Урок на тему "Interests and Hobbies"

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План уроку

Interests and Hobbies



Вчитель англійської мови

Роменського ліцею №1

Ім. П.І. Калнишевського

Гордійчук А.Ю.

  • Practical aims:
    • To revise and practice the words on the topic of the lesson;
    • To develop the functional skill of speaking with friends on the subject;
    • To develop reading and writing skills.


  • Educational aims:
    • To learn to speak about hobbies and pastimes, using active vocabulary;


  • Developing aims:
    • To develop memory, logical thinking, attention
    • To develop the ability to select.
    • To develop interest to different activities and ways to spend free time.

Equipment: multimedia blackboard, books, cards with exercises.


The beginning of the lesson


  1. Introduction

Teacher: Good morning children!

  • How are you? 

Ps: I am fine (super/ just great/happy).

  • Very nice. I am glad that you are… Why are you happy?
  • I am happy, because the weather is great. The sun is…
  1. Warming Up
  •  Very nice. Today’s weather makes you feel good, but what else can make you happy?

P1: Skateboarding can make me happy.

P2: Riding BMX bike can make me happy.

P3: Painting can make me happy.

P4: Collecting Lego can make me happy.

P5: Doing jigsaw puzzle can make me happy.

P6: Fishing with my father can make me happy.

Teacher: That’s wonderful. As for me, listening to music and learning English can make me happy.

Now look at the board and say what can make these children happy. (with pictures)

Bob – fishing

Linda – cooking

Mike – watching TV

Tom – playing football

Ann - gardening

Teacher: So, the topic of our lesson is…”Hobbies and pastimes”. Right you are! And today we are going to speak about things we like doing and things that make us happy.

Today we will:

  •  revise and practice the words on the topic “Hobbies and Pastimes”;
    •  develop the functional skill of speaking with friends on the subject;
    •  develop reading and writing skills.

Main Part


Teacher: I am sure that you’ve got many different hobbies, but do your classmates know about them? Let’s learn about your classmate’s hobbies together.

Open your books at p. 94, ex. 3. Work in pairs and ask you partner some questions. But you are to listen to you classmates answers very attentively, because I’ll ask you about their favourite hobbies and pastimes.


Is Vlad fond of collecting Lego?

Who is interested in dancing?...


Checking the homework

I see that your classmates are interested in the way you spend your free time. And at home you prepared some stories/ projects about your hobbies and your favourite pastimes. Present them to let your friends know more about you and the way you like to spend your free time.

(children present their projects)

You see that … is interested in…. And what about you? Are you interested in…?


Listening practice

You have wonderful hobbies. And I liked all of them.

You know that different people have different interests. Now you are going to listen to the recording about them. But before listening to the text look at the board and repeat some new words after me.

A lot of = many

Would rather – краще б

Prefer = like

Go for a walk – ходити на прогулянку

Bug – жук (picture on the slide)

Leaf – листок (picture)

Be attentive because while listening to the recording you are to fill in the gaps on your cards with the words given in the list.

(children listen to the text twice)

List of words to complete the sentences

watching TV, baseball, hockey and basketball, interested in, computer games, collect things, ride bikes, stamps, bugs, coins, dolls, postcards, the piano, the guitar, books

  1. Some people like to play computer games.  Do you like playing computer games?
  2. Other people spend a lot of time watching TV.
  3. Some would rather play sport like baseball, hockey and basketball.
  4. People can ride bikes.
  5. There are people who like to collect things. 
  6. You can collect stamps, coins, dolls, postcards.
  7. Some people even collect bugs and leaves.
  8. People can play the guitar or the piano.
  9. There are people who like to read books.
  10.         It is good to be interested in a lot of things.

(checking: pupils read the completed sentences and the sentences appear on the board with correct answers)


Teacher: well done. Children, do you like dancing? Are you good at dancing?

I think you are tired now and it’s high time to rest a little and have some fun.

