Тема: Musical instruments.Музичні інструменти.
Мета: Ознайомити дітей з новими лексичними одиницями на тему
«Музичні інструменти».
Закріпити на письмі граматичний час Past Simple.
Удосконалювати техніку читання,формувати комунікативні
компетенції на засадах гуманізації навчального процессу.
Розвивати в учнів логічне мислення, фонематичний слух, мовленнєву
Реакцію,мовну здогадку.
Виховувати культуру спілкування, почуття гуманізму.
Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, презентація Power Poin, аудіо запис,
Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Greeting 1.Good morning class..I hope you’ll be active at the lesson.Tell me,
how are you today? Well, let's start.
Aim 2. Повідомлення теми уроку.
The theme of our lesson is Musical instruments. Today we are going to learn
the names of some musical instruments, to speak about the role of music in
our life .
Warming up 3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
1. Let’s listen to a musical extract together to elevate our spirits.
T: - What emotions does the music arouse?
P1: - I feel hope.
2.T: Put the following word-combinations into two columns
I like / prefer / enjoy |
I don’t like / can’t stand / hate |
II Основна частина уроку.
Vocabulary1. Активізація ЛО теми
Practice 1) Look at the screen. Here you can see the pictures of some musical
instruments. Listen to their names.
Who can play any musical instrument?
How long have you been playing the piano?
Can you play well?
Have you ever taken part in any concerts?
Слайд- дерево
Look at this special”music tree”. Why is classical music at the bottom?
The root of the tree is certainly classical because it’s the oldest
style,and all other styles derived from it.The branches are – rock,jass
pop;which styles are missing?Name some more popular modern styles(rap,R
and B, heavy metal music,free style etc.)
All musical instruments are devide into 4 big groups:
stringed,wind,percussion and keyboard.
2. Sort all instruments into 4 groups.
A kobza,a guitar,a flute,a violin,a double bass,a cello,a s,bagpipes,a bandura,an accordion,a xylophone,a drum,a piano,an organ.
Stringed instruments Wind instruments Percussion instruments Keyboard Instruments.
Thank you for you work!
Listening 2 . Аудіювання
Comprehension Етап слухання і перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.
I will read the text and you wiil listen to the text attentively.
Volodymyr Hryshko is well- known opera singer.He performed in operas and staged in the theatres of many foreign countries. He regularly takes part in international classical music festivals. Mr Hryshko performed on stage together with many great singers, Luciano Pavarotti and Montserrat Caballe included. He is the owner of many prizes and the winner of the Ukrainian national contest Lyudyna Roku 2004 in the nomination “ Opera Singer of the year”
But one of the performances was very special for him.On the day when his daughter was born, he had to sing at the Metropolitan Opera in new York.In the evening he sang especially well.The Americans played the anthem of Ukraine in honour of the soloist who had a newborn daughter that day. And it was a real inspiration for the singer.He felt that it was the greatest achievement in his life!
2.Note with “ T” if the statement is true, and with “ F” if it is false.
1. V. Hryshko is a well- known pop singer.
2. He takes part in international classical music festivals.
3. He is Lyudyna Roku- 2004 in the nomination Opera singer of the year.
4.They played the anthem of the USA at the metropolitan Opera in NY.
5. The soloist felt a real inspiration and sang especially well on the day his
daughter was born.
Physical 3.Фізкультхвилинка
Activity Are you tired? Let’s have a piece of fun!What can we do with our
hands? Iwon't show you the movements.
Clap, clap, clap your hands.
Shake, shake, shake your hands
Roll, roll,roll your hands
Rub,rub,rub your hands
I hide my hands.Do it quickly?
Do you know foreign singer? Name them! Who wants to tell about your
favourite singer?
Grammar 4. Відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу.
Practice Now it’s time for grammar.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
Last Sunday, hundreds of fans________(to go) Ukraina Palace in Kyiv to see the famous Ukrainian band “ Ocean Elzy”. There__________(to be) not an empty seat anywhere in the auditorium.
The band____________(to sing) a lot of well- knownsongs from their albums.The wonderful music and the songs’ words___________(to tell) the listeners about the eternal values: understanding, friendship and love.
The sound______(to be) perfect.The audience really___________(to love) the concert.Many people in the crowd_______(to be) real fans and they_________( to know) the words and they ( to sing)along to nearly every song.
Who has another variant? You can see Past Simple in every case because is the past facts. They happened one by one.
Who is the leader of this band?
A lot of foreign musicians, including English ones, provide help for people in need and give money for charity.
What Ukrainian musicians do you know?
What musical instruments do they play?
Who of them is the most famous benefactor?
So, we can see that music and musicians play a very important role in society.They influence our feelings, inspire us to noble actions,cultivate humanism, kindness and tenderness.
III Заключна частина уроку
Homework 1. Find some proverbs about music (English proverbs and their
Ukrainian equivalents)
Summarizing : What is interesting for you?
Give the names of mysical styles do you know?
So, let’s finish our lesson with Longfellow’s words
Конспект уроку