецкова Я. Ю. Man and Natural World, Ecology// Англійська мова та література, №8 (234), березень, 2009, С.2 – 6.

  Шклярук А. О. Урок за темою:”Екологія”// Англійська мова та література, №14(276), травень,  2010, С.37.

Литвиненко Н. В. Урок-проект  “Think globally, act globally”// Англійська мова та література, №19 – 21(281 – 283), липень,  2010, С. 49 – 50.

Ковальчук Л. Г. Матеріали до уроків за підручником О. Карп’юк “English” (9клас) // Англійська мова та література, №22 – 23(284 – 285), серпень, 2010, С.60 – 62.

Степанова Н. А. An Introduction to Environmental  Awareness  – Санкт-Петербург: Антология, 2006, С.13 – 19.

Тип уроку: урок-конференція

Методи та прийоми: усне слово вчителя, захист проектів, монологічне мовлення, робота з інтерактивною дошкою, робота з ілюстрацією, тест.     

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