Урок: Literature. Books. Publications

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Вживання Passive Voice, вдосконалення навичок діалогічного й писемного мовлення та читання, аудіювання, комунікативних здібностей, мовленнєвої реакції, фонематичного слуха;
Перегляд файлу


Дата:  20.01.2016

Клас:   8-А

Тема:  Literature. Books. Publications

Мета уроку:


  • практикувати учнів у вживанні Passive Voice,  вдосконалювати навички діалогічного й писемного мовлення та читання, аудіювання, комунікативні здібності, мовленнєву реакцію, фонематичний слух;
  • закріпити вивчену лексику, формувати вміння вживати вивчені лексичні одиниці в монологічній та діалогічній мові.


розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів.


  • виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, підтримувати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
  • виховувати терпиме відношення до точки зору інших людей, вміння працювати в парах;
  • вчити вести дискусію.

Обладнання:  комп’ютер, дошка, роздавальний матеріал.

Мовний матеріал: лексичний матеріал з теми “Iсторії. Книги. Публікації ”

Використані підручники: НМК Solutions by Tim Falla, Paul A Davies, відео матеріал “Literature is GREAT” http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/britain-great/literature-great-part-1.

Тип уроку:  комбінований урок.

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.


T.: Good morning? How are you this morning? I am glad to see you

Oral practice:

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. We have a lot of guests. Turn to our guests and say ‘Good morning’ to them.

As I am a new teacher for you I think we have to get acquainted first. Introduce your friend, please. Tell us about his/her name, likes or dislikes.

  1. Основна частина уроку.

T.: While describing your friends some of you told that they liked reading. Can you tell me why do we read? (to get new information, to find out something interesting, to learn about new different countries, their customs and traditions and so on)

And where do we get the information? (mostly from the internet, from radio and television)

Do you know that some hundreds years ago books and newspapers were the only source of information? And only rich people could allow themselves to read books. I am sure you are clever pupils and can easily solve the riddle.

It is not a tree, but has leaves;

It is not a dress, but is sewn together;

It has no tongue, but can tell you a story.

                                                         (A book)


 I believe you could easily guess the topic of our lesson. What are we going to talk about today?

Yes, you are perfectly right. We’ll talk about Literature, books and publications.

Literature helps us to live in this world and we learn a lot from books. I hope you are interested in English literature very much. English books

teach us to understand the English language and the way Englishmen speak.

Sometimes after reading a book we look at these things on the other side. 


Look at the slide of the presentation and read the words of a famous English writer Mark Twain.




Do you agree with him?

So, I’d like to invite you to a beautiful world of literature, books and publications.

Checking home-work.

  1. I am sure that you are fond of reading, read a lot of books and knew the names of well known writers.

Match the books and the writers they are famous for: 

  1. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

a) Mark Twain

  1. Oliver Twist

 b)Charles Dickens

  1. Winnie-the-Pooh

c) Alan Milne

  1. Gulliver’s Travels

d) Jonathan Swift

  1. The Lord of Rings

e) John Tolkien

  1. Robinson Crusoe

f) Daniel Defoe

  1. Marry Poppins

g) Pamela Travers

  1. Mowgli

h) Rudyard Kipling

  1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

i) Joanne Rowling

  1.  Alice in Wonderland

j) Lewis Carroll

Name the book and who it was written by:

          e.g. The Adventures of  Sherlock Homes was written by Conan Doyle.

Say which of these books you have read:

e.g. I have  read The Adventures of Sherlock Homes.

Say which book you would like to read :

e.g. I’d like to read The Adventures of Sherlock Homes.


  1. Open your Student’s Books on page 94.  

Can you say into how many groups we divide all publications?







What publications belong to each group?








short story







grammar book














  1. Let us find out if you remember the words. Choose a question and ask your friend.

Which publication would you read if you want to:

  1.  read the story of a person’s life, written by that person? (autobiography)
  2.  read a short fictional work? (short story)
  3.  read the story of a person’s life, written by someone else? (biography)
  4.  learn the rules of any  language?( grammar book)
  5. find out which countries are next to the USA? (atlas)
  6. find different words with the same meaning? (thesaurus)  
  7. learn how new headphones for your MP3 work? (manual)
  8. prepare for your History exam? (textbook)
  9. look up the meaning of a word you don’t understand? (dictionary)
  10. read something written for the theatre? (play)
  11. find out how to cook a cake for your mother’s birthday? (cookbook)
  12. find information about endangered animals? (encyclopedia)
  13. find out what to do, go and see on weekends? (guidebook)
  14. read the latest gossips about your well known actor or actress? (magazine)
  15. read about what is happening in the country you are going to visit when you are on holiday? (newspaper)
  16. read stories with lots of pictures and not many words? (comic)      
  1. Than share the information you’ve learned with the other pupils.

e.g. If she wants to read a long fictional work, she would read a novel.

    5) Let us have a little fun. I have a magic bag. Close your eyes. Touch and guess what is there in the magic bag. ( guess the well known characters of the book you know for sure).

Who is the author of the book? Don’t you think that for the name of a bear it sounds a bit silly? Do you know that the name Winnie the Pooh is the name of a real teddy bear. It was Alan’s toy and he used to play with it in his childhood. 

Revision and practice.

Listening skills practice:


  Shakespeare, Dickens and more... Britain's literary history is world class, and now I invite you to watch a video which is called “Literature is great” and listen to Richard speaking to experts about one of the country's greatest writers. Richard is our guide to a wonderful world of English literature.

