Урок на тему: "Вплив мистецтва"

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Вивчаючи тему «Вплив мистецтва» учні мали можливість познайомитися з різними жанрами та видами мистецтва, відвідати уявну картинну галерею.
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Клас: 11

Topic: The Influence of Art   

Шаляпіна Ольга Григорівна вчитель англійської мови Козелецької гімназії №1 


  • to enrich the basic vocabulary of the pupils;
  • to facilitate pupils’ free speaking by eliciting personal experience and knowledge;
  • to develop pupils’ skills in all-round discussion;
  • to develop pupils’ creative and critical thinking;


  1. Introduction
  1. Greeting. Aim

T: Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you after the weekend. I suppose you enjoyed it very much.  The topic of our lesson is “The influence of art”

We’ll speak about arts and its influence on our life, the role of arts in our life.

  1. Warming-up activity

T: The epigraph to our topic is the words of Longfellow

 “Art is long life is fleeting”  (Слайд 1)

How can you explain these words?

  1. Main part of the lesson
  1. Eliciting

T: To begin with, let’s revise: What is Art? (Слайд 2)

“Art” is the creation or expression of what is beautiful, especially in visual form.

What are the forms of art? (Слайд 3)


Fine Arts  Performing Arts  Literature  Applied Arts

T: Naturally, we can’t discuss all the forms of art and their influence on our life because we are short of time. We’ll speak only about fine arts, painting.

  1. Presentations 

T: Now you are to present the main forms of fine arts

P1 … (Presentation “Fine Arts”) (Слайди 4-10)

(Painting, drawing, graphic, sculpture, architecture, new media art)

T: What form of fine arts are you interested in particular?

Painting is one of the forms of the fine arts. What are the main genres of painting?

Listen to the presentation and be ready to tell what genre of painting you are                interested in.

P2… (Presentation “Painting”) (Слайди 11-22)

(Historical painting, battle painting, landscape painting, seascape painting, still-life, mural painting, portraiture, animal painting, icon painting, cityscape painting )

 P3 … (Presentation “Performing arts”) (Слайди 1-10)

Your home task was to prepare the description of a painting.

(Pupils describe 2 or 3 pictures of different genres.)

  1. Reading practice

Art plays an important role in our life as it makes us think about significant problems and things, happening around us. It excites human mind and does not leave us indifferent. All kinds of art enrich our inner world and give us new knowledge about surrounding world. In works of art we see the author`s point of view on some situations or generalized knowledge of the creator, expressed with the help of artistic images. We can agree or disagree with the author`s opinion because each person has his own vision of the world and there is no right or wrong opinion - so many men, so many minds. The influence of art on people is great. It can make us smile or cry, love or hate, be glad or be worried. Art is an imaginative reflection of reality, the main goal of which is interrelation of people with something wonderful, sensitive, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even unexplainable and contradictory. Naturally, cinema, painting, architecture and other kinds of art should arouse different emotions, feelings and thoughts in human soul and mind. The same work of art can stir up absolutely opposite feelings in people`s souls. For example, looking at the fresco "Last Judgment" by Michelangelo, the splendid and talented creator of the Renaissance era, in the Sistine Chapel, some people admire the beauty of conveyed images, other people think about the idea of world division into saints and sinners, someone thinks about the correlation between good and evil and this consequence of emotions and thoughts can be endlessly continued.

 I should say that irrespective of kind of art and its personal perception, it occupies a very important place in our life. Art is also an essential part of life and it has a direct influence on us.

Post –reading activity:

T: Now, let’s discuss the influence of fine arts.

  1. Are you interested in any kind of fine arts? Which of them is close to you?
  2. Painting and sculpture are fine arts. Which of them do you think is more           exciting for you?
  3. Which of the two genres – portrait or landscape painting – attracts you more?
  4. What world-famous artists do you know?
  5. What important picture galleries and art museums do you know?
  6. What art galleries would you like to visit?
  7. What is the influence of art?

P1…, P2…, P3…

  1. Work in pairs

T: In pairs speak on the statements. Highlight the following points about                          each of them: What does it mean? Do you agree? Why?

  1. Art forms our outlook and enriches our inner world.
  2. Art has a great educational significance.
  3. Art brings people up – makes them more humane and kind.
  4. The language of art is universal. 


  1. Summing up








26 серпня 2019
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