Урок на тему "Мій будинок"

Про матеріал
Урок має на меті повторення та узагальнення вивченого матеріалу, перевірку рівня знань учнів
Перегляд файлу

План конспект предметно-виховного заходу у 4-му класі

Тема: Мій дім – моя фортеця

Підтема: Повторення та узагальнення вивченого матеріалу


Практична: перевірити та закріпити знання учнів з теми «My house», формувати в учнів уміння застосовувати здобуті знання на практиці;

Освітня:     поглибити знання учнів про різноманіття будинків та їх призначення.

Розвиваюча: розвивати усне зв’язне мовлення, уяву, увагу та мовну        здогадку учнів, уміння працювати в команді.

Виховна:  виховувати любов до свого будинку, командний дух, дружелюбність та уміння покладатися одне на одного, відповідальність за свої вчинки.

Обладнання: презентація «Меблі», роздатковий матеріал.

Форма проведення: змагання.

Хід уроку

T: Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you. Today we are going to have a competition which concerns our topic “My house”. We have to divide into two teams and then we will get to know who of you the best expert of this topic is. Our task will be to work hard and to do all the tasks for finding the key to each of these boxes. Be attentive, please, and as active as possible.


T: So let’s start. The first round is “Warming-up”. Your task is to answer the question. Both teams have to answer in turn. You can get 5 points for this task. That team, who will score more points, will open one letter in your word-key to the box. Is it clear? So let’s start.

  1. A room in the house where we cook food. (A kitchen)
  2. A room in the house where we sleep. (A bedroom)
  3. A room in the house where we watch TV or meet the guests. (A living room)
  4. A room in the house where we wash face and hands. (A bathroom)
  5. A piece of furniture where we sleep. (A bed)
  6. A piece of furniture where we eat. (A table)
  7. A piece of furniture where we keep cloths. (A wardrobe)
  8. A piece of furniture where we put flowers. (A vase)
  9. A piece of furniture where we keep books. (A bookshelf)
  10.               A piece of furniture where we lay before a TV-set. (A sofa)


T: Your task is to watch to the presentation and say what pieces of furniture are pictured. Each team will call them in turn. You can get 5 points for this task which will give you an opportunity to open another letter in your key-word.


  1. A chair

6) A Wardrobe

  1. An arm-chair

7) A cupboard

  1. A sofa

8) A desk

  1. A bed

9) A computer

  1. A bookcase

10)A table



T: Your task is to listen to my text and to draw the room which I describe.












T: Your task

Illustration-kitchen.jpginterior_illustration_living_room_perspective.jpg is to look at the picture of the room and make up as many sentences as possible in order to describe it. Use there is / there are. Each team will do it in turn. You can get 1 point for each correct sentence. This task which will give you an opportunity to open another letter in your key-word.



T: Say if the sentence is true or false.

  1. We can have breakfast in the kitchen (+)
  2. There is a fridge an a cooker in the bedroom (–)
  3. There is a wardrobe in my bathroom. (–)
  4. We can sleep in the bedroom (+).
  5. We can wash the face and hands in the living room. (–)
  6. I wake up in the bed each morning (+)
  7. We cook food on the cooker. (+)
  8. We do our homework in the bathroom. (–)
  9. A fridge keeps food cold. (+)
  10.               There is a sofa in the hall. (–)




T:  You will get the cards and your task is to complete them with words concerning topic “Furniture”.




rugfurniture crossword




















T: Make up as much words concerning the topic “My house” as possible: ho / use / bed / room / tab /  living / car / bath / pet / book / dow / win / shelf / so / arm / ir / fa / cha / case / le.

Answer: house, bedroom, bed, room, living-room, carpet, bookcase, bookshelf, window, armchair, chair, table.

T: And now all the tasks are done, and it’s high time for our jury announced the winners in different nominations.

Our competition is over, I hoped you enjoyed it. Thank you very much for a good work. Good bye.

2 березня 2023
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