Урок "Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine"

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Урок на тему "Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine" розроблений для закріплення матеріалу з теми для учнів 6 класу загальноосвітніх шкіл.

Aims: to teach pupils new facts about Kyiv; to practice the usage of vocabulary;

to develop Pupils skills in listening, speaking, writing; to incorporate group-work and the pair-work; to continue to teach pupils to represent projects; to develop Pupils' creativity;

to bring up friendship, love to Motherland, the feeling of proud for the native land and its history; to increase cultural awareness.

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6 form

TOPIC: Kyiv – the capital of  Ukraine


Aims: to teach pupils new facts about Kyiv; to practice the usage of vocabulary;


to develop Pupils skills in listening, speaking, writing; to incorporate group-work and the pair-work; to continue to teach pupils to represent projects; to develop Pupils’ creativity;


to bring up friendship, love to Motherland, the feeling of proud for the native land and its history; to increase cultural awareness.

Instruments: books, video-presentation, HO, cards, photos of Kyiv


T: Good morning my dear friends. I am glad to see you. How are you today?

Pls: We are fine. Thanks.

T: Ok, let’s start our lesson. Today we have a usual lesson..


II. Phonetic Drill.

T: Look at the blackboard and read the words after me.

“Kyiv of Mine”

 Greenery plays like an ocean,

 Peace of day burns tonight.

 Dearer grows my devotion

 To the Dnipro’s steel heights.

  Swaying branches before you

  Love’s dreams may enshrine.

  How can I not adore you,

  Kyiv of mine!



III. Check-on –Homework

T: we’ve started our lesson with these words because as you know the topic of our previous lessons was “Kyiv”. We read the text about Kyiv. Let’s check what was your hometask  for today?

Pls: Our hometask for today was ex.6, p.140


IV. Topic Presentation

  1. Brainstorming

T: Look at the blackboard. What is it?

Pls: These are the sights .

T: What are they?

Pupils name only some of them.

T: So, the topic of our lesson today is “A trip around Kyiv”


So, at our lesson today we’ll :

  •   Get acquainted with the sights of Kyiv;
  •   Listen to the text about Kyiv and do different exercises;



V. Video Excursion

T: So,  pupils, have you already been to Kyiv?

Who has been?.. Raise your hands. Ok, I see. And now I invite you to travel to the capital of our country and visit some places of interest in Kyiv.




VI. Listening (ex. 3 p. 141)


T: And now pupils, we’ll listen to the text about Kyiv and do some exercises. First of all, look at your desks and take the pictures. Listen to the text and put the pictures in the order as they are mentioned in the text. You’ll work in pairs.

  1. While – listening

Match and read (ex. 4 p. 142)

Around Kyiv


1. Khreshchatic

2. Podil

3. Lavra

4. “Lybid”


5. Pechersk

6. T. Shevchenko

    National Opera

    Theatre of Ukraine

a) Ancient Kyiv’s “Upper Town”

b) The 17 story hotel was built in 1970

c) The Kyivites’ favourite street

d) The term used by orthodox church for

    its largest monastery

e) The socalled “Lower Town”

f) Classical Ukrainian operas such as

    Lysenko’s “Taras Bulba” are performed



  1. Post – listening

Answer the questions:

  1. What is the historical heart of the city?
  2. Where can you buy Ukrainian souvenirs?
  3. Who built the Golden Gate?
  4. When was it built?
  5. How can you characterize the city?



VII. Relaxation

T: Are you tired? Now, we’ll have a rest

Up'n down, up'n down.                   

 Which is the way to Kyiv town? 

 Where? Where? 

 Up in the air?          

 Close your eyes -     

 And you are there!


VIII. Conversation Lab

Dialogues. One pupil comes to the map. The other one says where he is now and where he is going. For example:

You are on Independence Square.  You are going to St. Sophia’s Cathedral. Where you are going to go?

  • Go ……on, go straight……


IX. Summarizing

T: Thank you for your work, pupils.

Say me what is Kyiv?


The Golden Gate       Capital





Dnipro                                               St. Sophia’s Cathedral




T: Look at the blackboard and read the words after me.

Ukraine is our Motherland,

Love it!

Ukraine is our native land,

Respect it!

Ukraine is our the only country,

Be proud of it!


T: Open your daybooks  and write down your hometask.

So, the lesson is over. Good bye, children.

Have a nice day!



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 грудня 2018
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