Урок " Контроль аудіювання".

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з аудіювання створена з метою перевірки навичок учнів третього класу не тільки сприймати на слух текст, але і вміти виконувати різні лексичні та граматичні завдання завдання, адаптовані до їхнього рівня.
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A clock tells you the time. It ticks off the minutes and the hours. A watch does the same. You wear it on your wrist.

       The clock has face and two hands : the big hand points the minutes.

        An hour is a part of a day. There are twenty-four hours in a day. There are sixty minutes in an hour. Thirty minutes make half an hour. Fifteen minutes make a quarter of an hour.

        The morning is the first part of the day. In the morning and daytime it is light. It is light in the afternoon too. In the afternoon we have dinner, go out for a work, play and rest.

         Evening is at the and of the day. It gets dark in the evening. In the evening you go to bed. We sleep at night. The sky is covered with stars and the moon shines.

(Давиденко Л. М. Start with English. Вивчаємо англійську. Частина 2.-Тернопіль, 2012, 48с.)



1. False or true. 


1. A clock tells you the time. 

2. A watch you don't wear on your wrist.

3. The clock has a face and two big hands.

4. There are twelve hours in a day.

5. There are sixty minutes in an hour. 

6. Twenty minutes make half an hour. 

7. Fifteen minutes make a quarter of an hour. 

8. The morning is the second part of the day.

9. In the morning it is dark.

10. In the afternoon we have dinner, go out for a work, play and rest.

11. Morning is at the end of the day.

12. We sleep at night.



2. Write numerals and form ordinal numerals.



До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови 3 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
6 травня 2020
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