Урок на тему: '' The weather"

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Topic : “The Weather”

5th Form

Aims:  to introduce and practice the new vocabulary; to give freer practice of a language point; to develop reading, writing and speaking skills; to create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to use the new vocabulary in    a real life, to describe the weather, to speak about their activities in a different weather.

References: websites - edufuture.biz; litrasoch.ru.


Ⅰ. Greeting. Warming up. (5 minutes)

Teacher: Good morning, my dear children! How are you today?

Pupil 1: I am good! How are you today?

Pupil 2: I am fine. And you?

Teacher: What’s the weather like today?

Pupil 3: It is cold. What’s the weather like today?

Pupil 4: It is not sunny.

(The Pupils ask each other and give the answers about their feelings and the weather)

Ⅱ. Presentation (10 minutes)

Teacher: Thank you for your answers and now I will give you a text. You should read it and think of a title. When you finish, you will understand the topic of our lesson.

(The pupils start reading the text without a title.)

  There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each of them lasts three months. Winter is a cold season. It often snows. The rivers are frozen.               The days are short, the sky is grey. Then spring comes. The snow begins melting. The birds return from the South and build their nests.

Spring is followed by summer. The weather is warm and sometimes it’s very hot. The sky is blue. But sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. People spend much time in the open air.

Autumn comes in September. The weather is still warm, but in November it gets colder and colder. There is much rain and fog. Nature slowly falls asleep for winter.

Teacher: So, you have just read this text. And now tell me please what title will be correct for this text?

Pupil 3: Four seasons.

Pupil 4: The nature.

Pupil 5: The weather.

Teacher: That is right, all your answers are correct. The topic of our lesson is THE WEATHER.

 Ⅲ. Practice (25 minutes)

Teacher: And now work in pairs and make a dialogue about four seasons and the weather.

Pupil 6: How many seasons do you know?

Pupil 7: There are 4 seasons in the year.

Pupil 6: What is your favourite season and why?

Pupil 7: My favourite season is summer, because it is hot in summer and I can go swimming every day. And what is your favourite season?

Pupil 6: My favourite one is winter, because I can ski in winter.

Teacher: Good. All your dialogues are great.  You know much about the weather. Let’s do the first exercise and match the weather words to a picture.

(The pupils do matching)


Teacher: And now your task is to make correct sentences about the weather. I give you some handouts and you should make the sentences.

(The pupils build sentences about the weather)



When the weather is







Fly a kite


Watches TV


Makes a snowman


Go to the park


Wears warm clothes


Teacher: Well done. What grammar tense do you use speaking about the weather?

Pupil 8: Present Simple.

Teacher: That’s right. We use Present Simple when we speak about general facts and routine. In present simple, the verb changes only in third person singular (he, she, it), where it gets the endings -s, -es.

Teacher: And now let’s practice this grammar tense. Do the next exercise and put the verbs in the correct Simple Present form.

(The pupils do the exercise, then read their sentences and check)

  1. Anne (like) ____________ raining.
  2. I (read)________ an interesting book, when the weather is bad.
  3. She (ride)_____________the horse, when it is sunny.
  4. The children (fly) __________ a kite, when it’s windy.
  5. Anne usually (listen) __________ to music, when it snows

Teacher: Well done. Your next task is to match the weather to the seasons


Ⅳ. Summing – up (5 minutes)

Teacher: Good job. Thank you for the lesson and your fruitful work. Now you can describe the weather and your activities in a different weather. Was this lesson useful for you? What did you learn during this lesson?

Pupil 9: We learnt how to describe the weather.

Pupil 10: We reviewed the present simple tense.

Teacher: Do you have any questions? Is everything clear?

Pupils: No questions. 

Teacher: Your homework will be to write a story what you do in a different weather. Thank you for the lesson. I hope it was interesting for you. Good-bye. Have a nice day and see you tomorrow.

Pupils: Good-bye teacher.


19 березня 2020
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