Урок на тему: "Проблеми екології"

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Урок має матеріал для розвитку навичок читання та аудіювання а тпкож опис різних проблем в екології.
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Topic: Environmental Problems


  • to enrich the basic vocabulary of the pupils;
  • to facilitate pupils’ free speaking by eliciting personal experience and knowledge;
  • to develop pupils’ skills in all-round discussion;
  • to develop pupils’ creative and critical thinking;
  • to develop pupils’ language skills

Equipment:  pupils’ book “We learn English”, (Alla Nesvit) for the 9th form


  1. Greeting. Aim

T: Good morning pupils! The topic of our lesson is “Environmental Problems”. Our planet is in danger. There exist a lot of problems connected with the pollution: water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution. The new factories are being built nowadays, the wastes are being thrown into the rivers, and the forests are being cut down, the natural habitats, where the animals live, are being destroyed. Today at the lesson we’ll discuss some of the problems and try to find the ways out.


T: To begin with comment on the quotation: “Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, we will realize that we can’t eat money”.

  1. Eliciting

T: Do you remember, we’ve already spoken about environment? Who can tell me what environment means?

P1: The environment means simply what is around us.

T: Right you are. And what is the natural environment?

P2: The natural environment comprises all living and non-living things that occur on Earth. The natural environment is contrasted with built environment, which comprises the areas and components that are strongly influenced by man.

T: Well, one of the greatest environmental concerns is pollution in its many forms, the changing of the climate, the destruction of the wildlife and countryside beauty, the shortage of natural resources.


T: Read the text and answer the questions

Environmental Problems

The problem of ecology is very important today, because we live in a polluted world. People all over the world discuss environmental protection, but they still continue to pollute air, water and soil.

Plants and factories are being built near the rivers and lakes. The water is full of the industrial wastes and this kills animals, insects and plants. There are several types of pollution: water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution.

Air pollution is caused by different means of transport in big cities. Our cities are full of smog because of heavy traffic. People notice that it is hard to breathe there. Cars, buses and planes are among the worst air polluters. Factories and plants also pollute air pouring harmful gases and smoke into the air and that causes lung diseases among people and does harm to our health. Acid rains that appear because of air pollution damage forests and soil.

  Water pollution is another dangerous kind of pollution. Factories and plants throw wastes into the rivers and lakes making them dirty. Animals die when they drink this water, people get sick when they swim in it and eat fish that live there.

Soil pollution stops plants from growing and makes people sick when they eat fruit and vegetables grown on the polluted soil. People also pollute soil by leaving litter on it. Forests are full of used bottles, wrappers and cans. Such litter can be found in the rivers and lakes too. Wild animals get sick and die because of this.

Every day we throw away a lot of litter. However, we can use it again, for example paper, cloth, glass, plastic, etc. Everybody must know the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We can reduce the usage of water and electricity. We shouldn’t leave the electric lights or TV on if we are not using them. We should reuse whatever we can, for example, plastic bags, paper, cans, glass and bottles.

It’s impossible to stop the technological process, close factories and plants. People need to invent new waste free technologies that will not do harm to nature. There are new inventions such as filters that make water and air clean. Some factories and plants have started using these machines already and this helps to prevent pollution. Special kinds of gasoline for cars can help to reduce air pollution. To protect our environment from toxic wastes we should use public transport, if possible.

There are some organizations that were created to protect our nature from pollution. The most famous organization is Greenpeace. It protects animals from dying out. There are special farms and organizations that help wild animals to survive.

We mustn’t ignore the problems of the environmental pollution and try to make everything possible to reduce if not stop it.

Answer the questions:

  • What are the main types of pollution?
  • Why do people have more health problems nowadays?
  • What is air pollution caused by?
  • Why is water pollution so dangerous?
  • What do you know about the soil pollution?
  • What problems does litter cause and why?
  • What can we reduce and reuse?

What are the possible problems solving?

  • to use bikes (public transport) rather than cars;
  • to use less chemicals in the gardens and at home;
  • to use less plastic package;
  • to clean  away the territory;
  • to put more waste bins,
  • to plant more trees, flowers.
  1. Work in pairs

T: Make up dialogues Ex. 6 p. 68.

  1. Listening Comprehension

T: Listen to the text and be ready to do the tests after that.


fluctuation - коливання

supplant  - витісняти

contentious - спірний

to engulf  - поглинати

to equalize - зрівнювати


In recent years scientists have noted that the average temperature of the earth has been increasing. The general conclusion is that men have been the cause of this global warming, primarily due to burning fossil fuel, and emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

It’s clear that, on average, global temperatures have been rising. What hasn’t been scientifically proved is that man is responsible for the increased temperatures.

Of course, the earth has always had gradual fluctuations in temperature. Illustrating this point, anecdotal evidences show: China had its coldest winter in 100 years, Baghdad saw a first snow in recorded history, and North America has the most snow cover in 50 years. (Wisconsin was the highest since record-keeping began.)  Antarctic sea ice is at record levels, and record cold temperatures are found in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina and Chile.

But now, the evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific facts. All major global temperature tracking agencies have released updated data, showing that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped dramatically… The cooling ranges from 0.65 0C up to 0.75 0C – a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years.  All in one year’s time! It’s the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down. This is interesting, but many will point out that a one year record does not make a trend.

Global warming (or is it global cooling?) has become a hugely contentious issue that has engulfed politics, science, the world economy and efforts to equalize business opportunities for developing nations.

Regardless of the temperature changes, we all need to take care of our planet.


T: Your task is to decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE

  1. Global warming is only a result of fossil fuel burning.
  2. Global warming is only a result of fossil fuel burning.
  3. The earth has always had unpredictable temperature changes.
  4. There is a scientific proof that global temperatures dropped last year.
  5. Scientists say that a one year investigation shows the general situation.
  6. It’s scientifically proved that man is responsible for the increased temperatures.
  7. Global warming has become an important issue for politics, science and the world economy.


T: Listen to the text again and choose the letter for the correct answer

  1. What changes have happened to the earth in recent years?

A There are too many carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.

B The average temperature on the earth was increasing.

C The average temperature of the earth has decreased.

D Now some areas of the earth can’t be used.

  1. What was the general conclusion about the cause of global warming?

A  It was fossil fuel burning

B It was carbon dioxide emissions.

C It was other greenhouse gas emissions.

D It was caused by several factors.

  1.   What anecdotal evidences on the earth are mentioned?

A China had its coldest winter in 150 years.

B The earth always had gradual fluctuations in temperature.

C Chile had its first snow in recorded history.

D North America had the most snow cover in 50 years.

  1.   What time period did major global temperature tracking agencies release updated data for?

A  During the last decade.

B  For the last 50 years

C  During a one year period

D  During the last 100 years.

  1.   What has global warming or cooling done to the world economy, politics, and science?

A  It has equalized business opportunities for developing nations.

B  It has given a better understanding of the issue.

C  It has given strategies for the development of nature.

D It has changed political and scientific ideas.

Answers: 1-F; 2-F; 3-T; 4-T; 5-F; 6-F; 7- T; 8- B; 9-D; 10-D; 11-C; 12-A.



Your home task is: prepare to speak about the place where you live, the problems you have and the possible ways out.





26 серпня 2019
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