Урок на тему: "Family and Friends" за підручником Wider Wider 2

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Урок з теми: "Family and Friends" за підручником Wider Wider 2 На даному уроці розглянуті ідіоми на тему сім'ї та рідного дому. Повторення лексичного матеріалу на позначення членів сім'ї та елементів одягу представлене у вигляді гри гри "Who is it?" та кросворду. Також є завдання на розприділення слів на певні категорії: одяг, аксесуари, матеріали та таканини, емоції, позитивні риси характеру людини та негативні риси характеру людини. Для вдосконалення навичок говоріння представлено завдання у якому потрібно описати зовнішній вигляд людини по фото, використовуючи опрацьований лексичний матеріал. Для засвоєння граматичного матеріалу Present Simple та Present Continuos учням запропоновані завдання із доповненням речення правильною формою дієслова. Для вдосконалення навичок слухання та читання учні повинні прослухати текст "Top 3 annoying things that parents do" та виконати завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді. На завершення учні повинні переглянути невеличке відео "The Royal Wedding" та виконати вправу, яка полягає у виправленні однієї помилки в реченні.
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The topic of the lesson “FAMILY AND FRIENDS”

Form 7


Т. Good morning, my dear pupils. I am glad to see you. How are you today?

Today we are going to speak about people who live in the same house, under one roof, who love and support each other. So, our topic today is “Family and Friends”. Today we will talk about members of the family, different types of clothes and accessories, positive and negative personality adjectives and also we will check grammar material on Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Our lesson today is like a game. You are divided into two groups and each group will get a card for the right answer. The group that will get more cards will be the winner.

I know that you are clever and creative pupils.

I hope you will be smart as usual and do all your best to make our lesson interesting and useful.


T. Let's remind interesting idioms that we have already learn.


  1. Blood is thicker than water. – Family ties are always stronger than other relationships.
  2. There is no place like home.
  3. My home is my castle.


  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. – A friend who helps you when you need is a true friend.
  2. Birds of a feather flock together. – people who are similar often become close or friends
  3. Keep your friend close and your enemy closer.



  1. Family members

“Who is it?”

  • Who is your mother’s father? – It is my grandfather.
  • Who is your father’s wife? – It is my mother.
  • Who is your mother’s daughter? – It is my sister.
  • Who is your father’s brother? – It is my uncle.
  • Who is your father’s mother? – It is my grandmother.
  • Who is your mother’s sister? – It is my aunt.
  • Who is your father’s son? – It is my brother.
  • Who is your mother’s husband? – It is my father.
  • Who is your father’s sister’s child? – It is my cousin.
  1. Clothes and Accessories

Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.

  1.    Categories
    Materials: one set of cards for two groups of nine students.
  • Write these six categories on the board: Clothes, Accessories, Materials and patterns, Emotions, Positive personality adjectives, Negative personality adjectives.
  • Put students into two groups of nine. Give each group a set of cards and tell them to sort all the cards into six categories.

Clothes: dress, jacket, shirt, sweater, trousers;

Accessories: belt, earrings, glasses, handbag, necklace;

Materials and patterns: checked, cotton, leather, striped, woolly;

Emotions: annoyed, bored, interested, irritated, worried;

Positive personality adjectives: cheerful, friendly, helpful, outgoing, polite;

Negative personality adjectives: lazy, moody, rude selfish, untidy







  1. Describe the person in the photograph using a new vocabulary.


In this photo I can see the girl. She is about 12 years old. She has got long straight hair. Her hair is blond. She is wearing casual clothes. Also she has got a black leather jacket, a striped cotton T-shirt, blue denim jeans and white trainers. She seems excited because she is smiling.





This photo shows the girl. I think she is 8 years old. She has got dark short hair. She is well-dressed. She is wearing a white cotton sweater, blue baggy jeans and white trainers. Also she has got sunglasses and a black necklace. She looks relaxed.



Оn this photo I can see the boy. He is very young, so he is about 6 years old. He is short. I think he is sporty because he is wearing a black cap, a tracksuit and red trainers. Also he is wearing white sunglasses. He looks very fashionable.








  1. Listen and complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets using the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

2. usually have 3. are changing 4. are putting 5. am breaking 6. am not lying 7. are walking 8. is shining 9. does




  1.    Complete the sentences using the Present Simple and the Present Continuous linked with but.


It’s Friday evening. Meg / usually / go  to the cinema / today / she / visit / a friend.

Meg usually goes to the cinema on Friday evenings but today she is visiting a friend.

Possible answers:

1 Nicola usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock but today she is watching a film.

2 Jack usually goes to school on Mondays but today he is feeling ill.

3 Maggie usually meets her friends on Saturday afternoons but today she is visiting her grandmother

4 Alice usually wears jeans and a T-shirt but today she is wearing a dress.

5 Bob usually eats sandwiches for lunch but today he is eating a banana and a yoghurt.

6 Ben usually walks to school but today he is cycling.

7 Paul usually plays football on Saturday mornings but today he is sleeping.

8 Hannah usually swims but today she is sunbathing.

9 Nick usually does his homework at 4 p.m. but today he is chatting with friends online.


  1. Listen the letter about Top 3 things that parents do and choose the correct answer.


2.b  3.a   4.a   5.a










  1.    Watch the DVD about the Royal Wedding and correct one word in each sentence. Then watch the DVD again to correct your answers.
  1. Today is the birthday of Prince William and Kate Middleton. wedding
  2. Victoria and David Beckham, friends of Prince William, are hungry. here
  3. The rich and famous are here including the actor, Elton John… singer
  4. Her sister, Pippa Middleton, arrives with children of friends and fathers. family
  5. The big moment … and a woman with the ring. problem
  6. The end of a big holiday for Kate and William. day


T. What does this lesson teach us?

You have worked hard. You were rather active and creative. Thank you for your home preparation and participation during the lesson. You have got excellent marks today.


W.B p. 27


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