Урок "My future profession"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови


Тема: «Моя майбутня професія»


* практична:

  • удосконалення діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
  • напрацювання граматичних навичок.


  • ознайомлення з різними видами професій у Великобританії.


  • розвивати увагу, пам’ять, фонематичний слух, мовну здогадку.


  • виховувати толерантне ставлення до різних видів професій та вподобань людей.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, ноутбук, проектор, відео про професії, відео-інтерв’ю з учнями, презентація, картки, малюнки, фото, таблиця «Conditionals».

Хід уроку:

І. Початковий етап:

  1. Оргмомент. Привітання.

- Good morning, children! I am glad to see you again. How are you? Tell me, please, who is on duty today? Look around the classroom and tell me: who is absent today? (Слайд 1).

       2.   Повідомлення теми. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Фонетична зарядка (Слайд 2).

- At first, look at the screen. This poem will be an epigraph of our lesson. The title of this poem is “I want to be…”. Listen to me very attentively and then we will do the same together.

I want to be…

Some people often say to me:

“Have you decided what you want to be?”

I usually answer, “I don’t know”,

But it isn’t really so.

I want to be an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Katmandu,

I want to be rich and famous, too.

I want to be on Hollywood’s screen,

I want to invent a new machine,

I want to be clever and wise.

I want to win the Nobel prize.

But most of all, I want to be

Healthy, strong and perfectly.

- And now tell me, please, about what professions do I dream according to this poem?

(a sportsman/sportswoman, a cosmonant, a businesswoman/man, a traveller, a super-star, an inventor, a scientist).

Today we will have an interesting topic, which is connected with professions. We’ll speak about some interesting jobs, have a lot of interesting exercises and a lot of fun while making them. Now you are people who want to get a job. I”ll try to make all necessary information clear for you. Till the end of the lesson you may get certificates of preparation for the job. If your work will be good enough you will get the first level, if you will be excellent during our lesson you”ll get the second level of training. So let’s start!

3. Мовленнєва зарядка.

 a ) Now say 8 jobs in which you spend a lot of time working outdoors: builder, -driver, farmer, fruit picker, gardener, lifeguard, soldier, tour guide .

- 4 jobs in which you have to be good at counting: accountant, architect, Maths teacher, pilot, waiter/ waitress.

- 5 jobs for which you have to wear a uniform: driver, nurse, pilot, firefighter, waiter.

- 6 places where people work: beauty salon, call centre, farm, library, science lab,office, school.

b) match jobs with photos.

Builder                        firefighter

Artist                           pilot

Hairdresser                  lawyer

Mechanic                     nurse


II. Основна частина уроку:


         2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

perform   repair (2x)  care   serve  help   sell   treat   build  deliver   fly   play

design (2x)  teach   fight   cure   administrate


An architect ______________houses.               

Builders____________________and repair houses.

A  mechanic ___________________cars.     

Dentists ________________________people´s teeth.   

A teacher_______________________lessons to his/her students.     

An engineer _____________________or services machines.

A Firefighters ___________________fires.    

A lawyer ________________________people with legal problems.

A nurse__________________________for the sick or disabled. 

Sales assistants _______________________things in a shop.  Doctors______________________________sick people.                                           

     A  pilot _______________________________planes. 

3. Монологічне мовлення з елементами аудіювання. (Слайд 6,7).

Children, Everybody has own profession and I want to show you the interview about your future professions.

- Hello, my dear guests! Choosing a career is very important nowadays. So, a few days ago I took an interview in my classmates. I asked them about their dreams, especially about their future professions. And now listen to  the interview and guess what jobs will my classmates tell. Be very attentively! And I wish you good luck!

-This profession is very interesting. Working in this profession I can travel around the world, meet new friends, learn more about each countries. And I think this profession is well-paid. To my mind, it is very good job and I would get pleasure from this job. What is it ? (Natasha is a journalist.)

