урок на тему:Traveling and Business Trip"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку особливо стане в нагоді тим викладачам, які викладають бізнес-англіййську в коледжах або для креативних вчителів, які хочуть зробити свої уроки незвичайними та надцікавими. Урок побудований у формі віртуальної подорожі та спрямований на удосконалення усіх навичок комунікативної компетенції.
Перегляд файлу


Тема заняття: Traveling and Business Trips.


Мета: Узагальнити вивчене за семестр. Удосконалити навички діалогічного,         монологічного мовлення, лексичні та граматичні навички. Розвивати пам'ять, увагу, кмітливість, творчі здібності. Виховувати позитивне ставлення до майбутньої професії, професійні якості майбутнього працівника в фінансовій сфері, повагу один до одного, бажання вивчати англійську мову. Розширювати кругозір студентів та поглиблювати їх знання  за допомогою підібраних нетрадиційних форм і методів навчання, застосованих на занятті.

Обладнання:мультимедія, комп’ютер, роздатковий матеріал, аудіо-відео матеріали, кросворд.

Тип заняття: узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.

Заняття – подорож.


I. Організація початку заняття

  1. Привітання

Good afternoon, students!

How are today?

-         Today we have some guests at our lesson. Say them ‘’good afternoon”

Don’t worry! Let’s work!

  1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

What is the day today?

What is the weather like today?

And what about yesterday’s weather?

-         Spring weather is lovely. Such weather is so beautiful for travelling, isn’t it?

  1.  Повідомлення теми і мети

That’s why the topic of our lesson is Travelling and Business Trips.

During the lesson we:

-         Revise the words;

-         Make up and dramatize dialogues;

-         Play games;

-         Do interview;

-         Watch video;

-         Read and translate the text;

-         Do different exercises and so on.

  1.  Мотивація навчальної діяльності

-         I hope you’ll work hard and get good marks. I hope you are ready to start our Business Trip!

-         And now, answer the question: Is English language important for Business Trip? Why?

  1. Основна частина
  1.      Робота з листом

-         So, students, I have the magic envelope in my hands. You can find the letter-invitation for you here. 

  1.   постановка запитання перед читанням

-         Before reading I would like to ask you a question because after  reading your task will be answer the question: What is this letter about?

  1.   читання листа вчителем

   Dear Business Beginner, you are the winner of our competition. We are glad to say that “Gold Age Corporation” sends you the invitation on the Second Large Conference for the Business Beginners. You have shown good results in Marketing Investigations. That’s why you have a good opportunity to get some experience, practice in your own field and check your skills. 

   We hope you’ll take our offer

   English is necessary.

   Our seminar will held on May, 22.

                                                                                                    “Gold Age Corporation”

And now answer the question: What is this letter about?

  1.      проведення лексичної гри

-         Before our travelling you must pick up your suitcase. Choose 5 most essential things which you’ll take with you on your business Trip.










  1.      проведення бесіди за запитаннями

-         OK. We’ve picked up our suitcase and now we must choose the kind of transportation.

-         What kinds of transportation do you remember?

-         What kind of traveling would you like to choose for the Business Trip? Explain your choice.

  1.      робота в зошитах

-         So, open your copy books, write down today’s date.

The first variant writes about advantages of traveling by plain.

The second variant writes disadvantages of traveling by air. I’ll give you 3 minutes.


II.Удосконалення навичок діалогічного мовлення

  1. драматизація діалогу

-         Imagine, we are at the airport and we are buying the tickets. Lets watch. Your follow students have prepared the dialogue for you.


  1. повторення лексики(фронтальне опитування)

-         Our plane has just arrived to London. We must pass the Customs Control.  And we need phrases on the topic ‘’Custom Control’:

Translate them.

  1. робота в групах:

And now you have to work in groups.

You task is: to make the dialogue using the questions;

-         May I see your passport, please?

-         What is the purpose of your visit?

-         Where are you coming from?

-         How long are you planning to stay?

-         Where will you be staying?

