урок контролю з письма

Про матеріал
матеріал для перевірки рівня знань учнів з англійської граматики, граматичні часи, побудова англійських питальних речень.
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Адміністративна контрольна робота з англійської мови за ІІ семетр

I variant

  1. Match the words in the columns A with the words in column B to make the sentences.
  1. He has six lessons
  2. My mother will come to school
  3. We played chess
  4. I always wash up
  5. Sometimes I go to the zoo with my father
  6. I’ll learn new subjects
  1. yesterday after classes
  2. after dinner
  3. on Sundays
  4. next week in the morning
  5. next year
  6. on Wednesdays


  1.  Correct the sentences.
  1. He does not goes to school only on Sunday.
  2. I visited my relatives next summer.
  3. What film do your friend like to see?
  4. Did you had a good time on holiday?
  5. Does your parents often help you to do English exercises at home?
  6. What did your timetable for last Thursday?
  1. Put questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets
  1. My fiends usually gets up early on Sunday. (When…)
  2. My brother is at school now. (Is…)
  3. I was at the zoo last Sunday. (When…)
  4. My mother comes back home from work very late. (When…)
  5. I know five hundred English words. ( How many…)
  6. No, we didn’t write English compositions last year. (Did…)
  1. Fill in the blankets with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
  1. It was (to be) Saturday yesterday. 2. I ____ (not to get up) early because we usually ___ (not to have) lessons on Saturdays. 3. Saturday and Sunday ___ (to be) days off in our school. 4. Last year I ___ (to be) in the sixth form. 5. We ___ (to have) five lessons every day. 6. In the 7th form we ___ (to learn) some new subjects. 7. Geography and English ___ (to be) my favourite ones. 8. I ___(not to want) to go for a walk because it ___(to rain) now. 9. I ____ (to learn) an English poem.


Адміністративна контрольна робота з англійської мови за ІІ семестр

II variant

  1. Match the words in the column A with the words in the column B to make up the sentences.
  1. I wasn’t at school
  2. He wasn’t at the skating rink because
  3. My parents will go to visit our relatives
  4. Look out of the window! It
  5. In winter it often
  6. In summer it
  1. next Sunday
  2. snowed
  3. won’t be cold
  4. it was very cold
  5. is raining again
  6. yesterday



  1. Correct the sentences.
  1. I am present at the last Maths lesson.
  2. We not went to school on the first of May.
  3. Do you learns poems at the lessons of English?
  4. Where did you be last night?
  5. Did you had the same timetable last year?
  6. Our summer holidays begins in the middle of June.
  1. Put the questions to the following sentences beginning with words in brackets.
  1. I’ll go to my cousin’s birthday party. (What…)
  2. Yes, I’ll stay at home in summer. (Will…)
  3. There is a forest near our town. (What…)
  4. We gathered a full basket of berries yesterday. (How many….)
  5. We read English stories at the English lessons. (What…)
  6. We were at the theatre two months ago last time. (When…)
  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in rackets.
  1. It is (to be) Sunday today.  2. It ___ (to rain) now, and I ___(to be) at home. 3. Last Sunday I ___ (to go) to the village where my grandparents ___(to live). 4. The weather ___ (to be) fine. 5. We ___(to work) in the garden. 6. Then I ___(to help) my grandmother to plant flowers in front of the house. 7. I ___(not to do) my homework last Sunday because I ___(to do) it on Saturday. 8. I ___ (to read) the text and ____(to learn) new words in English.




Sokol Kate
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
12 травня 2019
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