Before you watch a video about the greatest English writer read the words and phrases in the table and their definitions.  It will help you to understand what Richard will talk about with Dominic Dromgoole who is the Globe's artistic director.




display, demonstration


 goal, purpose, target




reconstitution, rebuilding

a curved auditorium

  •                               auditorium in the form of an arch

attend a performance

visit a play

contemporaries of Shakespeare

the writers who lived in Shakespeare’s times


not usual



best guess

  •                               a wonderful idea


While watching the video, pay attention to the dates and numbers.


Poets, playwrights and novelists, Britain is famous for its literary talent. From Chaucer’s 'Tales' to J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter… so much of the world’s greatest literature has come from Britain. 

And the greatest British writer of them all is the Bard himself: William Shakespeare, and this is Shakespeare’s Globe in London, on the banks of the River Thames.

William Shakespeare wrote some of the most famous plays in the world. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Macbeth are among his best-known works. Many of his plays were performed at the original Globe Theatre, a short distance from here. It burnt down in 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII. 

Shakespeare’s Globe opened to the public fifteen years ago. It’s an idea or ‘best guess’ at what the Globe might have looked like. It’s a theatre, exhibition space and place of international education. It aims to bring an appreciation of Shakespeare to a wider audience.

Dominic Dromgoole is the Globe's artistic director.

Richard: Dominic, tell me about the Globe.

Dominic: The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare's theatre which was originally built in 1599 by Shakespeare's own company to house his own work and the work of many other playwrights. It's an extraordinary theatre. It has no roof, as you can see, which makes it extraordinary within itself. It has a curved auditorium and a beautiful frons scenae, and it's probably one of the most exciting theatres to watch a play in or to act in the world.

Richard: So what happens here?

Dominic: We do about 300 performances every year, about 1,500 people attend every performance. We do a variety of plays by Shakespeare, by other contemporaries of Shakespeare, by... new plays as well, and an extraordinary audience comes from all over the world.

Richard: Do you think Shakespeare is still relevant today?

Dominic: More than ever. Shakespeare speaks to us about our own personal feelings, about love, about grief, about jealousy, about joy, about bereavement, about any of a huge number of things. I can hardly think of a contemporary writer who is as relevant as Shakespeare is.

Do you know what? I’ve got a real feeling of what a theatre would have been like hundreds of years ago. It’s inspirational…

To be or not to be? That's the question, isn't it?

  1. What events took place in 1613 and in1599?
  2. What do the other numbers refer to?


Put the dates, numbers and events in the logical order:





The original Globe Theatre burnt down during a performance of Henry VIII. 



Shakespeare’s Globe opened to the public.



The Globe was originally built by Shakespeare's own company.



The number of  performances which are hold every year



The number of people who attend every performance.


What does Richard do in the video?

Say if the statements are TRUE or FALSE:


He interviews two people.



He quotes from Shakespeare.



He reads a book.



He sees a writer's personal belongings.



He sits where a writer sat.



He visits a circus.



He visits a reconstruction of a famous building.



He visits some famous literary landscapes.



He watches a play.



Complete the paragraphs (fill in words or numbers):

The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare's original theatre, which burnt down in  . It opened to the public  years ago. The theatre has a curved   and is unusual because it has no  .
There are approximately  performances every year to audiences of about people. They do a variety of plays by Shakespeare and his  and new plays too.


Put the words in order to make the sentences from the video.


1. British writer / The greatest / William Shakespeare / is.

(The greatest British writer is William Shakespeare.)

2. speaks / us / to / feelings / about our / personal / Shakespeare.

(Shakespeare speaks to us about our personal feelings).

3.   a recreation / Shakespeare's / of / is /  The Globe / theater /.

(The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare's theatre.)

4. Shakespeare / famous / wrote / in the world / William / the most / plays.

(William Shakespeare wrote the most famous plays in the world.)

 Let us find out what interesting information you’ve learned about W. Shakespeare:

  1. Where is Shakespeare’s Globe situated?
  2. This theatre is considered to be extraordinary. Why?
  3. Name the most famous Shakespeare’s plays.
  4. How do you think why Shakespeare decided to built his own theatre?

We’ll have two groups and you have to put the sentences in the logical order:

  1. Britain is famous for its literary talent.
  2. William Shakespeare wrote some of the most famous plays in the world.
  3. It burnt down in 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII
  4. Shakespeare’s Globe opened to the public fifteen years ago.
  5. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Macbeth are among his best-known works.
  6. The Globe is a recreation of Shakespeare's theatre which was originally built in 1599.


Do you read classic books?

Which other English writers do you like reading?

3. Заключна частина уроку.

Summarizing. So, today we’ve talked about literature, books and publications. We haven’t any time to speak more today because the lesson is coming to the end. All of you worked hard. You did your best. You are the best students I’ve ever had!

Did you like our lesson?

What did you learn?

Will you read English authors in future?

 Will you read books in original?

 Evaluation. You worked hard today and all of you deserve excellent marks.       

Homework.  Please open your record books and write down your homework.  For the next lesson you are supposed to write a paragraph of the video you’ve watched today. And read the text on page 98 “The Vampires Return”.

Saying good-bye. T: The lesson is over. I want to thank you for your active participating in the lesson. I was very pleased to work with you .Your teacher may be proud of you. Now you may be free. Good-bye.













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