Урок: "Моє улюблене оповідання"

Про матеріал
Детальний план-конспект уроку для 8-го класу загальноосвітніх шкіл, форма - робота з текстом в групах з використанням елементів рольової гри.
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Клас: 8

Тема: «Моє улюблене оповідання»


  • Практична: розвивати навички читання і слухання; тренувати учнів в монологічному, діалогічному мовленні; удосконалювати вміння логічного викладення думки, вираження своєї власної, робити висновки: удосконалювати вміння вживати зв’язних конструкцій; вивчити структуру рецензії на книгу.
  • Розвиваючі: розвивати увагу, логічне мислення, світогляд учнів за рахунок інформації, здобутої за допомогою англійської мови, розвивати навички співпрацювати, поважати один одного;
  • Виховні: виховувати свідоме ставлення до навчання, вдосконалювати англійську мову, вживаючи ідіоми.

Обладнання: дошка, роздатковий матеріал, комп'ютер, видео матеріал, НМК Team!3


Тип уроку: Підсумковий урок.


Схематичний план уроку:

І.    Організаційний момент         1 хв.

II.   Введення в іншомовне становище    2 хв.

III. Повідомлення теми уроку       2 хв.

IV. Основна частина       35 хв.

V.  Підведення підсумків уроку. Мотивація оцінок.  2 хв.

VI.   Домашнє завдання        2 хв.

VII.  Завершення уроку       1 хв.


Хід уроку


І.    Організаційний момент

T: Good morning students. Take your seats. Kristina, make a report, please. Today we are going to read, speak and write about books, to the end of the lesson you will learn how to make a book review. For this purpose we are going to revise some vocabulary on the topic and have fun.

II.   Введення в іншомовне становище

T: You know what? Last night I saw a film “John Carter” and I wasn’t really impressed because this film is based on my favourite book “Barsoom series” by Edgar Rice Burroughs, though the special effects were great. Anyway, this is an adventure, action and love story. The main character, John Carter gets on the planet Mars and has lots of amazing adventures. By the end of the series John Carter makes many friends, finds love of his life and becomes the best warrior of all times. I really love it and recommend you to read it. “Barsoom series” is gripping.

(The teacher sticks the paper on the board).

Oh, I’m sure you have your favourite stories as well. You have sticky papers to write the title of your favourite book which you recommend to read. Explain why in one word.

IV. Основна частина 

T:  Well done! Look! Here you have word clouds now. Interesting, what kind are your favourite stories? For example, my favourite story is a gripping science fiction story. What about you …? And you …? I feel like I’m tired of asking this question. Do it yourselves! Lera, ask the same question to three of your classmates. (A student asks). Interesting. What kind is Nastia’s favourite story? And Albina’s. OK, Nikita, ask the same question two of your friends now. (A student asks). Nice!

T: Let’s join in groups. Each of you gets a card with the name of the literary genre. Read it and find the company.

(Students gather in 3 groups)

T: All right. We will work with three different book reviews. Your task is to read the text carefully and match the pictures, which are on the first desk, with the titles of the story, which are on the first desk, too with your text. So we have 3 texts, 3 pictures and 3 titles. But it would be too easy if you all could see the pictures and the titles. Only one person of your group can come up to the desk. Besides, everything is mixed!

(The scheme)










(The teacher shows the cards and the place of the handouts)

T: Isn’t it an intrigue? On the shit of paper you should write the title, the genre, the number of the picture of the story. Well, now you have some time to decide which in your group a speaker is/ a writer is/ a walker is/ a timekeeper is. And you have 5 minutes to do the task. (The roles are on the board).

T: And again. What do you do with the texts?

  Who is the speaker?

  Who is the writer?

  Who is the timekeeper?

  Who can come up to the desk, see the pictures and the titles?

  What do you write?

  How much time do you have to do the task?

T: Are there any questions? No? Time to work!

(While the students working, the teacher comes up to each group and helps if necessary).

T: Ready? Please, speaker of the group “…….” come here and read out your conclusion.

    The group “…….”

    The group “…….” (papers are hang out on the board)

T: Good job! Now all the students get a shit of paper with the book review. Your task is to fulfill the gaps with the missing words and word combinations to get the whole text.

(The teacher reads the text once and checks it)

T: Who wants to read the result? …… you are welcome. The rest of the class listens and compares. (The student reads).

T: Can you define the structure of the book review? What are the points of it?

(On the board –   1. The title.

2. The author.

3. The genre.

4. The main character(s).

5. The plot.

6. The opinion.)

Please, write it down into your exercise books.

T: One of the most famous English writers is Charles Dickens. He wrote lots of interesting books and created many interesting characters. So some interesting idioms about him appeared. Here are two of them.

In English, when we want to talk about someone who hates spending money, we can call him/her a scrooge, which is the name of one of Dickens’s characters. He was very mean with money!  A scrooge doesn’t like spending money.