-         Do you have anything to declare?

Other students make the dialogue matching the phrases: I’ll give you mark s later.

-         Good morning, sir!

-         Good morning. Welcome to Britain. May I see your documents?

-         Here is my passport.

-         Where are you from?

-         I am from Ukraine.

-         What is the purpose of your visit?

-         I am going on Business Trip.

-         Have you anything to declare?

-         No. I have nothing to declare.

-         Enjoy your staying!




-         Here is my passport.

-         Good morning, sir!

-         Enjoy your staying!

-         Good morning. Welcome to Britain. May I see your documents?

-         Have you anything to declare?

-         I am going on Business Trip.

-         No. I have nothing to declare.

-         Where are you from?

-         I am from Ukraine.

-         What is the purpose of your visit?


III.Удосконалення навичок аудіювання

  1. Перегляд відеоролика

And now where are we going? Yes, we are going to the Hotel. Let’s watch the situation at the hotel. We’ll watch video twice. Your task is: to fill in the gaps.

-         It’s your key. You have room ten on the first floor. Yes, I love your beautiful view however.  Shell I get something from your bags.

-         No, thank you I can`t

-         Reception.

-         Yes, hello. This is Paula Corvety in room ten. I am afraid there aren’t any towels in the bath room.

-         I am terrible sorry. I’ll bring you some towels.

-         Come in.

-         Here are your towels. I do apologize our chamber-maid forgot to leave it.

-         It`s doesn`t matter, really. Don`t worry.

-         Anything else. Ok.

-         Yes, it`s fine.

-         We`ll  help you enjoying your stay.

-         Thank you.


-         Good afternoon Paul Pell.

-         Could I speak to David Evance, please?

-         Just a moment, please.

-         Hello, David Evance here.

-         Hi, it`s me.

-         Hi, you are right there.

-         Yes. I`ve checked a few minutes ago.

-         What`s the hotel like.

-         It`s only sea front. It`s quite small, very clean and comfortable. I have a wonderful view in my window. It`s a beautiful village, David. It`s very peaceful and quite.


-         It’s your ____. You have room _____on the first floor. Yes, I love your beautiful view however.  Shell I____ something from your bags.

-         No__________ you I can …

-         ______________.

-         Yes,_______. This is Paula Corvety in____________. I am ________there aren’t any __________in the ________room.

-         I am terrible                        . I’ll bring you some_______________.

-         ______________________.

-         Here are______________. I do apologize our __________________forgot to leave it.

-         It`s doesn`t matter,___________. Don`t ___________.

-         Anything _________. Ok.

-         Yes, it`s ________.

-         We`ll help you ____________your stay.

-         _____________ you.


-         _______________Paul Pell.

-         Could I _____________to David Evance, please?

-         Just ________________, please.

-         _________, David Evance here.

-         Hi, it`s _____.

-         Hi, you are ______t there.

-         Yes. I`ve _________ a few minutes ago.

-         What`s the _________ like.

-         It`s only sea front. It`s quite _______, very clean and_______________. I have a wonderful ______in my window. It`s a beautiful___________, David. It`s very peaceful and _______.



  1. Перевірка заповнення
  2.  Виконання вправи

-         We have watched video about Paula Convety.  She is a businesswoman. She is my friend. And I know that she work very hard.  She is too clever.

-         How do you think, what are the main features of the future businessman or woman? Let’s revise them.



IV.Хвилинка відпочинку!

-         Dear students, we have worked very hard as Paula Corvety. But now she is having a rest. And I propose you to have a rest too. Did you like my idea? Enjoy the song, please.

 - A lovely song, isn’t it?

V.Удосконалення навичок читання

  1. Читання тексту

-         But we must continue our lesson.  Now find the text “At the Company”, please. Your home work was: to read and translate the text.  Let’s read and answer the question: What is the Company?

  1. Проведення бесіди за запитаннями

What is the Company?

How does the company operate?

What are the kinds of companies?

