Урок на тему: "What's free time"

Про матеріал
Цілями даного уроку є: • ознайомити учнів із граматичною структурою PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE, • ввести письмове і усне мовлення розповідні форми цього граматичного часу, • ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, • активізувати раніше вивчену лексику, формувати навички роботи в парах; • виховувати в учнів почуття поваги до іншомовної країни; • стимулювати інтереси учнів, розвиваючи бажання практично використовувати іноземну мову;
Перегляд файлу


  • ознайомити учнів із граматичною структурою PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE,
  • ввести письмове і усне мовлення розповідні форми цього граматичного часу,
  • ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями,
  • активізувати раніше вивчену лексику, формувати навички роботи в парах;
  • виховувати в учнів почуття поваги до іншомовної країни;
  • стимулювати інтереси учнів, розвиваючи бажання практично використовувати іноземну мову;

Очікувані результати:

  • описує свої вихідні;
  • ділиться враженнями.

Обладнання: аудіо матеріал (New Headway - Elementary), роздатковий матеріал, зошит, плакат «PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE», зошит.

 Тип уроку: комбінований
































Хід уроку:

І. Організація класу. Привітання.

Teacher: Good morning children! Who is on duty today?

Pupil: (answer)

Teacher: What year is it?

Pupil: (answer)

Teacher:What month is it?

Pupil: (answer)

Teacher: What day is it today?

Pupil: (answer)

ІІ. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу:

Мовленнєва розминка:

Teacher: Say the days of the week.

Pupils: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Teacher: Which days are the weekend?

Pupils: Saturday, Sunday

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку:

  1.           Перевірка д/з
  2.           Сприймання на слух та вимова (Додаток 1)

Tick the sentences you hear and read them. (T 4.4)


  •            What does she do on Sundays?
  •            What does he do on Sundays?


  •            Do you stay home on Tuesday evenings?
  •            Do you stay home at Thursday evenings?


  •            He lives here.
  •            He leaves here.


  •            Where do you go on Saturday evenings?
  •            What do you do on Saturdays evenings?


  •            I read a lot.
  •            I eat a lot.


  •            Why do you like your job?
  •            Why don’t you like your job?




  1.           Робота з текстом – читання, виконання інтерактивних вправ

(Вправа на інтерактивній дошці)


  1. Complete the text with the verbs:


gets up, lives, is, loves, works, doesn’t work, interviews, starts


Bobbi’s weekends

Bobbi Brown______in New Jersy. She______thirty-four  and _____for SKY TV in New York City.

But she_______on weekdays,she only works at weekends. She______ famous people for an early morning news programme called The World This Weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays she ______ at 3.00 in the morning because she _____ work at 6.30.



  1.  Put the sentences in the correct order: (Додаток 2)

But she doesn’t work on weekdays,she only works at weekends. She interviews famous people for an early morning news programme called The World This Weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays she gets up at 3.00 in the morning because she starts work at 6.30.



She loves her job because it is exciting.



Bobbi Brown lives in New Jersy. She is thirty-four  and works for SKY TV in New York City.


  1.           Граматика
  1. Complete the table for the Present Simple Tense: (Додаток 3)







don’t work
















  1. Make the questions. Then match the questions and answers: (впр. на інтерактивній дошці)



1.What time

do you like your job?

  1. My mother and sisters.

2. Where

do you travel to school?

  1. To Spain or Portugal


do you go on holiday?

  1. After dinner.


do you go to bed?

  1. At 11 o’clock


you go out on Friday evenings?

  1. I always relax.


do you live with?

  1. Because it’s interesting


do you do on Sundays?

  1. By bus.


do you do your homework?

  1. Yes, I do sometimes





  1.           Сприймання на слух. Виконання вправ по прослуханому.

Listen and complete Bobbi’s answers. Practise the questions and answers.(T 4.2.)

(Додаток 4)

Where do you work?                                         ______New York.

Do you like your work?                                     Yes, I ______

Do you relax at weekends?                                 No, I ______

Why don’t you relax at weekends?                    _______I work.


  1.           Робота в парах. (Додаток 5)

One of you is Bobbi Brown. Ask and answer questions about your life.

  •             Where … you live?
  •             Are … married?
  •             Do … have children?
  •             What time … get up / Saturday morning/ Monday morning?
  •             Why … get up at…? Because I…
  •               like your work?
  •             Why …. Like it? Because it …
  •             … like cooking?
  •               your husband like cooking?
  •             Who … you visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
  •             Where … your father live?
  •             … have a busy life?

IV. Домашнє завдання: Підготувати розповідь про свої вихідні.


V. Підбиття підсумків

Teacher: What words are the easiest for you from this lesson? What words are the most difficult for you from this lesson?

Pupils: (answer)





Додаток 1


  •            What does he do on Sundays?
  •            What does he do on Sundays?


  •            Do you stay home on Tuesday evenings?
  •            Do you stay home at Thursday evenings?


  •            He lives here.
  •            He leaves here.


  •            Where do you go on Saturday evenings?
  •            What do you do on Saturdays evenings?


  •            I read a lot.
  •            I eat a lot.


  •            Why do you like your job?
  •            Why don’t you like your job?

Додаток 2

But she doesn’t work on weekdays,she only works at weekends. She interviews famous people for an early morning news programme called The World This Weekend. On Saturdays and Sundays she gets up at 3.00 in the morning because she starts work at 6.30.


Bobbi Brown lives in New Jersy. She is thirty-four  and works for SKY TV in New York City.



She loves her job because it is exciting.



Додаток 3






don’t work
















Додаток 4


Where do you work?                                         ______New York.

Do you like your work?                                     Yes, I ______

Do you relax at weekends?                                 No, I ______

Why don’t you relax at weekends?                    _______I work.

Додаток 5

One of you is Bobbi Brown. Ask and answer questions about your life.

  •             Where … you live?
  •             Are … married?
  •             Do … have children?
  •             What time … get up / Saturday morning/ Monday morning?
  •             Why … get up at…? Because I…
  •               like your work?
  •             Why …. Like it? Because it …
  •             … like cooking?
  •               your husband like cooking?
  •             Who … you visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
  •             Where … your father live?
  •             … have a busy life?
















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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 березня 2018
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