Граматика та лексика 20.03.2020
Listen to the song "Angels" by Robbie Williams.
"Angels" by Robbie Williams (youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luwAMFcc2f8 |
Write the nouns with articles or without them if necessary.
1. Thoughts running through my head
And I feel is dead
2. When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving instead .
3. And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my .
Vocabulary. Eating habits (definitions)
Сhoose the right word for each definition.
1. To eat something very quickly:
2. Somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat:
3. To eat something quickly (when you’re in a rush):
Vocabulary. Types of food. Definitions
Умова завдання:
Write the word for each definition.
1. Meat from a pig cut into long thin slices
2. A mixture of meat and spices cooked in a boiling water
3. Cream made sour by adding special bacteria
Listening. Eating
Умова завдання:
Listen to the text "Eating".
Write the words that you will hear.
1. My mother used to about how much I ate.
2. Food tastes so good and eating it feel very happy.
3. Eating can also be an .
Listening. Pizza
Умова завдання:
Listen to the text "Pizza".
Write the words into each gap.
1. I don’t know who doesn’t like it.
2. Just the simple dough with nothing but - it works for me every time.
3. I also had all-you-can-eat pizza .