  1. Виконання вправи за прочитаним:

Continue the sentences and translate them:

  1. An incorporated company is …
  2. An unlimited company …
  3. A join-stock company …
  4. A public limited company …

VI. Заключна частина

  1. Інтерв’ю гостей

 We have learned something about Company. Can you give the interview to the correspondent of BBC Chanel?

  -  I want to ask some questions to our Business Beginners. I’m Ann Edison. I’m a correspondent of BBC Chanel. Now I’m at the Conference which is devoted to the Start in own business?

Do you have the opportunity to travel a lot?

What vacation would you like to have in the company?

Name the most important things for the business.

Would you like to change your job and become a Business lady?

  1.     Перегляд презентацій


  1.     Оцінювання студентів

-         Today your marks are…

-         Your mark is … because …

  VII. Підведення підсумків заняття


  1. Розгадування кросворду

-         Our lesson is going to the end but we have some minutes for the crossword. Please, do it and name the main word.








































































1 What document should you fill at the customs control in?

2 Where can you stay when you travel on Business?

3The corporate enterprise is…

4 The heard of all firm is…

5 Travelling by sea is named…

KEYs: 1.declaration, 2.hotel, 3.company, 4.chairman, 5.voyage. 


  1. Привітання гостей

And what is the main word of the crossword?

   ROMNY…  Our Business Trip is letting out. But staying of our guests in Romny is continuing. Romny is one of the ancient towns in Ukraine. There are many legends about its foundation. And the most beautiful of them is a legend about the flower.  We believe that our town has got its name from the white ox-eye flower.

    Dear guests, take these handmade presents as symbols of purity, tenderness and peace. With great love to you! We, the students of Romny Professional College of Sumy National Agrarian University.

  1. Домашнє завдання

-         Your homework will be; to make projects on the topic “My future education and business”.  Dear students, thank you for the lesson. Say good bye to our guests. You are free.


















-          It’s your ____. You have room _____on the first floor. Yes, I love your beautiful view however.  Shell I____ something from your bags.

-          No__________ you I can …

-          ______________.

-          Yes,_______. This is Paula Corvety in____________. I am ________there aren’t any __________in the ________room.

-          I am terrible                        . I’ll bring you some_______________.

-          ______________________.

-          Here are______________. I do apologize our __________________forgot to leave it.

-          It`s doesn`t matter,___________. Don`t ___________.

-          Anything _________. Ok.

-          Yes, it`s ________.

-          We`ll help you ____________your stay.

-          _____________ you.


-          _______________Paul Pell.

-          Could I _____________to David Evance, please?

-          Just ________________, please.

-          _________, David Evance here.

-          Hi, it`s _____.

-          Hi, you are ______t there.

-          Yes. I`ve _________ a few minutes ago.

-          What`s the _________ like.

-          It`s only sea front. It`s quite _______, very clean and_______________. I have a wonderful ______in my window. It`s a beautiful___________, David. It`s very peaceful and _______.




-          It’s your ____. You have room _____on the first floor. Yes, I love your beautiful view however.  Shell I____ something from your bags.

-          No__________ you I can …

-          ______________.

-          Yes,_______. This is Paula Corvety in____________. I am ________there aren’t any __________in the ________room.

-          I am terrible                        . I’ll bring you some_______________.

-          ______________________.

-          Here are______________. I do apologize our __________________forgot to leave it.

-          It`s doesn`t matter,___________. Don`t ___________.

-          Anything _________. Ok.

-          Yes, it`s ________.

-          We`ll help you ____________your stay.

-          _____________ you.


-          _______________Paul Pell.

-          Could I _____________to David Evance, please?

-          Just ________________, please.

-          _________, David Evance here.

-          Hi, it`s _____.

-          Hi, you are ______t there.

-          Yes. I`ve _________ a few minutes ago.

-          What`s the _________ like.

-          It`s only sea front. It`s quite _______, very clean and_______________. I have a wonderful ______in my window. It`s a beautiful___________, David. It`s very peaceful and _______.


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