Урок на тему "Особистість та її стосунки з іншими"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку вмішує вправи на аудіювання, говоріння, вживання модальних дієслів.
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Дата:  29.09.2014

План-конспект уроку № 13

Клас:  10 А

Тема:  Люди і дружні стосунки. Моя родина, друзі і я

Підтема:  Особистість. Її стосунки з іншими


Практична: повторити лексичний матеріал теми, удосконалювати навички аудіювання та читання тексту, розвивати усне зв’язне мовлення, розширювати словниковий запас учнів.

Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про вживання інфінітивних модальних конструкцій.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, пам'ять, увагу учнів, діалогічне мовлення, самостійність у праці.

Виховна: виховувати культуру взаємовідносин.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал – текст  діалогу, вправа до нього, аудіофонограма «A Holiday with Friends».

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку.

1.1. Організація класу.

Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you. I hope you are ready for today’s lesson, aren’t you?

So, tell me please, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

So let’s start. Today we are going to speak аbout friendly relations. We’ll listen to a dialogue between two people and then we will try to find out what the relations are between them. Besides, we will revise the grammar material about modal infinitive constructions.

1.2. Мовленнєва зарядка.

But first, let’s check your home task. You have to write a short composition according to the topic “Features of a Creative Personality”.

Do you find yourself to be a creative personality? Why?

  1.            Основна частина.

2.1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

  •                 Scanning Reading.

And now we are going to read and translate the one-part conversation between Andy and Carl. Your task is to read Andy’s part of conversation and to guess what has happened.

Pre-reading activity

But first, look at the blackboard. You can see some words there, which can be difficult for you to understand. Let’s read and translate them:

crutch [krʌtʃ] – костилі;

plaster [ˈplɑːstə] – гіпс;

to be relieved – відчувати полегшення.

While-reading activity

Read Andy’s part of conversation and guess what has happened.

Andy: Hi! Carl? It's Andy. How are you? Feeling better?

Carl: ..... ........

Andy: Really? Still using a crutch, eh? So you're not back at work yet?

Carl: ............

Andy: Two more weeks! That's when the plaster comes off?

Carl: ...............

Andy: No, I'm fine. We both fine. Julie sends love, by the way. 

Carl: ...............

Andy: Yes, yes, we have. Julie picked them up today. They're good. I didn't realize we'd taken so many of us all.

Carl: ..... ..........

Andy: Yes, the sunset. It's a good one. All of us together on Bob and Marcia's balcony with the mountains and the snow in the background. Brings back memories, doesn't it?

Carl: ...............

Andy: Yes, I know. I'm sorry. At least it happened at the end; it could have been the first day. You only missed the last two days.

 Carl: ...............

Andy: Yeah, and it was noisy too! We didn’t have any views of the mountains. Yeah, we’ve written. We emailed the manager yesterday, but I don’t know if get any money back.

Carl: ...............

Andy: Yeah. The airline found it and put it on the next flight. Marcia was very relieved.

Carl: ...............

Andy: - Absolutely. It was a great holiday. Some ups and downs, but we all had a great time, didn’t we? Shall we go again next year?

Carl: ...............

Andy: Great! It's a date. Next time look out for the trees! 
I'll call you again soon, Carl. Take care!

Carl: ...............

Andy: Bye!

 After-reading activity

  • Answer the question:
  1.               Who is talking over the phone?
  2.               What are they talking about?
  3.               What has happened to Carl?

2.2. Активізація граматичного матеріалу.

Well, today we are going to revise the material about modal infinitive constructions. You should use them while answering the questions of the next task.

Модальні інфінітивні конструкції використовуються для вираження припущення або впевненості у чомусь.

Must – виражає 100 % впевненість;

May / could – можливість якоїсь дії;

Might – малоймовірність дії;

Can’t – не можливість якоїсь дії.

And now read the questions. Tick () the sentence you think is possible.

1. What is the relationship between Andy and Carl? 
a. They must be friends. 
b. They could be father and son. 
c. They could be business colleagues. 

2. Where have they been? 
a. They must have been on skiing holiday. 
b. They can't have been somewhere sunny. 
c. They might have been to Switzerland. 

3. What happened to Carl? 
a. He must have broken his leg. 
b. He could have broken his arm. 
c. He can’t have come home early. 

4. How many people went on holiday? 
a. There must have been at least five. 
b. There might have been more than five. 
c. There must have been four. 

5. Where did they stay? 
a. They could have stayed on a campsite. 
b. They must have stayed in a hotel. 
c. They might have stayed with friends. 

6. What did they do on holiday? 
a. They must have taken a lot of photos. 
b. They could have been sunbathing. 
c. They can't have been skiing.

7. Why did Andy and Julie send an email to the manager? 
a. They could have written to thank him. 
b. They might have written to complain about their room. 
c. They might have written to book two rooms for the next time.

8. What did Marcia lose? 
a. It might have been her skis. 
b. It might have been her spirit. 
c. It could have been her suitcase. 

  • Use some of the ides in the sentences 1-8 to say what you think happened to Andy and Carl.

E.g. Andy and Carl must be friends and they could have been on holidays.

  • Listen to the full conversation between Andy and Carl. Which of the ideas were correct?
  • Discussion.
  1.               What are the relations between Andy and Carl? Are they true friends? (They are friends. They have close relations.)
  2.               Where have they been? (They have been in mountains.)
  3.               What has happened to Carl? (Carl has broken his legs.)
  4.               Does Andy take care of Carl? (Yes, he does. He has called him and asked about his state of health.)
  5.               Are their relations close? (Yes, they are because they spends holidays together.)
  6.               Do you have such kinds of relations with your friends?
  •                 Work in pairs.

Read and translate the proverbs about friendship. Say what of them describes relations between Andy and Carl. Discuss one of these proverbs in pairs.

  1.               “Books and friends should be few but good ” (English proverb)
  2.               “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” (Latin proverb)
  3.               “To have a friend, be a friend.” (Chinese proverb)
  4.               “We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends behave to us.” (Aristotle)
  5.               “Tell me your friends, and I will tell you who you are.” (Assyrian proverb)



III.  Заключна частина уроку.

3.1. Підведення підсумків уроку, виставлення оцінок.

So, today we’ve listened to the dialogue between two friends, we’ve discussed their relationship, spoken about your true friends. Besides, we’ve also revised grammar material about modal infinitive constructions. I hope this lesson was instructive and interesting for you. And now be ready to write down the hometask

3.2. Домашнє завдання: prepare a short report about your relations with friends.

And now I want to thank you for a good work at the lesson. You’ve worked very well today, so your marks are the next …




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