- In future I want to be a teacher. I think that it is the easiest job. Working as a teacher I can know a lot of information about countries and culture. I love children. So, I can teach them. I hope that I shall do it. What is it? (Andriy is a teacher of History.)

- Choosing this profession I have thought since childhood. My future profession is connected with computers. This profession often gives a great opportunity to visit other countries or even to travel or to work there. But not as good as it sounds. In order to obtain, this decided that profession should work hard. What is it? (Denys is  an IT specialist.)

- My future profession will be connected with Art. This area is for those who think creatively. I am a creative individual. As a child I often painted pictures, because I want to move this direction. People are delighted my works. This is a part of my life. What is it? (Zhenia is a painter.)

- This profession is very useful and interesting. Working in this profession I can teach children and also I can travel abroad. I will communicate with different foreign people. That is why I can say that knowledge of English gives me much success. Have you guessed this profession? (Vlada is a teacher of English.)

- My parents and teachers have said that I would be rather good at Maths. At modeling things I like invention and construction various objects. So, this experience can help in my future profession. I know that it is easy to become a highly-demigod professional. What is it? (Anna is an architect.)

4. Граматика. Умовні речення. .

- Now let’s revise The first Conditionals . Remind the rules.

a) When do we use The first Conditionals ?

b) Can we change the order of the parts of the sentences?

c) Do we need to use a comma?

- Make up sentences with these words using the Conditionals.

Great job! And now let’s have a rest and sing a song.

  1. Now I’ll describe you a profession and you have to guess what job it is.Will be very attentive because you have to choose  correct letters to make up mystery word.Use the sheets of paper with letters.


  1. Someone who designs clothes. (de s igner) – 3

           2. Some who can count well and keeps the money records of a business. (acco u                     ntant) 5

      3. Someone whose job is to design buildings. (ar c hite c t) 3,8

4. Someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop. ( cashi  e r ) 6

5. Someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel. (receptioni s t)

6. Someone who paints pictures. (Arti s t) 5

 The mystery word is SUCCESS.

* pre-watching activity: (Слайд 3)

Look at the photo of this man. Tell me what is his name? who is he? How do you think is he successful person? So, let’s read some of his quotes what  is his  thoughts about it.

So What do you need to be successful ?

*while-watching activity: (Слайд4).

- And now your task is to watch a video and write out eight things that lead to success.

 1. PASSION           5. PUSH


2. WORK                6. SERVE


   3. GOOD                 7. IDEAS


4. FOCUS                8. PERSIST

.Робота з лексикою. Контроль засвоєння лексики (Слайд 8-13).

-  Look at the screen and choose the right variant.

6. Гра «Знайди професії». Додаток 3 (картки).

- I’ll give you a piece of paper with too long word. Your task is to find all professions. (Civilservanteacherealtorunnertaxidriver)

III. Заключний етап уроку:

1. Підведення підсумків.

- Tell me, please, the formula of using the 1-st Conditional/the 2-d Conditional.

- Translate the following sentences:

* Якщо я буду гарно вчити англійську мову, я зможу працювати перекладачем.

* Якщо я буду працювати перекладачем, я зможу заробляти багато грошей.

* Якби у мене було багато грошей, то я б мав широкий вибір моєї майбутньої професії.

* Якщо я знайду гарну роботу, то моє життя покращиться.

2. Виставлення оцінок.

You have worked very hard and actively. So, your mark is…, you have a red diploma/a blue diploma. Додаток 4(дипломи).

3. Домашнє завдання.

- Make up a composition “My future profession”.

Thank you very much for your good work. I think, our lesson will help you in choosing a career. The lesson is over. Good bye!(Слайд 14). So, you are good, your answers were perfect. And in future I wish you good luck and all the best. Let your dreams came true. Thank you for your attention





































Додаток 3 (картки).


















Додаток 4(дипломи).


























Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
12 лютого 2020
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