Урок "Моє рідне село"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку про своє село, створений без використання матеріалів підручника
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Тема. Моє рідне село.

Клас 6

Змістова лінія: громадянська відповідальність.

Компетентність: спілкування іноземними мовами; компетентність в природничих науках; інформаційно-цифрова компетентність; соціальні і громадянські; загальнокультурна грамотність.

Ключові уміння: громадянськість, критичне мислення, уява, співпраця, розв’язування проблеми, розвиток.

Цілі: вдосконалювати вміння учнів використовувати англійську мову як засіб спілкування у рамках теми «Моє рідне село»;

формувати вміння правильно формувати відповіді на запитання; розширювати лексичний запас з теми; повторити вживання there is/there are;

 розвивати мовну здогадку;

стимулювати бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою;

виховувати інтерес до вивчення рідного краю, патріотизм, любов до своєї Батьківщини.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь, навичок.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, проектор, фотографії пам’яток села.

Очікувані результати. Наприкінці уроку учні вміють:

правильно вживати лексичні одиниці з даної теми;

аналізувати текст та вибирати з нього потрібну інформацію;

спілкуватися в межах обраної теми; висловлювати свою думку.


I. Introduction.

Warm Up. Mind Map

Draw a circle in the centre of the board with a word “Tynne”. Tell students that you are going to read about Tynne and let’s point some places in our village.

 forestry a cafe


 two schools

an estate


            a church 

                                                              a library

Ask students what other historical places in Tynne they know.

 II. Main Part.

1. Reading.

a) Pre-Reading Activity.

- Read about your native village. Answer the questions:

  • Is Tynne a big village?
  • What facts do you know about your village?
  • What is special about the Estate in Tynne?
  • Are you proud of your village? Why?
  • What do want to change in Tynne?

b) Reading.

- Read about Tynne.

My native village

Tynne is a big village situated in Rivne region, Ukraine. It was founded in 1463. The population is 5 thousand people. Tynne is a modern village. In the centre of Tynne there are a market and a café near it. The club is opposite the post office. There is a library in the club. Tynne has a hospital and two schools.

Photo 1

The Estate of Ipolyt Mladzanovskii (photo 1,2)

On the territory of Tynne takes place a majestic estate. History of its creation is interesting. Long time ago, the family of the Polish gentlemen of Mladzanovskii lived in Tynne. An old mister had two daughters and one son that fell in love with a girl from Krakiv. She made condition him that would go out for him marry, if he will build an estate like the Polish governmental house. And though large love to the only son, an old mister lent money and began buildings. In 1900 an estate was built, but a girl did not marry with him. An estate was opened as Tynne Secondary school in 1947.


Photo 2

Tynne Secondary school (photo 3, 4)

Tynne Secondary school was built in 2010. It is a modern three-stored building near the Estate of mister Mladzanovskii. 982 students study at this school. There are cabinets of English, Ukrainian, Math, Chemistry, History, Computer Science and many others at school.  A large modern gym and a comfortable dining-room are at school. We are proud of our school.

                 Photo 3

Photo 4

Tynne Forestry (photo 5)

Tynne forest district is one of the largest in region. It is situated in the south-east part of Tynne. The general area of forest district folds 8108,5 hectares, an area is covered by the forest 7140,8 hectares. Many people take care of our forest.

Photo 5

c) After-Reading Activity.

Exercise 1.

Students read the text again and answer the questions.  They then check answers in class.

  • In pairs, answer the questions.
  • Where is Tynne situated?
  • When Tynne was found?
  • How many people live there?
  • Is Tynne a modern village? Why?


1. Tynne is in Rivne region.

2.  In 1463.

3. 5 thousand people live there.

4. Yes, it is. (Pupils’ opinion).

Strong students explain the meaning of the words, e.g. an estate, creation, general and so on.

Exersice 2.

  • Imagine that you must to write a travel booklet about Tynne in a local newspaper. Use some facts from the text.

Individually, students write their paragraph. Remind students to check their grammar, spelling and punctuation before they give you their written.

2. Grammar.

- Let’s revise there is/there are. Fill in the gaps.

1. There … a nice café in Lesiia Ukrainka Street.

2. There … many shops near here.

3. … there many monuments in our village?

4. There … fountains in Tynne.

5. … there a post-office?

6. How many churches … there in Tyne?

7. How many schools … there in our village?

8. There … a large forestry on the territory of Tynne.

III. Summary.

  • Let’s watch a video about Tynne. (2 min)