Урок засвоєння знань з теми "An apple a day. English meals. Countables and uncountables nouns. День яблука. Англійська їжа. Злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники."

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Урок засвоєння знань з теми "An apple a day. English meals. Countables and uncountables nouns. День яблука. Англійська їжа. Злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники."
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Date: 17.12.2018 y

Class: 5

Theme: An apple a day. English meals. Countables and uncountables nouns.

День яблука. Англійська їжа. Злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники.


Aim: - To revise vocabulary on the topic: “An apple a day. English meals.”

  • To motivate the pupils in expressing their own opinion and views on the topic/
  • Practice using the words on topic “An apple a day. English meals. Countable and uncountable nouns.”
  • Improve your speaking, listening, grammar and reading skills.
  • To develop pupil`s memory, logical thinking, quick reaction.
  • To develop interesting skill how celebrate feast “An apple a day” and the culture of healthy way of life, taking care (of healthy way of life) of their health and eating useful food.

Equipment: copies for individual cards, signal cards countable and uncountable nouns, a set of posters, pupil`s book and work-copybook, presentation about the theme: “An apple a day”, video-song “I wake up”.



  1. Preliminaries of the lesson.

Greeting. Привітання.

T: I wake up in the morning!

    Dinner of the day.

    Hello, hello! Good-morning!

    What`s a lovely winter day.

P-s: I wake up in the morning!

       Dinner of the day.

       Hello, hello! Good-morning, teacher!

       What`s a lovely winter day.

  1. Warming  up.

(Діти під пісню “I wake up in the morning” показують як добираються до школи)

What in the weather like today?

What day and date is it now?

What season is it?

What is your favourite season?

Children, do you like to eat apples?

  1. The Main Part of the lesson.
  1. Aim and practical skills.

T: Today we are going to revise our topic: “An apple a day. English meals. Countables and uncountables nouns. ”

We`ll know how Englishmen celebrate this holiday, mini-groups tell us about their project “Apple  day”.

We`ll practice using the words from the theme, improve your speaking, listening, grammar and reading skills. Also we will play game “Snake” and listen and act out the dialogue “Eat well feel well”.

So, let`s start our lesson.

T: Children, yes, you are welcome to Great Britain for Apples Day! Listen to the poem “The apples” (Вчитель показує яблуко і розповідає вірш “The apples”

T:      Poem   “The apples”

Apples juicy, apple round

On the tree or on the ground.

Apple yellow, apple red.

Apple pie and juice and bread!

Apples crunchy, apples sweet

Apples are so good to eat!

T: Englishmen celebrate this holiday An apple a day on the 21st of October. What is Apple Day?

Apple Day is healthy day, but is it the day to recognize the wealth and variety of apples in the United Kingdom. The proverb says:

Це означає «Їжте яблуко щодня і лікар вам буде не потрібен»

T: Now mini groups tell us the project work about the theme : An Apple day.

Project work

(Діти з масками яблука виходять і презентують свою проектну роботу, розповідаючи про день яблука)

P 1: It is annual celebration of apples and orchards which is held on October 21 or on the nearest Saturday and Sunday.

P 2: For the first time the day was started in 1990 by Common Ground in Covent Garden.

P 3:  The idea of the holiday deals with An Apple as a symbol of physical, cultural and genetic variety! And people shouldn`t  forget about this fact Do you remember that “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”?

P 4:  Apples are the central part of British culture. They are often the first fruit they choose for their snack.

P 5:  Apple Day in the way of celebrating and displaying the variety and richness of your orchards.

P 6:  But the most popular entertainment is the longest Peel Competition.

P 7:  Apple Day is a merry, kind and generous holiday.

I: It is interesting to know that Guinness World Record of apple peel is 52.51 m long! It was made by Kathy Walfer on October 16, 1976. She had been peeling the apple for 11 hours 30 minutes!

But the record of Apple Day celebrations in once!

  1. Vocabulary skills and practice.

T: Open the book page number 98 Exercise 1. by O. Karpyuk.