Another one is ‘What the dickens is that?’ In English, if we are surprised or angry, we can say 'What the dickens…?' Where can we find the idioms?

V.  Підведення підсумків уроку. Мотивація оцінок.

T: Well, what did we do today? What did we speak about? What did we read about? What did we write? What can you do now? What did you like about the lesson? What would you like to do next time? You all were great today. ……, revise some grammar. ……. and ……., you should read aloud more. And …….., you are the best today.

VI.   Домашнє завдання

T: You take these papers with you and at home make a book review on your favourite story. This is your homework.

VII. Завершення уроку

T: Thank you and see you tomorrow.



The title: ___________________________________________________________________________

The author: _________________________________________________________________________

The genre: _________________________________________________________________________

The main character(s): __________________________________________________________________

The opinion: ________________________________________________________________________



The title: ___________________________________________________________________________

The author: _________________________________________________________________________

The genre: _________________________________________________________________________

The main character(s): __________________________________________________________________

The opinion: ________________________________________________________________________

The book review by Henry


One of my favourite books is “____________________________________________”, which was written by the famous English writer of the 19th century Arthur Conan Doyle. It is a detective story.

I liked this book very much from the very beginning. First of all, Sherlock Holmes is one of my favourite characters. Besides, the plot of the story is extremely interesting. It starts with a mysterious murder of Sir Charles Baskerville in his old mansion. Although the doctor says that the cause of his death is the heart attack, he doesn’t believe it himself as a lot of traces of a gigantic hound are found on the ground around the body. So, he goes to London and asks Mr. Sherlock Holmes to investigate the case.

The book has a lot of thrilling episodes. I felt nervous especially when the gigantic hound followed its prey for I was not sure that the story would have the happy end. Fortunately, Sherlock Holmes does his best as usual and the mystery of the strange murder is revealed.

To cut a long story short, the fearful hound is killed and the main character Sir Henry is saved from the terrible death.

In conclusion, I would like to say that detectives are my favourite genre. So, if you like detectives, I advise you to read this book. I am sure you’ll get a great pleasure.


The title: _________________________________________________________________

The author: _______________________________________________________________

The genre: ______________________________________________________________

The main character(s): _______________________________________________________

The opinion: _______________________________________________________________


A book review by Valery

 Last week I finished reading “Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows” by Joanne K. Rowling.

 This book is the last in the Harry Potter series, and ends the story of Harry and his wizard friends, Ron and Hermione. In this book, Harry has to finally defeat his enemy Lord Voldemort, and there is a huge battle between good and evil.

 The characters in this series have changed a lot, but in this book they are quite grown up and Harry has to prove just how brave he is when he confronts Voldemort. Although it is a children’s book, it’s quite scary at times! The themes of loyalty, bravery and sacrifice are very strong in the book. Although I didn’t like some of the other Harry Potter books, the events are much more dramatic and gripping in this one and I really enjoyed it.



Northern Lights

The Hound of the Baskervilles


Fantasy Story

Fantasy Story

Fantasy Story

Fantasy Story

Detective Story

Detective Story

Detective Story

Detective Story

Detective Story

Fantasy Story

Adventure Story

Adventure Story

Adventure Story

Adventure Story

Adventure Story



1. The title.

2. The author.

3. The genre.

4. The main character(s).

5. The plot.

6. The opinion.


A book review by Valery

 Last week I finished reading “_______________ ______________ and Deathly Hallows” by Joanne K. Rowling.

 This book is the last in the Harry Potter series, and ______________ the story of Harry and his wizard friends, Ron and Hermione. In this book, Harry has to finally defeat his enemy Lord Voldemort, and there is a ________________ battle between good and evil.

 The ____________________________ in this series have changed a lot, but in this book they are quite ________________________ and Harry has to prove just how ________________________he is when he confronts Voldemort. Although it is a ____________________ book, it’s quite _________________ at times! The themes of loyalty, ________________________________ and sacrifice are very strong in the book. Although I didn’t like some of the other Harry Potter books, the events are much more _____________________ and ______________________ in this one and I really enjoyed it.






A book review by Valery

 Last week I finished reading “_______________ ______________ and Deathly Hallows” by Joanne K. Rowling.

 This book is the last in the Harry Potter series, and ______________ the story of Harry and his wizard friends, Ron and Hermione. In this book, Harry has to finally defeat his enemy Lord Voldemort, and there is a ________________ battle between good and evil.

 The ____________________________ in this series have changed a lot, but in this book they are quite ________________________ and Harry has to prove just how ________________________he is when he confronts Voldemort. Although it is a ____________________ book, it’s quite _________________ at times! The themes of loyalty, ________________________________ and sacrifice are very strong in the book. Although I didn’t like some of the other Harry Potter books, the events are much more _____________________ and ______________________ in this one and I really enjoyed it.


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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 лютого 2022
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