урок на тему "Зимові канікули"

Про матеріал
Мета уроку: "Зимові канікули".: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання та читання; навчати учнів робити короткі повідомлення за темою уроку з опорою на ситуативне мовлення; розвивати вміння слухати співрозмовника, підтримувати бесіду, виховувати в учнів повагу до традицій свого народу. На уроці використовувалися різноманітні методи навчання. Використані словесні, наочні і практичні методи. Вони, в основному, відповідають меті уроку та віковим особливостям учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Тема : Зимові канікули

Мета: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць;

          удосконалювати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;

          продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання та читання;

навчати учнів робити короткі повідомлення за темою уроку з опорою           на ситуативне мовлення;

розвивати вміння слухати співрозмовника, підтримувати бесіду, виховувати в учнів повагу до традицій свого народу.

Обладнання: підручник, опорні картки, тематичні малюнки.


Хід уроку

І.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

  Greeting and aim.

Good morning children. Take your seats. Nice to see you. Children, look at the screen and try to guess what will we talk about today? Today we will have talk about winter holidays. You’ll learn and repeat some new words, phrases, speak and read about winter holidays. I think you’ll like this lesson. So let’s get started.

  1. Warming-up

Let’s revise some sounds. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me.

[t],   [w],   [r]

          climate, frosty, outside, clothes, slippery, tomorrow, winter, weather.

Whether the weather is good

Whether the weather is not

You have got to put up with the weather

Whether you like it or not.

  1. Мовленнєва зарядка

Let’s speak about seasons and weather. Answer the questions.

1.What season is it now?

2. Do you like winter? Why? Or why not?

3.What is the weather like today?

4. Is it typical winter weather?

II. Основна частина уроку

  1. Listening

Listen to the dialogue and try to understand it and act out the talk in the groups of three.

  1. Yesterday I got a letter from my friend Alice from England. It came very late. She is writing me about her winter holidays. Do you want to know how she usually spends her winter holidays? Now we’ll read Alice’s letter together and then be ready to answer my questions about her winter holidays. Are you ready?

a) Pre-reading.

b) Reading  the letter.

Dear friends from Ukraine,

I’m writing to you from snowy Finland. I want to tell you about my winter holidays. I hope you would like to know about it!

  Every year I go to Finland with my family for my winter holidays. It’s December now and the weather is cold here. The white snowflakes are falling to the ground and the snow is sparkling under the lanterns light. Every day we help people to decorate their city with tinsel, lights and bright lanterns for New Year festival. I also like shopping with my mum for New Year presents for our friends.

  Last three days of my holidays I usually spend on New Year festival. We sing and dance in a circle, going toboggan, make a snowman and play snowballs. But the most interesting part of the festival is a Parade. When Santa comes on 12-reindeers open-sleigh and brings presents for everyone. That’s why I’d like to visit Lapland where Santa lives.

  I’d like to know about your winter holidays. Where do you usually go? What do you usually do? Write me back as soon as you can!

       Best wishes,


And now tell me please: Where Alice usualle spends her winter holidays?

                                        What’s the weather like there?

                                        What Alice usually does there?

  1. Фізкультхвилинка.

Are you tired? Le’ts have a rest.

  1. You’ve known about Alice’s holidays.and now let’s talk about your winter holidays. What were you doing during the holidays?

Let’s draw a mind-map. Go to the blackboard one by one and write the words you know which associated with winter and holidays.


             Went to New Year parties      sang carols                 visited grandparents



Celebrated Christmas                                                              had a good time


Decorated New Year  tree                                                               went on a trip


Winter holidays


Read books                                                                            skated, skied, sledged


        Watched TV                                                       played snowballs


                   Helped about the house                    stayed at home

                                             Went out with friends



  1. Побудова речень.

And now make up sentences with these words and expressions. Be active and do it quickly.

  1. Speaking.

Монологічне мовлення. Робота в групах.

  I’d like to divide you into two groups. Each group will choose the task for discussion. Are you ready? Let’s start. Pronounce the words January, February one by one. The January team stand there. The February team stay here. Choose your task.

  1. New Year                        b) Christmas

Discuss the topic in group then one of you will tell us about it.

I give you five minutes.


III. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Домашнє завдання.

At home I want you to answer Alice’s letter. You should write about your winter holidays. Where do you usually go and what do you usually do?


  1. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Today we have refreshed the words on the topic “ Winter holidays”

made interesting sentences, stories, listened to the dialogue and act it out. You learnt to speak English. I think you were clever and smart. Your marks are……… The lesson is over, you are free and you may go.