Урок на тему "Family matters: two points of view on a family relationship"

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Урок розроблено за текстом "Family matters: two points of view on a family relationship", який порушує питання сімейних стосунків між відомим актором та його донькою
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Дата:  30.09.2014

План-конспект уроку № 14

Клас:  10 A

Тема:  Люди і дружні стосунки. Моя родина, друзі і я

Підтема:  Урок домашнього читання. Сімейні стосунки


Практична: удосконалювати навички читання з повним розумінням тексту, розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, формувати навички роботи з текстом, розширювати словниковий запас учнів, повторити граматичний матеріал про модальні інфінітивні конструкції.

Освітня: ознайомити учнів із фактами з біографії англійського актора Олівера Дарроу.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, пам'ять, увагу учнів, самостійність у праці.

Виховна: виховувати любов до своїх рідних, прагнення розуміти та підтримувати одне одного.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал – картки з граматичними вправами, текст статті.

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку.

1.1. Організація класу.

Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you. I hope you are ready for today’s lesson, aren’t you?

So, tell me please, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

So let’s start. Today we are going to speak аbout family matters. We will discuss rather an interesting text about the relationships between a father and his daughter. After that we will try to make a conclusion and understand why it was difficult for these people to understand each other.

1.2. Мовленнєва зарядка.

So you’ve read the article “Family matters: two points of view on a family relationship”.  I hope it is to your liking. But before we start discussing it, let’s answer the questions:

  1.               Who do you like more: your father or your mother?
  2.               Who do you like more in character: your father or your mother?
  3.               Whom are you getting on well: with your father or your mother? Why?
  4.               Who are you closer to? Why?
  5.               Do you want to bring up your children in the same way you were brought up?

Well, as you see, all of you have different relationships with your parents. Moreover, your parents can even have quite opposite point of view to the same questions. It is easily to prove by the fact of generation gap. Don’t you think that it was one of the main reasons of misunderstanding in Darrow’s family? Let’s investigate it.

  1.            Основна частина.

2.1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

  •                 Scanning reading.

Your hometask was to read and translate the text “Family matters: two points of view on a family relationship”. You also had to do some tasks. So let’s check them.

Pre-reading activity

  •                 You have the list of words which can be useful for you today. Your task was to translate them and learn by heart. So let’s read and translate them:

Бути чимось одержимим – to be obsessed with something;

Бути близьким із кимось – to be close to somebody;

Ставати дратівливим – to get annoyed;

Пристрасть – passion;

Ладнати з кимось – to get on with somebody;

Бути скритним – to be reserved;

Розлучитись – to split up;

Бути нещасним – to be miserable.

  •                 Make up your own sentences with these words.

While-reading activity

So, at home you’ve already read a part of the article. The task for the 1st group was to read and translate what Oliver Darrow says about his daughter, Carmen, and the 2nd group had to read what Carmen Darrow says about her father, Oliver. So, look through your parts of article and let’s do some tasks and compare the information.

After-reading activity

  • Choose the correct item:
  1.     The relationship in the family describes the sentence:
  1.      it was closer when Carmen was a child;
  2.     they get on well and have similar interests;
  3.      they don’t have much in common.
  1.     Oliver:
  1.      he’s done a lot for his daughter;
  2.     he isn’t very sensitive to how she feels;
  3.      he’s more interested in himself than in his family.

3)   Carmen:

a)   is selfish and spoilt;

b)   tries to please her father;

c)  was never really happy until she married George.

4)  According to Carmen:

a)  she has a lot in common with her father;

b)  she has always found him difficult to talk to her;

c)  she always comes to him first when she has a problem.

5)  Oliver:

a)  knows her daughter’s tastes very good;

b)  always understands her daughter and helps her;

c)  knows nothing about his daughter.

6)  Carmen finds her father to be:

a)  like a stranger to her;

b)  the best friend for her;

c)  the best father in the world.

  •                 Discussion

Well, let’s discuss the article. Your task is to answer the questions.

  1.               Does Oliver think that he has a lot in common with his daughter? (Yes, he does. He finds their relationship rather close. According to him he sees her as his best friend.)
  2.               Is it really so? (No, it isn’t. According to his daughter Oliver is like a stranger to her.)
  3.               How did Oliver behave in front of Carmen’s friends? (Oliver used to show Carmen’s friends his awards because he was really proud of them.)
  4.               What does it prove about? (This fact proves that Oliver always thinks about himself. He behaves like a star, even in front of his daughter’s friends.)
  5.               Why did Carmen leave school? (Carmen left school because it was her father’s choice. He wanted her to be an actress like him, but the girl felt miserable there. But according to her father, she did small roles at the drama school and she must have found it boring.)
  6.               Why don’t father and daughter see each other very much? (According to Oliver the reason is that Carmen doesn’t like his young wife. Carmen has quite opposite opinion. According to her father doesn’t like her husband, because he wanted her to get married with a famous actor.)
  7.               What does Carmen think of her father’s career? (Carmen finds her father to be very reserved person, but he is a good actor because his fans think that he is very easygoing. According to Carmen she occasionally sees one of his films on TV and she finds it hard to believe that he is her father. He is like a stranger to her.)
  8.               Why does Oliver Darrow say that the relationship with her daughter is rather close? (As for me, Oliver Darrow behaves like a real actor. He doesn’t want to fall down in the eyes of his fans that’s why he wants to avoid the truth.)

So, you see, that your answers are quite opposite which proves the fact that father and daughter have different points of view on a family relationship. And now read the other part of the article and be ready to discuss it.

  •                 Work in pairs

We’ve just got to know two points of view to the same problem. And now I suggest you discussing in pairs the question: “Who has more realistic view on the relationship? Oliver or Carmen? Why?”

So, we see, that Oliver Darrow sacrificed his family life for the sake of his career. He always tried to be a good and professional actor but he completely forgot about his duties as a father. As a result his daughter felt herself miserable wreck. But as a real master of his job he is still playing the role of an affectionate father in the eyes of his fans. I hope you will make a right conclusion and understand that our family should rate first in our life.

2.2. Активізація граматичного матеріалу.

Well, today we are going to revise the material about modal infinitive constructions.

Модальні інфінітивні конструкції використовуються для вираження припущення або впевненості у чомусь.

Must – виражає 100 % впевненість;

May / could – можливість якоїсь дії;

Might – малоймовірність дії;

Can’t – не можливість якоїсь дії.

Наприклад, They can’t have left the country. – Не може бути, щоб вони покинули країну.

  •                 And now your task is to find in the article sentences with modal infinitive constructions and translate them into Ukrainian.
  •                 Work with cards.

Use the modal infinitive constructions to rewrite the first part of each sentence. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

  1.               I’m sure Carmen likes animals a lot because … (must).

E.g. Carmen must like animals because she enjoys working with them.

  1.               I don’t think that Oliver is a very famous actor because … (can’t).
  2.               I think he has won Oscar because … (might).
  3.               I’m sure Carmen had a lot of friends when she was a teenager because … (must).
  4.               I don’t think she worked hard at school because … (can’t).
  5.               I’m sure Carmen is happy in her marriage because … (must).
  6.               I don’t think Oliver Darrow was an affectionate father because … (can’t).

III.  Заключна частина уроку.

3.1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Well, today we have discussed the article about family relationship between father and his daughter. Besides, we’ve also revised the material about modal infinitive constructions. I hope this lesson was interesting and instructive for you. So, open daybooks and write down your hometask.

3.2. Домашнє завдання: look through the active vocabulary and grammar material and be ready for writing a test.

And now I want to thank you for a good work at the lesson. You’ve worked very well today, so your marks are the next …



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