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ТЕМА: Лондон та його  видатні  місця 

London and its places of interest.

Цілі: ознайомити учнів з пам’ятними місцями Лондона ,сприяти засвоєнню нового країнознавчого матеріалу, повторити вивчені граматичні структури та лексичні одиниці.

Розвити:  фонетичні навички, навички читання, критичне мислення, мовну здогадку,

Виховати: повагу, інтерес до культури країни вивчаємої мови, підримувати  мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: відео https:/youtu.be/WFRR0zC70-0, картинки з видатними місцями Лондона, роздаточний матеріал з вправами та текстом про Лондон.

                                                                                                     Хід уроку


Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. How are you today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today?

2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Look at the pictures on the blackboard! What is the topic of our lesson?

Today we are going to speak and to read about London and its sightseeings. We`ll watch a video about London and we`ll do some tasks which

connected with the text.

3.Актуалізація знань.

Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been to London? What do you know about London?

Look at the pictures and name the places of interest. 

4. Аудіювання.

Watch a video and do the tasks.

  1. Place the sights in the right order.

London Eye(1), Palace of Westminster(3), Big Ben(2), Regent`s Park(4), Trafalgar Square(5), Millennium Bridge(7), St. Paul`s Cathedral(8), Tower

Bridge(9), Nelson`s column.

  1. Write True or False

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

Nelson`s column is situated on Trafalgar Square.

Changing the guard takes place near the Tower Bridge.

London Eye is 135 m high with 32 glass capsules.

Opposite the Millennium Wheel you can see Big Ben and Palace of Westminster.

You can relax, walk and cycle in Regent`s Park.

Admiral Nelson died at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1820.

5.Контроль виконання вправ.

Let`s check the tasks.

6.Let`s play the guides and the tourists. Let`s divide our class into two teams. The guides will describe the places of interest and the tourists will

guess what are they.

For example:

It`s a place, where the British government sits.

It`s the house of Parliament.

It`s the largest clock in England.

It`s Big Ben…….

7. Фізкультхвилинка.

Are you tired? Close your eyes , count from one to ten .

8.Now children, let`s read the text about London.

London — the Capital of the UK

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11 000 000 people. London is situated on the river Thames.


The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the Westminster, the West End and the East End.


The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament.


The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there.


The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories and the Port of London there.


London has many places of interest. One of them is the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government. There one can see the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London. Big Ben is the real bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Another place of interest is Buckingham Palace. It’s the residence of the Queen. There are many other places of interest in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent’s Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. It’s  impossible  to describe all places of interest.

The best way to know London is to visit it.

9. Answer the questions.


What is the capital of Great Britain?

What is population of London?

Where do people do business?

Where can you find the best shops ,theatres, cinemas?

 Where do working people live?

 What places of interest do you know?

 Where does the Queen live?

 What is the capital of Ukraine?

Have you ever been to Kyiv?

What are the most famous places of interest in Kyiv?

10. Завершення уроку

Now write your home tasks.

Знайти додаткову інформацію та скласти розповідь про будь-яке місце в Лондоні.

11.Thank you for your work. You were very active today. You worked hard.

What do you think about our lesson? Do you like it? Why? Or Why not?

Stand up! The lesson is over! Good Bye!                                                                  

16 березня 2020
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