Match words with the pictures. One pupil go to the blackboard and do it. Read the words and match with the pictures.

  1. Carrot – 3;
  2. Tomato – 5;
  3. Peas – 1;
  4. – 7;
  5. Strawberry – 8;
  6. Pear – 2;
  7. Watermelon – 9;
  8. Cabbage – 4;
  9. Cherry – 6

T: Look at the monitor and say : What healthy food can you see on this card.

Take the card №1

  We must colour the foods that are healthy, put an X on the foods that are not healthy, circle your favourite fruit. On the right corner of the card №1. We must write name; surname; class.

All right. Do you remember our poem “Yellow butter, purple jelly”?

Repeat after me. All together.  (Children read the poem above the monitor presentation)


T: No we play game “Snake” with you. Find the words

Task 2. Grammar practice.

T: Take the card №2

We must read the word and say about what are the words countables or uncountables nouns?  (Злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники. Давайте пригадаємо правило про злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники)

T: Приготуйте свої сигнальні картки. Я буду показувати малюнки з теми: “Food” , а ви показувати злічу вальний цей іменник чи ні.  (Робота з сигнальними картками.)

Task 2. Read and match. З’єднати слова з малюнками.

  1. Читання слів хором
  2. Читання з перекладом
  3. З’єднання з малюнками

Слова: Bread, buns, butter, cake, cheese, chips, egg, hamburger, ice cream, sausages.

  1. Робота за підручником

Open the book page number 98-99 by O. Karpyuk 5 form.

Ex.2, p.98. Look at the pictures for two minutes. Shut the book and name all the things you remember.

Ex.3, p.99.Guess the riddles Keys:


1 – c) cherry

2 – d) pear


3 – a) strawberry

4 – b) watermelon


1 – b) tomato

2 – c) peas


3 – d) spinach

4 – a) carrot

T: Children? Now we can see the dialogue Ex.1, p.100 a) “Eat well – feel well” (Діти показують сценку про лікаря)

T: Вчитель пригадує всі приказки про здоров’я

“Heath is Wealth”

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise)”

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away”

T: - Давайте пригадаємо правило про неозначені артиклі а (an) та написання займенника some.

  1. Practical skill from grammar

          Task 3. Match the words with the pictures then complete the blanks with “a” “an” “some”

  1. Task 4. Ex.1. Робота за друкованим зошитом.

Use the words from the box to complete the table.

[A tomato, cheese, a carrot, a cherry, a pear, a cabbage, jam, butter , a strawberry, honey , an apple, a potato.]


 a pear

a strawberry

an apple

a cherry


a tomato

a carrot

a cabbage

a potato

Other food:





    Card №5

Food words spelling quiz

Choose the correct spelling of the word that matches the picture. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided.

T: Answer the questions.

  • Do you eat healthy food?
  • What do you like to eat?
  • Now we`re reading the dialogue and complete the sentences.

Ex.2, p.101.(усно)

  1. Lemons, oranges, apples, pears are rich in vitamins.
  2. There are vitamins in fruit, and brown bread.
  3. Vitamins are important for our eyes, our skin and our health.
  4. We can find minerals in milk, cheese, eggs and in vegetables.
  5. Minerals are important for our teeth and our bones.
  6. Breakfast is the most important meal.
  7. Don`t eat crisps and peanuts between your meals.
  8. You must drink at least five glasses of water every day.
  1. Reading practical skills

p.101 English 5 by O.Karpyuk.

Read to find out what Englishmen eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Now we “can see the video about” English meal and say “What dishes do the  Englishmen eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?


Ex.4, p.101.( читати)

Ex.5, p.102.(письмово.) Поставити “True” or “False” (правда чи неправда)

Спочатку прочитайте текст. “English meals” та речення після тексту.


  1. Summary.Підсумок уроку.

T: Well, pupils you worked well today. I hope now you can give advice for people it they are ill and you`ll have healthy way of life.

T: Your homework is preparing for the test. Goodbye. You are free. Many pupils get good mark (Вчитель оголошує оцінки)









































































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