Урок на тему: "That's a robot".

Про матеріал
Використання вказівного займенника "That", введення нової лексики на тему: "Toys"
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Wednesday, the fourth of November

curriculum topic

Leisure time (toys for walking)

lesson topic

That’s a robot.


- to improve skills of using the vocabulary in speech

- to improve skills of using grammatical knowledge;

- to spread pupils’ knowledge on the topic;

- motivate pupils to study English;

- to develop skills of work in pairs, memory, skills of comparison;


By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to: 

  • name some toys;
  • ask and answer about toys;



Place in the syllabus

Lesson 26


the CD disk, flashcards ‘How are you?’, ‘Toys’, ‘Animals’, phonetic cards, some toys and balloons, a magic bag, ‘Bingo’ - cards, the video ‘What’s this? What’s that?’,  the  loto ‘Animals’, 15 stickers;



timing (minutes)

stage aim

teacher activity

learner activity











































(розкласти перед учнями картки)


T: Good morning, dear pupils! I am glad to see you in a good mood. Before we start let’s remeber  our song “My name is Trumpet”.


(song “My name is Trumpet”)

T:  As you see, there is a card on the table. Please, turn over it and try to answer:  How are you? However, don’t forget to catch this ball.

(“How are you?”)


T: Glad to hear that, and now let’s review some letters and words from the previous lessons. You need to spell the word by saying the letters. For example, “cat” - c - a - t.


T: Thanks a lot. Let’s check the homework. I invite ____  to read aloud an exercise  № 10.

(“Phonetic reading”)

T: Open, please, your copy - book and write down some words and try to guess what does it mean. Але будьте уважні,  адже я диктуватиму слово починаючи з останньої букви. Наприклад, e-l-p-p-a “apple”










Учні  виконують пісню.






P1: I am great..

P2: I am hungry.

P3: I am crazy.

Р4: I am sleepy.







Учні вимовляють слова по буквам.









Учні  записують слова.








Учні починають читати вправи.


















     Pre - speaking                stage


 T: Please, close your copy - book.  Now we shall do some group work and repeat: What’s this? What’re they? I want to give you some words and you need to put them in the correct order. For example: What’s this? It’s a nut. What are they? They are plums.


T:  But, before we start, I want to divide you into three groups. As a result, you are group № 1, you are group № 2 and you are group № 3. So, are you ready?

(“Make a sentence”)





  1.           What’s this? It’s a button.
  2.           What are they? They are tigers.
  3.           What’s this? It’s a pencil.
  4.           What’s this? It’s a banana.




















































T:  Children, it was great. Well, open your book at page 30. Tell me, what the theme of our lesson is.













Р4: Toys.


Учні відповідають на запитання.








    Present the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards and the presentation.

T: That’s right. Children, have a look. What’s this? It’s a magic bag. There are many toys. Let’s learn new words. Repeat after me: a robot; a cake; a present; a watch; a car; a soft toy, a balloon;


Р1: A robot;

Р2: A birthday;

Р3: A cake;

Р4: A present;

Р5: A watch;

Р6: A teddy;

Р7: A bear;

Р8: A plane;

Р9: A car.











 While - speaking stage

T: When we give a present to someone  - it’s called  …… a birthday;






T: And now repeat each word.


‘Track №46’



Учні слухають аудіозапис.




T: Look at the story and tell me:

What is special about this story?

What presents have the animals brought for Sally?


T: And now, listen to the story and follow the story in the book with your fingers.


Учні відповідають на запитання.









To check understanding and to engage the children

T: Can you tell me:

Is Sally surprised?

Does she like the card, the watch, the pen? Does she like robot?

What do you think the robot can do?

Учні відповідають на запитання.



‘Story time’

T: And now, let’s try to find and circle all the new words. You have got a time limit - 1 min.





T: Now, listen the story again and when you hear a new word from the board to shout ‘Stop’.

‘Story time’ - listen again




T: Start to do exercise №1. Point to Sally’s dialogue. This’s my watch.

                    ‘exercise №1’





          ‘Game ‘Happy Birthday!’





                  ‘Bingo’ - cards





T: And look at page 31 ‘Learn with Tag’.

‘This is a …..’ Dear children, we use ‘this is..’ to talk about things near us.

This is a banana.

This a pen.

This is rubber.

‘That is’ to talk about things away from us.

That is a TV set.

That is a window.

That is a door.

That is a desk.






T: Read the example sentences in the Learn with Tag.  _______, please start to read.

(знайомство з правилами)

T:  Look here! And start to sing this song.

Video: ‘What’s this? What’s that?






T:    Let’s start to do exercise №2 page 31 Students book;

(exercise № 2)

T:    In conclusion, let’s play loto with you. You get a card and you should point and tell me: this is a …. that is a ….

(loto ‘Animals’)






That’s all for today. I am very pleased with you. You get a sticker for good job. The bell has gone. Thank you for attention. See you.




So your home task: Exercise № 1 № 2 page 18-19;



Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
26 грудня 2020
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