Stand up and dance with our guests.

(doing exercises)


Making dialogues

Teacher: wonderful! I see that you are great dancers and you enjoyed it. And we continue working.

Teacher: Tell me please, do you like presents?

P1: Yes, I do. I like presents.

Teacher: and what about you? Do you like to receive or to get presents?

P2: I like to receive presents.

Teacher: now, imagine that your best friend has a birthday party soon. You are at the shop and want to buy him/ her a present. Work in pairs and choose the present your friend would like. Use the example.






Teacher: great job! I like the way you are working today. Now you are going to work in teams. That’s why we should be divided into three teams. Three pupils come up to the blackboard and take a card.


Listening to music

Playing football

And now other pupils get cards with pictures. Look at the picture and choose the team you need.

http://www.bigsale.ge/euroezo/2.jpghttp://tub.tubgit.com/reimg/resize-img.php?src=http://photos.up-wallpaper.com/images253/ehxk3spzven.jpg&h=1200&w=1920http://zalpoeta.net/images/uploads/a1c388c56b1a3077703aa287ab7781cb.jpg https://t2.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/50/22/19/500_F_50221942_9ZK55T2cwTBHA5Xc7m9fwBdfoubXf2Ue.jpg https://www.wholesaleclearance.co.uk/cat_thumb/540x500/239.jpg http://www.cliparthut.com/clip-arts/240/gardening-tools-clip-art-240746.jpeg


























Now there are two teams. Be very attentive.

So we receive many presents for our birthdays, but very often if we have some money we buy some things ourselves.

Take the card. There you can see children and money they have got. And things they can buy. Say what they can buy for the money they have and why. Use the example you’ve got.

Ann can buy a BMX bike. She is fond of (keen on/interested in/good at) riding bikes in her free time.

Teacher: Children, what can Mike buy? And why?



Teacher: Children now I know a lot about your hobbies, but I know nothing about your parents’ hobbies. You have got clouds with hidden words – names of pastimes. Choose some to speak about your parents’ hobbies.

Make up sentences as in the example.

My mother is interested in …

My father is fond of…

And I am keen on…

(cloud with words)



You had some rest and now you are ready to have some reading about what else people like doing in their free time. Read the text writing the words instead of pictures.

Some people like gardening. They grow vegetables and fruit. A lot of people like collecting. Some people like collecting toy cars..

Very often they collect pens http://www.stationeryinfo.com/images/company/54858d644e7be2ec0a28736e/pr/548598804e7be2ec13287369_logo.jpg, cups  http://cs3.livemaster.ru/zhurnalfoto/a/7/2/141110112044.jpeg, stickers and other things.

 Playing a musical instrument is a hobby, too. People enjoy playing the piano  http://www.zechlin.de/images/artikel/25120016/Yamaha%20Klavier%20U1%20SH.jpg  and the guitar https://openclipart.org/image/2400px/svg_to_png/171093/1341746918.png .       

Many girls like knitting and drawing. Boys like skateboarding and riding a BMX bike http://www.icebike.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/bmx-types-11149368-e1437804335886.jpg very much. And what is your hobby?

P1: My hobby is…


  1.    Homework

Children, look at the blackboard. There is a short story about my friend’s hobbies.

Read it.

My friend’s name is Marry. She is fifteen years old. She is very interesting and active person. She likes listening to music. Her favourite pastime is singing. She is fond of playing musical instruments. She is good at playing the guitar. She often takes part in different school concerts and parties.

Teacher: Your home task for the next lesson is to revise the names of hobbies and to write what your parents like doing in their free time, what their hobbies are.


  1. Summing up

Teacher: I hope the lesson was interesting and informative for you.

Did you like your friends’ projects? If yes, raise happy smile,  if no – sad smile.

Did you like listening to the text about people’s hobbies?

Did you like making dialogues?

Did you like working in groups?

Thank you for your work. You were very active.

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